Running from police.

If your life is worth less than getting caught run and roll the dice. I dont feel any sadness for a fellow rider who crashes and burns when they are racing on the street. Get yourselves some leathers and take it to the track if you want to ride fast.
If you want to gamble with your future go ahead....just remember it's like the casino though, the "house" always wins in the end. One way or another.
I would say it is half and half. Police can be the reason and the way insurance companies are ripping us off here, is one of the biggest reasons as well for not stopping. If you get caught then you will probably not able to ride again in your life with the ridiculous rates insurance companies gonna quote you (unless you make fortune).

I personally will stop (if I'll ever do something that falls into stunting) because there are many obligations ahead of me and I can't risk them by being ended up in a jail for criminal charges for running from police. One way or the other, they are going to catch you, so better be nice to them and try to convince them to give you a reduced ticket.
If you got nothing to hide and know you havent been doing something wrong....whats the point?

The thing is, unless your bike is 100% stock, there is SOMETHING they can find to charge you with; flushmounts, non-stock license plate, (in my case) worn tires, after market exhaust, burnt out license plate light, etc. etc. Even stock they can probably find something.

The cops set up in the same spot every time on my way to work. I normally would pass there every single weekday. My papers are up to date, bike is in perfect working order, I've got nothing to hide yet I STILL GO AROUND THE BLOCK TO AVOID ANY BS EVERY DAY SINCE THAN!
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The thing is, unless you're bike is 100% stock, there is SOMETHING they can find to charge you with; flushmounts, non-stock license plate, (in my case) worn tires, after market exhaust, burnt out license plate light, etc. etc. Even stock they can probably find something.

The cops set up in the same spot every time on my way to work. I normally would pass there every single weekday. My papers are up to date, bike is in perfect working order, I've got nothing to hide yet I STILL GO AROUND THE BLOCK TO AVOID ANY BS EVERY DAY SINCE THAN!

Thats BS, nothing to hide and your still hiding. Ive been there too and its so stupid
If you want to gamble with your future go ahead....just remember it's like the casino though, the "house" always wins in the end. One way or another.
Thats not true. More people get away with crime and running then get caught. The cops would have you believe otherwise because they will never admit to anyone getting away. Im with johnny on this, go hang out with a buddy whos got a tow truck and listen to the radio for a bit...its no wonder cops hate sportbikes, 9 out of 10 they try to stop they never see again hahah

And i would never run, id rather loose my bike for a week, my license, my job, get fined a minimum of 2,000K, pay another 1,000 for storage...:D

Several people i know have ran many times and none of them have ever been caught...
Thats not true. More people get away with crime and running then get caught. The cops would have you believe otherwise because they will never admit to anyone getting away. Im with johnny on this, go hang out with a buddy whos got a tow truck and listen to the radio for a bit...its no wonder cops hate sportbikes, 9 out of 10 they try to stop they never see again hahah

And i would never run, id rather loose my bike for a week, my license, my job, get fined a minimum of 2,000K, pay another 1,000 for storage...:D

Several people i know have ran many times and none of them have ever been caught...

..the House ALWAYS the end.
No they dont, look at the statistics

....I'd rather look at probability. The more you do something the more the odds of an adverse event occuring increase. Adverse event = get killed, kill someone else, get caught, get injured.

You choose. I'm a safe investor, I don't like getting burned.
Yes every time!

You can buy a police scanner for a few hundred dollars and listen for yourself, or hang around some tow truck driver friends for a while and you will over hear some chases. Then you will realize that radios dont catch people, they can help the police catch people but aren't the magical device that catches people every time that some people make them out to be...

OP's question "Do you thing the aggressiveness of the police force is to blame for this"

Not so much the police force but the new racing laws, I believe that has turned alot people into runners that normally would not have with the old laws. It used to be very different, do a wheelie or something stupid and you got a 6 point careless driving ticket with a summons to court. $600 and a good paralegal and you could either have that charge dismissed completely or lowered to a lesser charge and fine, but you kept your bike and kept riding. Now your bike is being towed away, your lic suspended, and your loose about $2000+.....Win or loose in court and you still loose in the end....That IMO has changed alot of peoples reaction when being caught doing something stupid on a bike...People that would never run before, are going too now...

I think Johny is right on with his assessment.
The thing is, unless your bike is 100% stock, there is SOMETHING they can find to charge you with; flushmounts, non-stock license plate, (in my case) worn tires, after market exhaust, burnt out license plate light, etc. etc. Even stock they can probably find something.

The cops set up in the same spot every time on my way to work. I normally would pass there every single weekday. My papers are up to date, bike is in perfect working order, I've got nothing to hide yet I STILL GO AROUND THE BLOCK TO AVOID ANY BS EVERY DAY SINCE THAN!

oh come on man... cops are ppl too. almost every day i see someone unfit or unable to drive and i wish i could do a roadside licence suspension on the spot.

if a cop would pull me over and charge with bogus crap like stunting for taking off too fast i'd be laughing in his face (not really, but close). or if he would scream or threaten... believe it or not, if it goes to court, there's a very good chance he's been in that situation before and he's well known for that. also, a clean record goes a long way in court.

in my opinion there's two ways of getting pulled over.

if they initiate it (as in a speed trap -> they're out there to pull you over) you're gonna end up getting a small fine. believe it or not, even if it's their job they will feel a bit guilty for this. not once i got fined for the full amount (reduced under 20 km... things like that). they're basically charging you because they have to come back with something.

and the second one is when you initiate it. that's the tricky one. i'm very careful in these situations because that's where things get subjective. too fast, too much, too far... that's all bs. be respectful and calm, remain in control. and if they're a pair, make sure you talk to both of them. they're not all alike.
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Yeah, I know at least one friend of mine who says he will not stop if he sees sirens. In his mind, he's going to court anyway. And I know of at least one time he has outrun the police (however on a snowmobile, not a motorcycle.)

Personally.. even if I got caught for a 172.. I would pull over.. just because a criminal charge of failing to stop/resisting arrest would be pretty terrible.

FYI - 172 can be HTA or Criminal depending on how the ticket is written and what the infraction was.
Its all about the circumstance your in in my opinion. But if your gunna do it... dont hesitate or make it half assed. Your already dipping from the cops...better make it a good one.

+1. you should know way before the lights come on if you're going to run or not.
FYI - 172 can be HTA or Criminal depending on how the ticket is written and what the infraction was.
Which gives us less of an incentive to stick around. That was one of the reasons I gave my bike a very unique paint job. To cut down on the temptation :cool:
This has been dicussed so many times...and everyone has thought about it at one point or another but its all really a matter of time and place...

In My Opinion:
If im doing less than 50 over-No (but maybe he caught me when i was and just caught not set in stone)

if its late at night with litte to no traffic on highway-no (not much else going down so cops will be getting on the highway asap and only a 600 you only max at roughly 260...not much faster then popo)

If on busy road - yes (easier for me to get in and out of cars ie. lane split then for the popo if its BUSY)

and biggest one: IF I KNOW THE AREA- YES (if you have no clue were you are and how you get out of there..probabaly not a good idea)

Its all about the circumstance your in in my opinion. But if your gunna do it... dont hesitate or make it half assed. Your already dipping from the cops...better make it a good one.

You said it.

Queensway after dark... thank God for the big TTC divider between the lanes, it saved my insurance premium lol. Sometimes you need to pull over and bend over, sometimes you don't.
make the laws too strict and you'll get people finding ways to side-step them. make them too loose and no ones cares. A happy medium has to be achieved where the charge for the behaviour that's to be curtailed 'burns' just enough to be a deterrent, but isn't a burden.

People run since the consequence is the same if they catch you now or later, just that 'later' implies you have a chance to escape. ;)
Yes every time!

You can buy a police scanner for a few hundred dollars and listen for yourself, or hang around some tow truck driver friends for a while and you will over hear some chases. Then you will realize that radios dont catch people, they can help the police catch people but aren't the magical device that catches people every time that some people make them out to be...

OP's question "Do you thing the aggressiveness of the police force is to blame for this"

Not so much the police force but the new racing laws, I believe that has turned alot people into runners that normally would not have with the old laws. It used to be very different, do a wheelie or something stupid and you got a 6 point careless driving ticket with a summons to court. $600 and a good paralegal and you could either have that charge dismissed completely or lowered to a lesser charge and fine, but you kept your bike and kept riding. Now your bike is being towed away, your lic suspended, and your loose about $2000+.....Win or loose in court and you still loose in the end....That IMO has changed alot of peoples reaction when being caught doing something stupid on a bike...People that would never run before, are going too now...


They might put up a good fight but will call it off for the most part, sucks to be the next biker the fuzz pulls over that same day.

Radios do not and can not catch everyone, also keep in mind that out in the boonies police do not have the resoruces to chase you for hours. It will eventually get called off. Besides, they are usually over in 1-2 minutes, after that they have no chance of catching you.

I am 100% that the new law means more people are running from the popo. I know quite a few riders and there are a few that will run no matter what and always have, BUT, there are a couple that will run now because of the new law.
i think part of the problem is that you never hear about good experiences with the police, all you seem to hear are the people that have bad experiences.

the other night i got pulled over for 25 over (75 in a 50). I pulled over, shut the car off and was very polite. he asked me if i'd shut the car off cause I have an aftermarket exhaust, to which I replied "no, i just thought that's what I was supposed to do." he asked me to fire up the car, and when I did he told me that my muffler was illegal. it was about 10pm and he asked me if I'd had anything to drink, and I told him I'd had a can of beer with supper. he wanted me to to a breathalyzer which I agreed to (altho I still don't think he had just cause for that) but when I blew 0 he said that since I'd been honest and polite with him he was letting me go. no speeding ticket, no illegal exhaust ticket, nothing. the whole stop was under 5 minutes and I was on my way. keep in mind this was an OPP officer, which I've had much better luck with than regional or city police. Last summer I got pulled over by an OPP biker cop doing about 140 in a 100 on the 400 just south of 7. I was polite, and he dropped it to 30 over on the spot, and then told me to take it to the Newmarket court to get it reduced further if I plead guilty to a lesser charge, which I did. in hindsight I probably should have fought that one too, but I figured it wasn't worth it. 2 years ago, dinged on xmas day doing 120 in an 80, cop was going charge me with all sorts of **** from speeding to careless (cause I was passing a car), was polite with him, and he let me go.

that's 3 seperate incidents where I was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and 3 times I got off. (well, almost, i still had to pay the one ticket, but it was for much less than the original)

to the OP, I don't know you personally so I can't make judgment as to your attitude or tone when you were speaking to the officer, but I hear countless stories of people talking back to the police and it doesn't get you anywhere. Like i said, I wasn't there, and I don't know you but just think about what you said and how you said it, and keep that in mind for future dealings with the police. I've been chewed out by Barrie police on a ******** charge and as much as I wanted to tell him to cram it up his mudcutter i had to be calm and let him throw his little temper tantrum. there is no way whatsoever you are going to argue your way out of a ticket. if the officer is going to ticket you, then he is going to ticket you no matter what you say. just be polite, and take it to court where you can argue. which is exactly what I did and I ended up getting it thrown out.
To paraphrase John Donne "ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee".....

I always love running threads. Those who no nothing about it come in with things like you cannot outrun a radio or my personal favorite, you will DIE....

As others have mentioned running is on the rise and no doubt caused by 172 and is an extremely effective way of keeping a clean license.

If you want to gamble with your future go ahead....just remember it's like the casino though, the "house" always wins in the end. One way or another.
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