How do you react when......

油井緋色;1749658 said:
While there is some truth to this, what's the difference between a butcher accidentally throwing his knife across a supermarket near a customer's head? I'm 100% sure that customer would flip. We could give hundreds of examples where some accident happens and someone flips out because of the irresponsibility of the one who nearly caused the accident.

The flip side of things is simple: is it really okay to just let people who nearly kill you just go? I personally don't think it is and actively let others know that they're piss bad drivers (ie. yelling through my window if I'm in a car, or blatantly honking dipshits who don't signal).

Yup, the flipside is pretty simple. It's why I have cameras. It's called "evidence."
When he passed you, you should have slowed down. You nearly rear ended him, that would be your fault. If people are driving aggressively, stay away from them.
^ Not always possible. I've had guys cut me off and immediately slam on the brakes (hey, they had to pull into the Timmies at any cost). I left it alone because I THOUGHT I had it on camera, but the camera ran out of space, do it didn't record a damn thing.
If OP just stated the facts and said he called some guy out and the dude appologized I would have high fived him and bought him a drink. Instead OP spent 90% of the time talking about how hard and intimidating him and his crew are. Let's face it; people who talk this much **** are almost ALWAYS full OF ****.

Hey bro it's no joke when it's your life. feel the way you want, I lost it because the dude driving the bimmer was a punk, and he needed an *** whoopin' he could not have just killed me, he could go on and kill other drivers. And i was merely stating a point that HE was lucky he didn't catch me with my crew. If you wanna find out first hand what I mean by crew we are the nicest bunch of guys out there :D make sure you say what you said here about us being full of **** to our faces though :)
Video or it didn't happen.

ARE YOU HIGH? who the **** rolls around with a video cam? im out cruisin and some cock decides to show off for his gf in his daddys 335 and nearly puts me down? VIDEO!! video this:violent1:
the dude was driving a BMW. A 335 and had a girl, he had every right! DAmm everyone else on the road!

now if rider was riding a gixxer then its an all out cack fight for ahole of the week.
ARE YOU HIGH? who the **** rolls around with a video cam? im out cruisin and some cock decides to show off for his gf in his daddys 335 and nearly puts me down? VIDEO!! video this:violent1:

Look up, waaaaaay up... yup, that's my comment going over your head.
ARE YOU HIGH? who the **** rolls around with a video cam? im out cruisin and some cock decides to show off for his gf in his daddys 335 and nearly puts me down? VIDEO!! video this:violent1:

< Raises hand >

And no need for the insults. They get you booted rather quickly ;)
i had a friend get cut off many years ago, he finally caught up to the guy, stops him on the highway, and redecorated his windshield with his tire iron...i would say the tire iron is a better option than your helmet, you still need that to protect your nuggen...aleit, it's not the cars fault, and i wouldn't suggest using a tire iron on them either, but it was certainly entertaining...
oh what if the guy in the bimmer was a drug dealer? he could've had a gun on him and shot the biker and drove off. which would make a sensational news story.
oh what if the guy in the bimmer was a drug dealer? he could've had a gun on him and shot the biker and drove off. which would make a sensational news story.

Or what if the car driver reported the biker to police for vandalizing his car? Man you guys are gullible..
Hey bro it's no joke when it's your life. feel the way you want, I lost it because the dude driving the bimmer was a punk, and he needed an *** whoopin' he could not have just killed me, he could go on and kill other drivers. And i was merely stating a point that HE was lucky he didn't catch me with my crew. If you wanna find out first hand what I mean by crew we are the nicest bunch of guys out there :D make sure you say what you said here about us being full of **** to our faces though :)

Your posts, your need to constantly bring your "crew' into the discusion... I'd say you're the punk.
The story would have ended better if the guy got out and beat the crap out of you for hitting his car... or even paniced and ran you down in the mayhem.
Escalated a traffic mishap, almost at that, and turn it into an assault and intentional damaging of property... to get respect you say!? Yeah, okay...
Don't threaten people on here with your crew... It has the opposite affect your looking for. Makes you sound like a punk... and one that needs to hide behind others...
I used to carry jelly beans in my pockets to throw at people who weren't paying attention or cut me off... Makes noise, doesn't leave any damage, and who's gonna tell the cops someone threw jelly beans at them?
I used to carry jelly beans in my pockets to throw at people who weren't paying attention or cut me off... Makes noise, doesn't leave any damage, and who's gonna tell the cops someone threw jelly beans at them?

Nice, i hope this doesn't count as an assault. You never ******g know what constitutes an assault with these ****** laws.
Your posts, your need to constantly bring your "crew' into the discusion... I'd say you're the punk.
The story would have ended better if the guy got out and beat the crap out of you for hitting his car... or even paniced and ran you down in the mayhem.
Escalated a traffic mishap, almost at that, and turn it into an assault and intentional damaging of property... to get respect you say!? Yeah, okay...
Don't threaten people on here with your crew... It has the opposite affect your looking for. Makes you sound like a punk... and one that needs to hide behind others...

I don't know rinomato1 nor do I think I'm even near his age, and he seems to be a cruiser rider instead of a sport rider but...

Holy **** I think you guys are just jealous. The only reason why we have **** drivers is because half of us are passive and never speak up for idiots doing things. But I suppose that's human nature and I notice it at work and class all the time; probably explains why it doesn't take much effort to become a leader.
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