@SVeezy so what would you consider proper gear?...I wear full face helmet, jeans, boots, jacket, gloves...anything else?
@Mad Mike LOL...I'm already the coolest when I show up on my FZ07I'm not a camping kind of girl, goes back to my scared silly of getting ticks (which he says is irrational and to some degree I know it is)...he's over 200 without gear, and that's really one of the main reasons why I think he's crazy...the TDubs was his other obsession...
I was being a bit tongue in cheek but to answer honestly…. I’ve been hiking, playing, working etc in the bush all my life in one form or another and I’ve never (knock on wood) had a tic. My sister had one once. I often walk around in shorts and sandals, no shirt.
The potential for Lyme disease is real but can’t happen if you don’t get a tic. You have to be careful removing them if one does latch on because they bury their head in you and if not completely removed there is potential for infection.
Sorry for the side details and now to actually answer your question. Cover as much of your skin as possible. Pants tucked into your socks or boots is good to prevent them getting up inside. The likelihood of getting one up in your helmet is near zero IMO
If you’re riding full gear you are just about as safe as you can be. Enjoy the ride.
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