Running from police.

so cops now make a percentage of the tickets they write. I disagree I dont think this is correct.

It looks good on a police resume when they are cracking down on crimes left, right, and center.

We do live in a society where we need police.

What we don't need are police who are also judge, jury, and executioner.
No they get payed for court overtime, so more ticket + more court = more money....And then there is the really good part....They write a ticket for speeding, and tell you to book a court date but talk to the JP before the trail and they will reduce it for you...Your thinking oh great this guy is doing me a favor....Im sure alot of you have heard this line before?

But the real reason he tells you to do that is because, the court looks at the charge and decides how long they think that trial will take. And the cop gets booked for that court time, so for exampls lets say he hands out 5 speeding tickets in one week, and speeding trials are booked for 1 hr in court eact. They will group a few trials to be on the same day, and he gets booked for 5 hours of court time for that day...

If you actually went to trail he would have to actually be in court trying to prove his case against you, but because you took his advice and talked to the JP before trial and took a deal he only goes in to talk to the JP for 5 min, then has the rest of the time to blow doing whatever....If everyone of those 5 people takes his advice, he is in and out of court in 30 min but gets 5 hours of court pay...

Johny, you're surprisingly well informed and I think very insightful on this issue. Good for you.

And that is NOT sarcasm.
Johny, you're surprisingly well informed and I think very insightful on this issue. Good for you.

And that is NOT sarcasm.

I was taught this by my very good paralegal Redline, back when I used to pay him hundreds of dollars to fight my tickets. LOL..He took the time to explain alot of things to me, and how the system works...And it really made me think about things that have happened to me in the past....

That line "talk to the JP before trial" really made sense after he explained how that benefits the cop. They all say it! And unless you know what it really means for them, you think they are being your buddy....

Also at the time I was shown an article from the Toronto star, that listed Torontos top paid cops....The list started off with big wigs like police cheifs making over $100,000. Then the list kept going and there were regular traffic police making $80,000 a year after court overtime, when they only get $40,000 a year salary! Some of these cops are known by name in the legal system, for writing alot of tickets to double their income...Then it really made sense
Some of my numbers may be wrong because this was years ago, but if anything Im on the low side..

Good reading for the un informed! $161,892.35 a year up from $75-82,000 salary, for a traffic cop with 5 years on the force!

"Declining to be specific, Thompson said he earned his salary through regular hours of duty plus overtime required for such things as court appearances."
I agree with making sure you know what your going to do before hand. I like to know where the dead ends are with bike paths through. Easiest way to get away! Not that I've ever done it before...............
Some of my numbers may be wrong because this was years ago, but if anything Im on the low side..

Good reading for the un informed! $161,892.35 a year up from $75-82,000 salary, for a traffic cop with 5 years on the force!

"Declining to be specific, Thompson said he earned his salary through regular hours of duty plus overtime required for such things as court appearances."

Great news for the cops and the city, friends of cops or politicians and everybody else that works in the system ..bad news for everybody else and people that the cops and the courts consider dog meat for the system ..:sad3:
Great news for the cops and the city, friends of cops or politicians and everybody else that works in the system ..bad news for everybody else and people that the cops and the courts consider dog meat for the system ..:sad3:

Where do I sign up?!
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just so happens i was an average rider myself when i was booked with 172.

is that so?

I went to Ottawa last summer to pick up a bike and rode it back not yet having switched my insurance, registration or license plate over to the new one. Close to home in the city I stall the bike off an intersection so not wanting to lose face I rip it off the line and lean it hard making a left turn next thing I know I'm lit up. Its dark, Im on a bike Im not familiar with so I stop. To add to the list, they run my record and see the stunting charge from the previous year (which was dropped to a speeding in court, btw) so I'm pretty much thinking my drivign career in Ontario is over.

Anyway by the end of it I'm actualy using the cops cell phone to dial a buddy with a van to come pick up me and the bike from the onramp. He wouldnt let me ride out of there but I didnt leave with any yellow paperwork. Much as I appreciate it I shouldve been sacked.

So with that in hand my luck is pretty thinly drawn. Before thise when I would stop the officers would ALWAYS thank me for stopping. Every time.

Ive dodged radar countless times and had to get away from a few who clocked me sitting in their cars. Either way I had a head start. If I was lit up right behind me its like some guys have said, you have to know if youre doing it way before you twist your wrist.

If you're an average rider, it's not hard to see why some cops look at riders the way they do.
is that so?
If you're an average rider, it's not hard to see why some cops look at riders the way they do.

To his defence, he did say he was an average rider until he got booked with 172. Sure, it sounds backwards... but I'm just pointing it out :)
is that so?

If you're an average rider, it's not hard to see why some cops look at riders the way they do.

LoL... we all speed and do thing we are not supose to do.. but dont over do it.. wheelies everytime u on 1-st gear speed every single day etc.etc.. at least check around you keep ur eyes open scan around know the area u in where cops stay with radar gunswe all pretty much know where cops stay in our area.. and if it comes to take off... i dont know man i get scared just thinking of it.... all i would want is go fast fast fast i'd probably forget to slow down on turns..i just get this feeling when thinking of taking offi personaly dont think it is hard to do it there are lots of cops that know sh**** on driving they would never get u but too much to riskk.. hope i just never come to that point......i thought about it but i just cant make my mind now... ride safe "dont give those as***les a chanse to pull u over pose when passing them lol "
is that so?

If you're an average rider, it's not hard to see why some cops look at riders the way they do.

yet you dont bother to ask me the circumstances under which i was charged with 172. 'stunting' in that post refers to 'stunt driving', 50 over.

why dont you continue to indulge in searching through my previous posts in other threads and post a quote here again. or maybe youre the ******* cop who booked me?
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yet you dont bother to ask me the circumstances under which i was charged with 172. 'stunting' in that post refers to 'stunt driving', 50 over.

Your post where you say the HTA172 was plea bargained to a simple speeding charge made that fairly clear.

I'm looking at both that and the rest of the things said and implied in that post of your's that I quoted. If those actions are indeed those of the average rider that you claim to be, then riders are absolutely deserving of the bad rap they get.

why dont you continue to indulge in searching through my previous posts in other threads and post a quote here again. or maybe youre the assh0le cop who booked me?

Nope. I didn't book you. You arranged your own booking when you made the choices you did. The cop who charged you wasn't an ******* for doing so - he was simply doing his job trying to deal with the ******** he comes across on the roads each day.
Your post where you say the HTA172 was plea bargained to a simple speeding charge made that fairly clear.

I'm looking at both that and the rest of the things said and implied in that post of your's that I quoted. If those actions are indeed those of the average rider that you claim to be, then riders are absolutely deserving of the bad rap they get.

Nope. I didn't book you. You arranged your own booking when you made the choices you did. The cop who charged you wasn't an ******* for doing so - he was simply doing his job trying to deal with the ******** he comes across on the roads each day.

The distinction Im trying to make is that I was indeed an 'average' rider when I was charged with 172. I was minding my own getting off the highway on black creek, going home from work on a saturday of all things, trying to dodge a drunk maybe doing 10 or 15 more than traffic and getting picked out from the bunch for 50 over on the dot. Im not even goign to speak of the formalities because there were none. We didnt have to wait long for Abrahms.

So yea, it got reduced so maybe I wasnt guilty of stunting? Funny how I have to deal with thounsands in fees for this **** and not to mention a license suspension that, for some crazy reason, still appears on my record.

Thanks for asking, officer, about how fairly I was treated by your comrades at 12 division.

edit: so you think im going to stick around after this?
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Let's say you shake them through a neighbourhood, do they radio it in for others to look out for you? Or do they not bother?
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