How do you react when......

well, I would have let him be had I not almost had to dump my HOG. I almost became a part of his rear bumper real fast, had I not had prior riding experience. Trust me he needed that, and more and he was lucky I was alone and not with my crew, I ride with some real hardcore dudes. Would not have been a good evening for the punk. too bad, it was a nice car too, a bMW 335 I wonder why he wanted me to crack his beautiful windshield for?

Do you wear full gear?

I've known a couple of people who would have rolled down the window, grabbed you by the throat, and taken you for a run into traffic.

Personally, I try not to get into these kinds of situations, since I know that some people go off the deep end.

Also, how do you dump a hog? Do you mean fall off?
RedDogDarren approves the OP message.
Hey let's play pick on the Harley rider once again! If OP was riding a sportbike, everyone would be slapping him virtual high fives. Hypocrites.

If OP just stated the facts and said he called some guy out and the dude appologized I would have high fived him and bought him a drink. Instead OP spent 90% of the time talking about how hard and intimidating him and his crew are. Let's face it; people who talk this much **** are almost ALWAYS full OF ****.
If OP just stated the facts and said he called some guy out and the dude appologized I would have high fived him and bought him a drink. Instead OP spent 90% of the time talking about how hard and intimidating him and his crew are. Let's face it; people who talk this much **** are almost ALWAYS full OF ****.

+1. And the title of the thread is pretty misleading.

RedDogDarren approves the OP message.

Every year we always get people who talk in third person.
After that happened at the next set of lights I put the kick stand on , got off of the HOG went up to his window and Smashed my helmet against his windshield in anger, his g/f was shaking and was pleading with me not to hurt them.

and he was lucky I was alone and not with my crew, I ride with some real hardcore dudes. Would not have been a good evening for the punk.

If OP just stated the facts and said he called some guy out and the dude appologized I would have high fived him and bought him a drink. Instead OP spent 90% of the time talking about how hard and intimidating him and his crew are. Let's face it; people who talk this much **** are almost ALWAYS full OF ****.

I couldn't agree more, after reading a couple of his posts, I realized how tough of a guy he is...
... Internet tough. :rolleyes:

OP, what kind of helmet were you wearing?
Had no other choice, he needed a straightenin out. Luckily I wasn't with my crew or else he may have been dragged out and Beaten by a bunch of very mean people. Cholo style

this thread reminds me of a movie.


people wonder why they make fun of harley riders.
I am happy that the op put the cager (which means car driver to whomever asked a few post back) in his place. But I do agree with the others that op is bragging bout how badass he and his crew are, which automatically makes him sound like a try hard
Excellent thread!

I had someone turn left in front of me up near Shelbourne a few years ago. It was dark out, no street lights, and they were pulling into a Tim Hortons parking lot. It wasn't THAT close but it was still pretty close. I had to brake moderately hard and drift left into the oncoming lane to go around them. I turned around with the intent of explaining the situation to the driver. He ended up going through the drive through so I went into the drive through backwards and stopped in front of him. He was just some 50-something year old guy with his 50-something year old wife and another couple in the car. He was very apologetic and I was relatively polite about it. He did seem very worried that I had come to chat with him though.

But I didn't punch his window in, or smash my helmet of his windshield or anything... am I a big pussy?
RedDogDarren approves the OP message.

The only surprise there, is that you don't hold classes :lol:

How do you react when a cager, blatantly speeds buy you and cuts you off?

I post the video, for the Youtube humiliation factor, because I'm not going to win an argument with 2 tonnes of steel and plastic.
Sounds like you woke the ***** up, might keep them from trying that crap again. Good job.
as many of you may know, there is radar on the Bloor/Danforth bridge almost always for Eastbound traffic (hardly ever for Westbound, but i've seen it too). is pretty much a trap as i have seen cars pulled over that couldn't have been going much more than 60km. if you were going East, its too bad the chicken **** did't get pulled over and you could have delivered up his infraction of you as well. however, the way it worked out is more likely to make him a repeat offender anytime soon. thanks for that rino
Those of you who think that this sort of action will stop this driver from doing it again, think twice. It'll stop him from doing it for maybe a day, after which he'll be angry. Anger makes people act out, as we can see from the original post. What do you think an angry driver is going to do, the next time that he's in proximity of someone he connects with the source of that anger?
Good job

I hope he had a crack in the windsheild after that.

I think we should do more to raise awareness about how to look out for keep safe distance from Bikers on the road.

In my opinion, majority of motorbikes happen because of D******ds like that guy and not because of street racers.
Those of you who think that this sort of action will stop this driver from doing it again, think twice. It'll stop him from doing it for maybe a day, after which he'll be angry. Anger makes people act out, as we can see from the original post. What do you think an angry driver is going to do, the next time that he's in proximity of someone he connects with the source of that anger?

While there is some truth to this, what's the difference between a butcher accidentally throwing his knife across a supermarket near a customer's head? I'm 100% sure that customer would flip. We could give hundreds of examples where some accident happens and someone flips out because of the irresponsibility of the one who nearly caused the accident.

The flip side of things is simple: is it really okay to just let people who nearly kill you just go? I personally don't think it is and actively let others know that they're piss bad drivers (ie. yelling through my window if I'm in a car, or blatantly honking dipshits who don't signal).
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