I start a new 4 cylinder bike with dino (mineral) oil then later change to semi-synthetic as it makes the gear shifting a tad easier. Price is ok for me and I seem to see it readily available at many locations and most bike shops I drop into. This is of benefit for me if I need an oil change when on a trip, say, at the east coast so I can use the same.
From memory for example:
Belray semi-synthetic is approx. 20% synthetic
Motul semi-synthetic is approx. 40% synthetic (and this is partly why it is more costly then the Belray, also paying for the name).
To my knowledge right now most bike manufacturers do not call for synthetic in their bikes on the street via the owners manual or online. I think maybe Ducati and a few might. Some here will know.
Trying to agree on an oil that is the best and/or most appropriate is a slipper slope.:lmao:
I love Motul 5100, just makes it shift so smooth and reduces the gear noise to next to nothing. Didn't like it on full synthetic, clunky shifting and gear whine!
I just picked up a 4L jug @ Markham Outdoor Powersports for $29.99 today! Got my filter for $9. Ready to put some fresh fluid in her!
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