supposed to be great weather next week...ahhhhh i think i packed it in too early. :-(
64 pages strong...this should be a sticky.
64 pages strong...this should be a sticky.
tee heeHEEEHEEEE I know what you mean
lmao thanks razor so sweet. Trust me pics will be coming when I bring her home!!!ahah bet youll do alot of straddling rafiki911and good call on not riding it home, cold + snow = fail ahha. maybe youll be able to break her in next week, supposed to get into double digits again
and GET PICS !!. aww muffincake has to work ...
lmao thanks razor so sweet. Trust me pics will be coming when i bring her home!!!
lol awe, I think your envious of the feeling that I am having not my bike. Everyone on this site must have the same feeling when getting a new bike or first bikeDamn, I love my bike but I'm still envious. There's something wrong with me!
lol too funny. Then all the noobs would read it and think WTF. lmaosupposed to be great weather next week...ahhhhh i think i packed it in too early. :-(
64 pages strong...this should be a sticky.
one more sleep muffinWoooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ha ha ha I am the muffin this time...big more sleep muffin
ha ha ha I am the muffin this time...big time...
Having a nice night in with my niece watching kick *** martial arts movies!!! Drove more than 300km today don't wanna do anything should be out celebrating...
"having a nice night in with my niece watching kick *** martial arts movies!!! "
Having a nice night in with my niece watching kick *** martial arts movies!!! Drove more than 300km today don't wanna do anything else.
lol I love driving though. Not so much fun with my dad as a passenger. lol
sorry dude my bad. lol The movies are wicked watching SPL righ now.i was referring to you staying in lol
sorry dude my bad. lol The movies are wicked watching SPL righ now.