How do you react when......


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A cager, blatantly speeds buy you and cuts you off? Happened to me on Friday night. We were on Bloor/DANFORTH overpass on the 404 and this cager was tailgaiting me (i was already doing 80 clicks in a 60) he then cuts me off and the car in front of him slammed the brakes as the light was red so he slammed on me. I nearly had to dump my bike luckily I had quick reflexes to slam on the rear brake enough to go sideways and motocross experience kicked in I Stuck out my left foot and straightened it out just in time. After that happened at the next set of lights I put the kick stand on , got off of the HOG went up to his window and Smashed my helmet against his windshield in anger, and asked him if he knows what a blind spot was, AND why he was driving like such a cock. He was scared ********, his g/f was shaking and was pleading with me not to hurt them. I proceeded to tell them to buy an Ontario driver's manual and to study that Mother****er!!.
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As much as I would advise someone not do this (you never know who is in a car and what they have)... I must say, that's awesome hahaha. That's what everyone imagines doing in their mind after the fact, but never act on it. So kudos :P

Might want to buy a new helmet though, if you hit it hard enough.
As much as I would advise someone not do this (you never know who is in a car and what they have)... I must say, that's awesome hahaha. That's what everyone imagines doing in their mind after the fact, but never act on it. So kudos :P

Might want to buy a new helmet though, if you hit it hard enough.

Well , I had my skull bandana on, SOA reaper Hoodie on, full out goatee, and chain hangin out my baggie jeans, he **** himself before I got to the car. I could care less what he had, when my life was compromised im gonna fight.
A cager, blatantly speeds buy you and cuts you off? Happened to me on Friday night. We were on Bloor/DANFORTH overpass on the 404 and this cager was tailgaiting me (i was already doing 80 clicks in a 60) he then cuts me off and the car in front of him slammed the brakes as the light was red so he slammed on me. I nearly had to dump my bike luckily I had quick reflexes to slam on the rear brake enough to go sideways and motocross experience kicked in I Stuck out my left foot and straightened it out just in time. After that happened at the next set of lights I put the kick stand on , got off of the HOG went up to his window and Smashed my helmet against his windshield in anger, and asked him if he knows what a blind spot was, AND why he was driving like such a co*k. He was scared ********, his g/f was shaking and was pleading with me not to hurt them. I proceeded to tell them to buy an Ontario driver's manual and to study that Motherfuc*er!!.

LOL you're my hero.
LOL you're my hero.

why thank you good sir. I'm only one man, but we all can do are part to help them cagers understand that we are Vehicles too, and should be treated with respect and not like we are less then they are. Sometimes, it takes a good shaking of the cage, Or smashing of windshields to remind them that we are there.
A cager, blatantly speeds buy you and cuts you off? Happened to me on Friday night. We were on Bloor/DANFORTH overpass on the 404 and this cager was tailgaiting me (i was already doing 80 clicks in a 60) he then cuts me off and the car in front of him slammed the brakes as the light was red so he slammed on me. I nearly had to dump my bike luckily I had quick reflexes to slam on the rear brake enough to go sideways and motocross experience kicked in I Stuck out my left foot and straightened it out just in time. After that happened at the next set of lights I put the kick stand on , got off of the HOG went up to his window and Smashed my helmet against his windshield in anger, and asked him if he knows what a blind spot was, AND why he was driving like such a co*k. He was scared ********, his g/f was shaking and was pleading with me not to hurt them. I proceeded to tell them to buy an Ontario driver's manual and to study that Motherfuc*er!!.

You are my hero, sir. I'll bet you he will keep his distance from bikes for a long time.:laughing3:
I would have just let him be, saved myself the cost of a new helmet, and potentially being properly run over by a ****** off cager. That's just me. People driving like retards is normal these days so I don't take it personal.

well, I would have let him be had I not almost had to dump my HOG. I almost became a part of his rear bumper real fast, had I not had prior riding experience. Trust me he needed that, and more and he was lucky I was alone and not with my crew, I ride with some real hardcore dudes. Would not have been a good evening for the punk. too bad, it was a nice car too, a bMW 335 I wonder why he wanted me to crack his beautiful windshield for?
A cager, blatantly speeds buy you and cuts you off? Happened to me on Friday night. We were on Bloor/DANFORTH overpass on the 404 and this cager was tailgaiting me (i was already doing 80 clicks in a 60) he then cuts me off and the car in front of him slammed the brakes as the light was red so he slammed on me. I nearly had to dump my bike luckily I had quick reflexes to slam on the rear brake enough to go sideways and motocross experience kicked in I Stuck out my left foot and straightened it out just in time. After that happened at the next set of lights I put the kick stand on , got off of the HOG went up to his window and Smashed my helmet against his windshield in anger, and asked him if he knows what a blind spot was, AND why he was driving like such a co*k. He was scared ********, his g/f was shaking and was pleading with me not to hurt them. I proceeded to tell them to buy an Ontario driver's manual and to study that Motherfuc*er!!.

Right on man, nice to see riders actually confront scumbag car drivers who put us all in danger like that.
We doin it cholo-stylez!!! :-)
Well , I had my skull bandana on, SOA reaper Hoodie on, full out goatee, and chain hangin out my baggie jeans, he **** himself before I got to the car. I could care less what he had, when my life was compromised im gonna fight.

Were you hanging out on College St. near Lansdowne today? BTW I approve of your methods.
Would love to have the guts to do that to people who drive like ********. But you never know what the other driver might do, like pull a knife or worse, a gun.
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Speeding, panic rear brake and sticking your foot out--then confronting a reckless driver? Damn.

Good thing it worked out. The next turkey may not be so reluctant to fight or be smart enough to turn the tables on you. No knuckles required. A 911 call about "some biker guy hitting my car" would probably do the trick. Throw in a cellphone video of your helmet-smash and the cops would be pretty interested in hearing about your day.

Everyone feels the same way when they get cut off, by the way. And I'll wager you've done it to someone yourself--whether you know it or not.
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