York Region Riders! (Richmond Hill, Markham, Aurora, King, New Market and Vaughan)

YRR Meet and Ride + L&L Thursday September 4th.

Pre meet Location:
Woodbine & 16th Ave. Tim Hortons
@ 6:30

We ride around for a bit then head to L&L at around 7:30

Leslie and Lakeshore:

Send me a PM with your phone number and name to join the whatsapp group.
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Speaking wich. We are planning a trip to forks on Saturday. I will keep you guys posted once we have a plan. Send me a private message if you are interested so we have an idea how many people are coming.
YRR Day Ride
Meet up: 11:00am Sept 6th
Location: tims at 16th/woodbine.

Heading up north west, around 190km to destination. Should be back latest by 5/6pm. Feel free to join everyone is welcome. Make sure you are not late if you do plan on joining.

Send me a pm so I have an idea how many people are coming and I can add you to the whatsapp group
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Bunch of good guys in there. Easier to organize meets. We should ride aoon. Before it's too cold for some of us noobs (me)

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I wouldn't go with YRR. I heard it's a front for drug and human trafficking. You'll end up just being a mule for drugs.
Meet tonight.

Location: 16th/Woodbine infront of Tim Hortons
Time: 6:30-7:00 (Leaving at 7:00)

Location: Kennedy Commons infront of Tim Hortons
Time: 7:00-7:30

People meeting at 16th/Woodbine will ride down to KC, then we head to LnL together from there.
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I am from Richmond Hill, I am good on the weekends! Just got my M2 in late Aug this year, haha!

Potatoe chips. I'm from R hill too! Send me your cell # I'll add you to the what's app group. Might be able to squeeze a few more rides in before seasons done :(. Or come for drinks !

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