Maybe look into how often a gun has prevented rape, murder, assault ,kidnapping before becoming hysterical.
[SIZE=+1]The National Self-Defense Survey indicated that there were 2.5 million incidents of defensive gun use per year in the U.S. This is probably a conservative estimate, for two reasons. First, cases of respondents intentionally withholding reports of genuine defensive-gun uses were probably more common than cases of respondents reporting incidents that did not occur or that were not genuinely defensive. Second, the survey covered only adults age 18 and older, thereby excluding all defensive gun uses involving adolescents, the age group most likely to suffer a violent victimization.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]The authors concluded that defensive uses of guns are about three to four times as common as criminal uses of guns. The National Self-Defense Survey confirmed the picture of frequent defensive gun use implied by the results of earlier, less sophisticated surveys.[/SIZE]