;) Yay an other female passes the M2!!!

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ha ha ha just read the 3 pages I missed. Holy crap we made it to 1000. lol
Opa your the best, always got some great info for us noobs.
Sam I shot the ceiling of the place for you and some drywall came down. lol (not on purpose)
Second time at the range...first time I shot a .22 and did really well with it.
Today I got to shoot a .40, .9 and a .22 again. Lets just say I did really good with the .22 again and didn't even hit the paper with the other two. lmao
Next weekend I'll work on those two again and a .38 revolver.
So much fun.
I'm pretty good with a sling shot too. Yay and other girl with a sling shot!!!
ha ha ha just read the 3 pages I missed. Holy crap we made it to 1000. lol
Opa your the best, always got some great info for us noobs.
Sam I shot the ceiling of the place for you and some drywall came down. lol (not on purpose)
Second time at the range...first time I shot a .22 and did really well with it.
Today I got to shoot a .40, .9 and a .22 again. Lets just say I did really good with the .22 again and didn't even hit the paper with the other two. lmao
Next weekend I'll work on those two again and a .38 revolver.
So much fun.
I'm pretty good with a sling shot too. Yay and other girl with a sling shot!!!
lmaoo!! yess thanks for shooting the ceiling for me!!!!
Yea leaning towards the 500 now. Cheaper and more power. Still have one more person to talk to before I decide though.
Ahahahahahahahah.. hit the wall? howd you manage that? though i shouldnt talk, ive fired a shot gun in advertantly ( had a REALLY light trigger, as in .5lbs) thankfully it was pointed away please i like stories :P
Ahahahahahahahah.. hit the wall? howd you manage that? though i shouldnt talk, ive fired a shot gun in advertantly ( had a REALLY light trigger, as in .5lbs) thankfully it was pointed away please i like stories :P
lol it wasn't me that hit the wall, I said an other noob did. I did hit the ceiling though.
lmaooo :p i type exactly how i talk ;) except i probably swear alot more in person lol
It wasn't about how you talk, it was the idea that a Hello Kitty tankbag would be a good thing, lol.
Yeah, I swear like a sailor, too.:(
Hey, we were ALL newbies at one point, so why not share (the tiny little bit) that I've learned.

The December new bike show: http://www.torontomotorcycleshow.ca/
The January aftermarket show: http://www.supershowevents.com/
And the spring show: http://www.supershowevents.com/spring/index.html

So we should aim to go the Sun afternoon, that way we can get the best deals on the gear right...
If you guys want to meet at my place, I can drive us down to the downtown one cause I can get us free parking by that one:)
Opa, at the range I saw an other Harley rider... he had a harley patch on his jacket. Was too scared to talk to him though he had other patches on his jacket that I was unsure of. Plus I was doing the club safety class so I couldn't really talk to him anyways.
wow 51 pages? O_O

Anyway :hello2: Rafiki

See you on the roads next season!
Opa, at the range I saw an other Harley rider... he had a harley patch on his jacket. Was too scared to talk to him though he had other patches on his jacket that I was unsure of. Plus I was doing the club safety class so I couldn't really talk to him anyways.
Why would you be scared to talk to someone? People are just people. And there are a lot of buy-a-patch riding clubs out there, so unless he's got a 3-piece patch from a 1% club on the back, chances are he's just a regular guy. And even the 1%ers aren't going to bite for talking to them.
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