York Region Riders! (Richmond Hill, Markham, Aurora, King, New Market and Vaughan)

I don't pay much attention to this part of the forum. If there is a ride going on PM me. I'm always near Leslie and Elgin Mills Rd E. I'm good for late night rides/chilling.
where are some good roads to ride up on around Major Mac and Kennedy area? and also in for the group ride, will check forum often =).
where are some good roads to ride up on around Major Mac and Kennedy area? and also in for the group ride, will check forum often =).

Dunno about that but if you want some fun roads that aren't in the best of conditions go north on leslie passed stoufville rd. Just do a passive pass first usually cops hanging around between stoufville and elgin mills rd e on leslie.
where are some good roads to ride up on around Major Mac and Kennedy area? and also in for the group ride, will check forum often =).

Check out musselman lake. Scenic and twisty. I usually head to the forks if I want a ~2.5 hr ride. All the nice roads are far away.
Check out musselman lake. Scenic and twisty. I usually head to the forks if I want a ~2.5 hr ride. All the nice roads are far away.

Actually mussleman lake isn't that far away at least not from google map it is only roughly around 25-30min or so away from Major Mac and Kennedy, i'll probably give it a go this weekend to see how it is like up there =) thx for the tip.
Im IN. The thing is, im leaving country in a week. So i get out riding Everyday.

That ride is a big one. Riding a bike after 4 hours tends to get tiresome. So Im not quite sure if it will be very newbie friendly. Perhaps a shorter ride would be more appropriate for newbies.

Either way, Im in for that long ride, as long as someone is willing to lead.
It looks like this group still hasn't gotten out for a ride.
I am going out for a short ride on Saturday morning (Aug 16th). If there is enough interest I would be happy to show you a nice little route in the area. I will keep a pace to suit so new riders would be welcome and any one new to group riding I would be happy to answer any questions or explain some of the etiquette (the kind I like anyway).
I only have a few hours and will be heading east, grabbing a coffee then heading home.

I would meet at the Tim Hortons on the NW corner of Woodbine Ave and Stouffville Rd, just east of the 404 at 9:00am and hope to leave between 9:15-9:30.

PM or post if interested or have any questions. I'll check back here and confirm later today.
I'm in for the ride!! Please let me know if it's a go because I have another ride pending but it's much further.

Thanks for taking the lead 7up!
Ok. I'm going regardless so if you want to join then I'll go to the Tims as mentioned.
It is only a local ride as I have plans for early afternoon. (forecast calls for rain in the pm anyway)
The far rides, especially if your heading north are very nice but this is a nice local route you can hit even in the evenings. No highway, no real traffic, quiet country roads and can easily be extended to include a few other nice areas.
There really is no "nice" roads within a 2hr ride but you can string together enough nice sections to make it a decent ride. (And the Forks are not a "nice" road.)
Port Perry. I may then head down to GP & Royal Dist. depending on time.
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