Running from police.

Old Dude

I see this happening this more and more. Do you think the aggressiveness of the police force is to blame for this. I see to many riders being persecuted for petty violations and bogus charges. I haven't outrun the police before and I don't think I would try. Any one here have an opinion on this.
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If you got nothing to hide and know you havent been doing something wrong....whats the point?

Ive seen a few people book it from the police and Im sure its cause they got no insurance, no license, no or a combination of the few.
You will get a bunch the "internet toughs" telling you they never stop.Ya...sure.Yes you can outrun the police cars.But can you outrun their radio?Each and every time?
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when u want to run from the police, asking yourself "am i ghost rider?" if the anser is no... well... you know :D
I see this happening this more and more. Do you thing the aggressiveness of the police force is to blame for this. I see to many riders being persecuted for petty violations and bogus charges. I havent outrun the police before and I dont think I would try. Any one here have an opinion on this.

ha ha ya the cops are to blame for people running from the cops. the cops cause all crimes.
ha ha ya the cops are to blame for people running from the cops. the cops cause all crimes.
I heard of two guys rolling down Mississauga road at 130kph cops light up behind them and they pull over so as they are new being arrested for street racing and dangerous driving the police proceed to hit and scream at these two guys like they had been colnvicted of war crimes. The fear of what these officers say and do can be overwhelming and cause some to run.
I heard of two guys rolling down Mississauga road at 130kph cops light up behind them and they pull over so as they are new being arrested for street racing and dangerous driving the police proceed to hit and scream at these two guys like they had been colnvicted of war crimes. The fear of what these officers say and do can be overwhelming and cause some to run.

you have a source? I heard that leprechauns are actually just elves but they wear the green at st patricks time to make extra money.
Most guys I know say they would book it in the event of a 172. Right or wrong.

Things to consider:

Stock crown vics pull 240 km/hr no problem

Radios: The longer they're on you the lower your chances

It's easier to follow than it is to lead

Can't predict traffic/other drivers.

Psychological factor-Those lights and sirens can be unnerving.

Possibly die.

If caught the penalty is much harsher than if you pulled over.

There are others...feel free to add.

But, if you're a ghost rider in the making then go for it. Bonus points for recording it :D
Yeah, I know at least one friend of mine who says he will not stop if he sees sirens. In his mind, he's going to court anyway. And I know of at least one time he has outrun the police (however on a snowmobile, not a motorcycle.)

Personally.. even if I got caught for a 172.. I would pull over.. just because a criminal charge of failing to stop/resisting arrest would be pretty terrible.
This has been dicussed so many times...and everyone has thought about it at one point or another but its all really a matter of time and place...

In My Opinion:
If im doing less than 50 over-No (but maybe he caught me when i was and just caught not set in stone)

if its late at night with litte to no traffic on highway-no (not much else going down so cops will be getting on the highway asap and only a 600 you only max at roughly 260...not much faster then popo)

If on busy road - yes (easier for me to get in and out of cars ie. lane split then for the popo if its BUSY)

and biggest one: IF I KNOW THE AREA- YES (if you have no clue were you are and how you get out of there..probabaly not a good idea)

Its all about the circumstance your in in my opinion. But if your gunna do it... dont hesitate or make it half assed. Your already dipping from the cops...better make it a good one.
This has been dicussed so many times...and everyone has thought about it at one point or another but its all really a matter of time and place...

In My Opinion:
If im doing less than 50 over-No (but maybe he caught me when i was and just caught not set in stone)

if its late at night with litte to no traffic on highway-no (not much else going down so cops will be getting on the highway asap and only a 600 you only max at roughly 260...not much faster then popo)

If on busy road - yes (easier for me to get in and out of cars ie. lane split then for the popo if its BUSY)

and biggest one: IF I KNOW THE AREA- YES (if you have no clue were you are and how you get out of there..probabaly not a good idea)

Its all about the circumstance your in in my opinion. But if your gunna do it... dont hesitate or make it half assed. Your already dipping from the cops...better make it a good one.

Very well spoken... enough said!
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"they made me do it."

Tht's what someone'd love to say when infact it's stupidity that put them in a cast and/or worse.

Generation of buck passers who believe they have zero accountability.
You will get a bunch the "internet toughs" telling you they never stop.Ya...sure.Yes you can outrun the police cars.But can you outrun their radio?Each and every time?

Yes every time!

You can buy a police scanner for a few hundred dollars and listen for yourself, or hang around some tow truck driver friends for a while and you will over hear some chases. Then you will realize that radios dont catch people, they can help the police catch people but aren't the magical device that catches people every time that some people make them out to be...

OP's question "Do you thing the aggressiveness of the police force is to blame for this"

Not so much the police force but the new racing laws, I believe that has turned alot people into runners that normally would not have with the old laws. It used to be very different, do a wheelie or something stupid and you got a 6 point careless driving ticket with a summons to court. $600 and a good paralegal and you could either have that charge dismissed completely or lowered to a lesser charge and fine, but you kept your bike and kept riding. Now your bike is being towed away, your lic suspended, and your loose about $2000+.....Win or loose in court and you still loose in the end....That IMO has changed alot of peoples reaction when being caught doing something stupid on a bike...People that would never run before, are going too now...
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