Your favourite oil brand


Well-known member
Curious what different brands people use for their bikes and for what use i.e. road or track or something else?

There are a lot of fanatics of Motul, so I wanna hear what other brands names are.
I tried running rotella 5w40 synthetic and was actually pleased, was getting better shifting then castrol dino oil. I only do road driving but wouldn't see why it wouldn't do well on the track as long as you change it sooner.
I like Bel Ray Semi synth. Been using it for the last couple of years, no shifting problems bike runs pretty smooth.
Any full synthetic 10w40 that's on sale. (except Motul 300v, because although it is available at a good price, it's a racing oil) Though I will probably try and stick with one brand for the year for oil analysis purposes.
Gallo Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Rotella T for the past 2-3 years, but I have ran into some CRAZY amsoil fanatics, and I mean REALLY CRAZY to the point where I felt like they wanted to fight me for not using it lol.
rotella so well. Full synthetic works well as well...its affordable oil
Rotella T is a good and cheap oil for street riding, but IMO it's no good for track riding.

I use Motul 300V because it's the most easily available for me at the best price. I picked up my 60L drum of it last weekend and you'd all want to kick me in the crotch if you knew what i paid for it.
Rotella T is a good and cheap oil for street riding, but IMO it's no good for track riding.

I use Motul 300V because it's the most easily available for me at the best price. I picked up my 60L drum of it last weekend and you'd all want to kick me in the crotch if you knew what i paid for it.

I wanna kick you in the crotch anyways!
The ST gets 20W50 Mobil 1 ... it is uber smooth for those long hauls ... The Zephyr and FZ6 both get dino oil 10W40 Valvoline bike oil (its cheap stateside and smooth) ...
I like amsoil....for my car. My car seems to love that stuff (figures....its expensive as hell now). I'm gonna try it in my bike and see how that goes. I also dab a little behind my ears before heading out. :D
Whichever fulll synthetic is on offer. Still got my jug of Rotella waiting for the next change from the last crappy tire sale.
Rotella T for the past 2-3 years, but I have ran into some CRAZY amsoil fanatics, and I mean REALLY CRAZY to the point where I felt like they wanted to fight me for not using it lol.

Hahaha. Picturing that is pretty funny because I know exactly what you mean.
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