ya sorry wokring on my resume and im bored.. and i have no idea what to type in it haha. lol my bad ehhe
Have you ever polished of a full bag of Doritos on your own? That needs to go in there.
ya sorry wokring on my resume and im bored.. and i have no idea what to type in it haha. lol my bad ehhe
done it . also done it with nachos and salsa... farting like no ones business the next day though..
WOAH there, easy on the details .... lmfaodone it . also done it with nachos and salsa... farting like no ones business the next day though..
whats ftw?ftw!
lmao hilarious!!!Have you ever polished of a full bag of Doritos on your own? That needs to go in there.
Going to see my baby (GS500F) today and I hope it's nicer out by the time I get up there. Or Maybe convince them to deliver it.
whattt. k maybe im oldschool but ftw to me mean f*** the world lolnope didnt have any issues. i think your making it upfyi ftw is for the win and fyi is for your information
whattt. k maybe im oldschool but ftw to me mean f*** the world lol
oh muffin......
her bikes coming home tomorrow now!Anybody hear from Rafiki? Wonder how she's making out. Bet she was at the shop before it opened!
her bikes coming home tomorrow now!
lol nice. and thanks.Welcome to GTAM.I got my m license in King City way back in the 70's somewhere after getting pulled over for speeding on hwy 6.I was on my way to a MX race day at Copetown.The cop let me off because he liked my bike and asked where i was going in such a hurry.I gave him a couple of tickets to the race (i was part of the hosting club,and doing fence patrol that day).Later that day i caught him and a buddy hopping the fence.He scalped the tickets! Lol
Did i digress again?