You're so pragmatic about these things.
But yes, hence why I choose Lil Miss Tats - keeping it real...well...that and the fact that she looks like she'd enjoy being tied up!
Card carrying fallibilist with a side of omnipotence I blame my hair.
You're so pragmatic about these things.
But yes, hence why I choose Lil Miss Tats - keeping it real...well...that and the fact that she looks like she'd enjoy being tied up!
Card carrying fallibilist with a side of omnipotence I blame my hair.
GTAM is not a dating site.Card carrying omnipotent with a side of narcissistic rage (I blame the voices in my head). Pleased to meet you.
Ms. 403 is a women's champion.
GTAM is not a dating site.
OP maybe full of poo poo but this thread has provided me minutes of entertainment.
Awww, "most favourite girl of all time", so cute! I wanna a be someones favourite girl of all time!!!
testosterone crazed=juicing???
Actually it was your hand that provided minutes of entertainment. This thread just helped.
All I can say thats PG, is she likes to be rough housed ( ie. punching, slapping, spitting, and just talking down on her gets her riled up).
Thanks...a new question has popped up in my mind...Does Red695 pick Dr. Sarcasm to mate with then cheat on him with rmemedic or does she pick rmemedic and cheat on him with Dr. Sarcasm?
My advice is to stay single...once you get a boyfriend that we know about, your stock around here drops like a stone.
Cat, do you still disagree with my theory?
CAT we need a big picture of you. Already seen blow ups of red, amazon, and short stop.
Cmon now be a good lass.
Haha I have tons of pics on FB. I’ll post a blow up of the pic on here. I can be a good sport.
View attachment 28082
Cus your just jealous you didn’t nap the chic.