Running from police.

Not bother ...:laughing8: Buddy they are going to chase you to hell if that's where they think you might be me .

Depends on how many domestic disturbance calls they have had that night

depends on how close they are to the end of their shift

depends if there on their way to a timmis meeting........
I just got home and got pulled over for going 30 over. I did not run from the police. I was polite, and he let me off.

Are you willing to risk running from the police, and maybe get greater punishment?
As I twist my wrist to get away I dump a bag of french crullers in middle of the road.

Stops 'em cold.
As I twist my wrist to get away I dump a bag of french crullers in middle of the road.

Stops 'em cold.

They call them Honey Crullers now, I got one last week while waiting for the MOT lines.
Depends on how many domestic disturbance calls they have had that night

depends on how close they are to the end of their shift

depends if there on their way to a timmis meeting........

That's not the cops i know, there's nothing that could be more important or they would rather do, than to catch a fleeing sport bike rider and pass his penis through the meat grinder slow.. for me !
I just got home and got pulled over for going 30 over. I did not run from the police. I was polite, and he let me off.

Are you willing to risk running from the police, and maybe get greater punishment?

Lets have this convo after you get your bike 203'd for resting your hand on your tank. If cops werent judge, jury and executioner people wouldnt feel the need to run.
That's not the cops i know, there's nothing that could be more important or they would rather do, than to catch a fleeing sport bike rider and pass his penis through the meat grinder slow.. for me !

+1. I think it's protocol that they radio you in as soon as you flee. In all honesty, if I was a cop that would be Prime-time for me ;)

Give up? Why? Cuz you made 2 sharp lefts? Not bloody likely. Timmies can wait :cool:
I just got home and got pulled over for going 30 over. I did not run from the police. I was polite, and he let me off.

Are you willing to risk running from the police, and maybe get greater punishment?

Good for you!
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Good for you! :rolleyes: I don't know if it made the front page on the news yet, but I hear cops nowadays are stopping vehicles just to greet the drivers and let them go with a "have nice day buddy, good seeing ya and lets do this again sometime" :laughing8:
I can't stand posts like this one. Just because 1 in 1000+ people the cops pull over gets a break, they feel the need to convince others that getting pulled over will not result in a ticket. BRAVO! I've always been polite to cops, how come that never worked for me? Or does the magic work only when YOU do it?

Last of the many times I checked, the bacon wating at the side of the road gets paid to write tickets to meet their quota. Asking to get off a ticket when pulled over is like asking a bunch of hungry wolves not to eat you. So good luck with that next time, hopefully there won't be a next time...

Maybe he was polite and didn't have any attitude? Ever considered that on the average day most riders won't actually get pulled over, maybe just 1 in a 1000 and then mostly for things they deserved? Just a thought.
Maybe he was polite and didn't have any attitude? Ever considered that on the average day most riders won't actually get pulled over, maybe just 1 in a 1000 and then mostly for things they deserved? Just a thought.

Yes professor!
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Yes professor! I have been nice with 0 attitude many times, still got the yellow receipts at the end. In fact the ones with an attitude problem were the cops themselves. That's why the majority of the people can't stand these holier than thou, do as I say not as I do hypocrites in blue.
These are the same people I see every day speeding in their cruisers, turning/changing lanes without signalling, running stop signs, parking in handicap spots, sidewalks to get coffee...
So spare me your lectures please, NO ATTITUDE!

Those terrible firetrucks and ambulances run stop lights too so I've heard.

No lectures...but you seem to be saying you're being persecuted. All those yellow tickets were completely undeserved?
Those terrible firetrucks and ambulances run stop lights too so I've heard.

No lectures...but you seem to be saying you're being persecuted. All those yellow tickets were completely undeserved?

Stop playing dumb!
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Stop playing dumb! What I see and YOU too see cops doing on everyday basis, described above, was not while the cherries and siren were on i.e during an emergency call.
Just yesterday, I saw a cop turning right without signalling, fast, while drinking water from a plastic bottle with one hand! NO BS! Next time he sets up his radar he'll be pulling people over and lecturing them on dangerous driving...
Today, I saw another one turn right with no signal and no stop at the red light either...

What you consider deserved might differ from what I consider deserved. But on one occasion I walked out with an extra 3 yellow receipts because the woman cop didn't give me enough time to bring out the Ownership, Insurance slip, Sticker Renewal from the glove compartment. When I showed her those, she said I didn't bring them out on time :laughing8:
Went to court for those ones, and I didn't even get a trial date. The crown must've smelled the bs from miles away.
The moral of the story is, the bacon filled her monthly quota on me and that's all that mattered to her, no repercussions whatsoever.

OK....I've not seen that kind of behaviour though. But then again I'm not in TO. Nearest I came to jackass behaviour here was being told off by a Montreal Cop for jaywalking on an empty street. Did get stopped for speeding once (60+ in a 50) in Ont but as I was still on my UK licence at the time the cop couldn't give me any points. Let me off with a warning. I was polite and he was OK. I have been thrown across a street in Paris by a french CRS cop though, they were known for being ********, goes back to the student riots of 68. Had a bunch of french normal cop friends and they were actually cool.

Can't explain your situation though if it's as you say, have you checked your jacket to see if one of your buddies hasn't written "piggies **** off" on your back?

Was the female cop at least hot?
Can't explain your situation though if it's as you say, have you checked your jacket to see if one of your buddies hasn't written "piggies **** off" on your back?

Was the female cop at least hot?

I'm telling you dude I never give any attitude when encountering them.
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I'm telling you dude I never give cops any attitude when encountering them. My mentality is, I don't respect these hypocrites, but when dealing with them I have to be polite and respectful because of the consequences involved. When I get pulled over, I suck up my pride and be nice to these people, even though I just wanna tell them so bad exactly what I think of them. And the only reason I hold my breath is:
I snap on the cop = nothing, the cop snaps on me = severe consequences to getting every violation in the book and maybe even tasered or shot.
So I know better than to give attitude to people with the power to ruin my life.
She could've been hot, but the way she snapped on me I just wanted to ring her neck and smack her in the face.

Where I come from we call that foreplay.
More Rossi Gold!!!

Awesome running thread. Again.

Glad you are smart enough to not let Popo "ruin your life". LOL. Still giggling over that one.
Yes professor! I have been nice with 0 attitude many times, still got the yellow receipts at the end. In fact the ones with an attitude problem were the cops themselves. That's why the majority of the people can't stand these holier than thou, do as I say not as I do hypocrites in blue.
These are the same people I see every day speeding in their cruisers, turning/changing lanes without signalling, running stop signs, parking in handicap spots, sidewalks to get coffee...
So spare me your lectures please, NO ATTITUDE!

I am sick of watching cops drive around like they got their driver's license from a treat of the week at McDonalds.
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