Good for you!

I don't know if it made the front page on the news yet, but I hear cops nowadays are stopping vehicles just to greet the drivers and let them go with a "have nice day buddy, good seeing ya and lets do this again sometime" :laughing8:
I can't stand posts like this one. Just because 1 in 1000+ people the cops pull over gets a break, they feel the need to convince others that getting pulled over will not result in a ticket. BRAVO! I've always been polite to cops, how come that never worked for me? Or does the magic work only when YOU do it?
Last of the many times I checked, the bacon wating at the side of the road gets paid to write tickets to meet their quota. Asking to get off a ticket when pulled over is like asking a bunch of hungry wolves not to eat you. So good luck with that next time, hopefully there won't be a next time...