Wynne's approval rating the lowest recorded of any sitting premier

I think the thread can be closed, you summed it up pretty well.

We are all doomed, until someone smart, decent, charismatic and willing to invest their own life to give power back to people and lead tem out of this mess. Looks like a huge and I mean huge pipe dream.

True. Sad to say, "Pipe dream" What do we expect Truthful, honest Politicians. Not a chance.
What Tim Hudak and the "P"Cs did when it came to unions was one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. The unions were fighting the Liberals, no way they were going to support them in the election until.... Then Timmy starts going on about "Right to Work" legislation, starts attacking the unions. Sure in the end he dropped it but he already picked the fight. Now some info from statscan, at that time 28% of workers in Ontario were in a union, reasonably 40% of all households have a union member. SO, Timmy saw the unions fighting the Liberals, then decides to pick a fight with 40% of the voters? Then the conservative cries that it is all the union's fault.

This is like a kid in the school yard watching two other kids he does not like fight. Instead of letting them fight the kid attacks the one of the two kids mid fight and then gets a beating from the first two. THEN the cries of being a victim.

All he had to do, keep his mouth shut, unions would have told their members to not vote Liberal. It was that simple.

FYI, I WAS a life long PC for the most part (P being key), I voted for both Ford's. Now that the conservatism has become bigotry and trickle down/supply side economics I am done with it. Trump (and Harper here) is a great example of modern conservatism, bigotry (check) supply side economics (check). Not the world I want to live in. I will stay unaffiliated as long as they stay the way they have become.

Next, I posted 2016 CRA (you know revenue Canada, they are the ones that do that tax thing). Your response is broken a link to a conference board article about Quebec that is using data that is 5 to 8 years old?

As I said, Wynne and the Provincial Liberals need to go, just like Harper and the Conservatives needed to go. She cranked Ontario's debt, he cranked Canada's.

What we have is a trough, there are blue pigs, red pigs, orange pigs and one green pig. They are all pigs fighting to get to the trough, when one colour gets too fat, the voters swap them out with a new colour. It is very cute and sad that people think that one colour of pig is better than the others, just because they are that colour...

You behave as though I'm supporting the Conservatives. I haven't said anything about them. I didn't like Tim Hudak because I don't like neo-cons at all. I agree Harper's time had come. I don't exclusively support any party. I just happen to believe that anything would have been better for Ontario than another known-to-be-corrupt Liberal government.

The links you posted only take into account selected areas of taxation. Do a search, you'll find exactly what I posted is true: only Quebec has more total taxation. Under Wynne we might just overtake Quebec as the most taxed province.

Ottawa, May 2, 2016 - Quebec has the highest provincial net business and personal tax burden, according to a new Conference Board of Canada report, Benchmarking Provincial Tax Burdens.
  • The provincial personal tax burden in all major income brackets is higher in Quebec than anywhere else in Canada, and sales taxes add to the personal tax burden.
  • Quebec had the highest provincial net business tax burden ratio.
  • Payroll taxes paid by employers contribute significantly to the gap in provincial business tax burdens between Quebec and the other provinces.

This report compares the provincial tax burden on businesses and individuals among provinces based on the calculation of average provincial tax burden ratios. The analysis is based on data through 2011 for business taxation and 2012 for personal taxation (which were the most recent data available at the time this research was completed).
"The implicit personal income tax rate in Quebec is higher than in all other provinces at all major levels of income," said Julie Adès, Senior Economist. "In terms of business taxation, relatively high corporate income taxes and payroll taxes contribute to the large burden on Quebec businesses."
Quebec had the highest provincial net business tax burden ratio for each year during the 2008–11 period that the analysis covered. In terms of corporate income tax, Quebec has a relatively competitive rate of taxation, but the rate for small business (8 per cent) is the highest among the provinces. The Quebec government lowered its tax rate on income eligible for the small business deduction from 8 to 6 per cent in June 2014 and from 6 to 4 per cent in April 2015 for businesses in the manufacturing sector. Also, in its 2015–16 budget the Quebec government announced a reduction of the tax rate from 8 to 4 per cent for businesses in the primary sector for fiscal years starting after December 31, 2016.
Corporate income taxes provide only a partial picture of the taxes levied on businesses. Payroll taxes contribute significantly to the gap in provincial tax burdens between Quebec and the other provinces.
Quebec makes up some ground when sales taxes and provincial subsidies are considered in the comparison. In terms of sales taxes, Quebec businesses have a lower burden than almost all other provinces. Quebec also has comparatively high levels of business subsidies, further narrowing the gap between it and the other provinces.
Just as it does in the business tax burden ranking, Quebec has the highest provincial personal tax burden. Based on the data analyzed, the average tax burden in all major income brackets is higher in Quebec than anywhere else in Canada. Quebec also has one of the highest provincial sales tax burden ratios as a share of household income.
Unlike residents of other provinces, Quebec residents receive a federal tax abatement. Since Quebec is the only province receiving a tax abatement from the federal government, the Conference Board subtracted the value of the abatement from the amount of provincial tax paid by Quebec residents to provide a more accurate interprovincial comparison of provincial tax burden.
This report does not assess the value or quality of goods and services financed by governments through tax revenues. However, it should be noted that Quebecers receive some public services that are not offered elsewhere in Canada, such as a universal child daycare program and comparatively low university tuition for Quebec residents. In addition, Quebec is one of only two provinces (along with British Columbia) to have achieved a balanced budget in 2015–16.
Business taxation includes: provincial corporate income taxes, social security contributions paid by employers, payroll taxes, and property taxes and provincial sales taxes, as well as the provincial segments of the HST.
Personal taxation includes: provincial personal income taxes, social security contributions paid by employees, property taxes, and provincial sales taxes as well as the provincial segments of the HST.
Join Julie Adès and Matthew Stewart for a live webinar to discuss the findings for all provinces on June 1, 2016 at 2 PM ET.
The report was produced for the Centre for Tax Analysis, Fiscal Incentives and Competitiveness (TAFIC). Launched in 2014, TAFIC provides Canadian business leaders and policy-makers with credible, leading-edge quantitative research on all aspects of the Canadian system of taxation and fiscal incentives. Using sophisticated econometric tools to measure the impact of proposed reforms on the Canadian economy, TAFIC publishes evidence-based and accessible reports on key issues related to taxation and fiscal incentives.

[h=2]For more information contact[/h]Corporate Communications
I would prefer the government be judged by total revenue instead of taxes. Total revenue would include taxes, fees, fines, sell offs, licences, surcharges etc. What has the government done with all the tire tax money, air conditioning tax environmental taxes over the years?
Ontarians are getting what they voted for. They were warned, but they listened to the leftist Toronto Star and the CBC and voted Liberal again. Anything would have been better. Higher taxes, widespread corruption, outrageous taxes masquerading as green levies, it goes on and on. That's what you get for being uninformed and stupid. Looks good on Ontario. Starting to look more like Michigan.
Could not have said it better ..

Be careful for what you wish for.. You might just get it , and ya may not like it ...

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As I type I hear the drone of vacuum excavation going on to move Bell telephone services underground from poles.

A couple of years ago hydro did the same thing and Bell and cable were to use the same excavations. They couldn't get their act together so hydro went ahead on their own to the tune, I am told, of $64,000.00 per house. Now Bell is doing the same.

The original excavations could have handled an extra pipe for next to nothing but the bean counters got into a p'ing match and now lawns are being torn up again.

Where is the money coming from? $64,000.00 per house for hydro and who knows what from bell.

Where's a horsewhip when you need it?
That decision will certainly cost them bunch of votes ... question is how many and to what other party.

I have a hard time believing that most kids are not hurt due to sheer chaos around every school in the morning or at the time of release. It's a zoo, not a drag strip ....
I think almost everyone misses a simple fact...they suck but they are still in power and the worse that happens is they don't get reelected...it's not as if they become Walmart greeters...crap job = pension + they go on to hold positions as CEO's or board members. Wth! I suck at my job and fail in a public way but here is a bonus and a better job...plus we pay you for life as a reminder how dumb we were and here is your payment to teach us how dumb we were.

That decision will certainly cost them bunch of votes ... question is how many and to what other party.

I have a hard time believing that most kids are not hurt due to sheer chaos around every school in the morning or at the time of release. It's a zoo, not a drag strip ....

Nothing a few speed bumps can't solve.
I think the thread can be closed, you summed it up pretty well.

We are all doomed, until someone smart, decent, charismatic and willing to invest their own life to give power back to people and lead tem out of this mess. Looks like a huge and I mean huge pipe dream.
I'm thinking about running for office. I'm somewhat smart, definitely decent, a little charismatic, and willing to invest my own life to give power back to the people and lead them out of this mess.

One of the first things I would do is have Southwood Rd 13 repaved and probably the 518 too. What else do you guys want?
I'm thinking about running for office. I'm somewhat smart, definitely decent, a little charismatic, and willing to invest my own life to give power back to the people and lead them out of this mess.

One of the first things I would do is have Southwood Rd 13 repaved and probably the 518 too. What else do you guys want?

They don't want your kind...the decent kind.

Saw a quick clip of the lady running for Conservative leadership and she is using similar tactics as Trump.

WTH is wrong with ppl.
I'm thinking about running for office. I'm somewhat smart, definitely decent, a little charismatic, and willing to invest my own life to give power back to the people and lead them out of this mess.

One of the first things I would do is have Southwood Rd 13 repaved and probably the 518 too. What else do you guys want?

Will you extend Southwood to at least another 200 kms? Curling back to North of TO.
You always seems like a nice bloke. You have my vote.
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