I blame a lot of the unions who told their people to vote liberal. There was misinformation about the pcs and their agenda. I can't count how many of my friends thought to vote for PC was to vote AGAINST. The unions. Now look where we are at FU$@Ed!! Thank you to all you liberal voters for screwing over Ontario
What Tim Hudak and the "P"Cs did when it came to unions was one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. The unions were fighting the Liberals, no way they were going to support them in the election until.... Then Timmy starts going on about "Right to Work" legislation, starts attacking the unions. Sure in the end he dropped it but he already picked the fight. Now some info from statscan, at that time 28% of workers in Ontario were in a union, reasonably 40% of all households have a union member. SO, Timmy saw the unions fighting the Liberals, then decides to pick a fight with 40% of the voters? Then the conservative cries that it is all the union's fault.
This is like a kid in the school yard watching two other kids he does not like fight. Instead of letting them fight the kid attacks the one of the two kids mid fight and then gets a beating from the first two. THEN the cries of being a victim.
All he had to do, keep his mouth shut, unions would have told their members to not vote Liberal. It was that simple.
Bullsh!t. Ontario is only behind Quebec for the highest tax intake and has been that way since "No new Taxes" McSquinty lied his way into power.
Liberal apologists like you love to dump all over populist politicians like Trump and Ford, but you forget there's a reason they become popular. Ontario is governed by morons right now. It got that way because the people who vote for them are morons. And NO it wasn't the fault of the unions. People don't have to vote with their union. Besides, unions only represent a small fraction of the voters in Ontario. It was helped by media in Ontario, owned by interests who support the Liberal Party like Honderich, Thompson and BCE.
FYI, I WAS a life long PC for the most part (P being key), I voted for both Ford's. Now that the conservatism has become bigotry and trickle down/supply side economics I am done with it. Trump (and Harper here) is a great example of modern conservatism, bigotry (check) supply side economics (check). Not the world I want to live in. I will stay unaffiliated as long as they stay the way they have become. But it is all the media's fault, or unions...always someone else's fault, always the victim.
Next, I posted 2016 CRA (you know revenue Canada, they are the ones that do that tax thing). Your response is broken a link to a conference board article about Quebec that is using data that is 5 to 8 years old?
As I said, Wynne and the Provincial Liberals need to go, just like Harper and the Conservatives needed to go. She cranked Ontario's debt, he cranked Canada's. Red pig, blue pig, same results just different ways to get there.
What we have is a trough, there are blue pigs, red pigs, orange pigs and one green pig. They are all pigs fighting to get to the trough, when one colour gets too fat, the voters swap them out with a new colour. It is very cute and sad that people think that one colour of pig is better than the others, just because they are that colour... The red pigs in Ontario are way too fat, we need to fatten up another colour.