WTF is wrong with hollywood


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In the last few years, all they have really produced is complete crap, and remake after remake after remake, with a " based on true events " thrown in for good measure

this weekend i saw a commercial for the new Footloose. WTF ?

The Thing- is another one. Now , I'm all for a good movie, but some dont really seem needed

did we need a new Halloween ? Nightmare on Elm St. Karate Kid..etc..

it seems Hollywood has hit bottom, and there is no originality left.

we are left with animated Kids movies, and CGI.

Im glad TV still has something left in the tank.

i hope someone does something soon, before we get a remake of Convoy !
It seems all the good writers have gone to writing "reality" shows as that seems to be where the money is.
My gf was watching a reality show where the one girl was going to call her friend that she hasn't talked to in a couple years, So she calls and at the other end they are filming her pick up the phone and say "I haven't heard from you in years, How are you" ? If she hasn't heard from her in years wouldn't she have found it kinda weird that there is a cameraman in your kitchen while you are eating breakfast?
Can you tell me something "right" with Hollywood? (other than making money)
Van Damme and Chuck Norris are going to be in The Expendables 2. That's all I need or care about haha.
Just saw the trailer for The Three Musketeers...I guess they're remaking it.....again...
No more good ideas I guess...
Van Damme and Chuck Norris are going to be in The Expendables 2. That's all I need or care about haha.

And Arnie's got more face time in 2, now that he's unemployed.

Jason Statham in F&F 6+7? Someone pass me a facepalm.
In the last few years, all they have really produced is complete crap, and remake after remake after remake, with a " based on true events " thrown in for good measure

this weekend i saw a commercial for the new Footloose. WTF ?

The Thing- is another one. Now , I'm all for a good movie, but some dont really seem needed

did we need a new Halloween ? Nightmare on Elm St. Karate Kid..etc..

it seems Hollywood has hit bottom, and there is no originality left.

we are left with animated Kids movies, and CGI.

Im glad TV still has something left in the tank.

i hope someone does something soon, before we get a remake of Convoy !

Amen to that bro!

They realize ppl will still watch it. People still go to the movies even if its crap! I refuse to go to the movies now.

There were certainly better movies in the 90's
CG effects are like autotune, overused and tiresome. But it's the easy way out so it's it's the first thing movie makers reach for. Agreed, at least 80% of mainstream Hollywood product is mindless pap. But they're targeting the Jersey Shore generation so it doesn't surprise me. I'm actually looking forward to The Thing, the Carpenter version is one of my all time favourite horror flicks. But if the 1982 version was released today, audiences would find it slow and boring.
Like Neve Campbell said last night to Strombo, Hollywood is an insular business in an insular community. They know everything about movies and nothing else. Hollywood's been dead to me for a good decade.

Next question.
It's true. All they make are world ending movies, cartoons for kids, and **** about aliens. Then you have movies that just steal elements from those 3.
In the last few years, all they have really produced is complete crap, and remake after remake after remake, with a " based on true events " thrown in for good measure

this weekend i saw a commercial for the new Footloose. WTF ?

The Thing- is another one. Now , I'm all for a good movie, but some dont really seem needed

did we need a new Halloween ? Nightmare on Elm St. Karate Kid..etc..

it seems Hollywood has hit bottom, and there is no originality left.

we are left with animated Kids movies, and CGI.

Im glad TV still has something left in the tank.

i hope someone does something soon, before we get a remake of Convoy !

The best thing in theatres, these days, seems to be comic book movies. That says a lot.

TV is no better. Every time that I turn it on, there's some stupid 'reality' show on. You've got to go to the cable stations, to get anything worth watching. Really; the X-Factor for TWO HOURS?!
TV went downhill after X-Files and Seinfeld went off the air.
Movies went downhill after Lord of the Rings and The Matrix series. Avatar and Transformers are the exception. Transformers 3 worldwide box office numbers are crazy.

Problem is that there is so much money in Hollywood that anybody with a pulse is given funding for a movie. When the currencies around the world start crashing, money will only go to the really well written, acted and directed movies.

I don't waste money going to movies anymore, I just download them a couple months later. If you really wanna stop Hollywood from producing crap. Stop going to theatres.
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As long as people are willing to pay (and pay big) to watch crap, where's the incentive to produce anything good?
Both movies and television have recycled for years, either their own, i.e., American, products or others. The Office was an Amercanized version of a British series (and nowhere near as good) and Prime Suspect is also an old British series the Americans dusted off and dumbed down. HBO used to be produce some brilliant, original programming but not so much lately.
And if my reality was anything like these so-called reality shows, I'd kill myself.
And may I add: "Get off my lawn" *shakes fist*

I remember in the late 90's; early 2000's when summer blockbuster was a big hype. It would be talk of the summer. I remember when these movies came out they made quite a splash:

-Terminator 2
-Con air
TV went downhill after X-Files and Seinfeld went off the air.
Movies went downhill after Lord of the Rings and The Matrix series. Avatar and Transformers are the exception. Transformers 3 worldwide box office numbers are crazy.

Transformers???? really? I just watch Transformers 3 with the wifey, the last hour of the movie we were both like...."please hurry up and end already" They prolong that stuff for no reason at all, they could of easily cut that movie down an hour with no harm at all.

GHUUUUUUUUUUUUU....sorry for my movie rant. And Avatar????? watching something 3D for that many hours just gave me a headache. I must be just getting cranky at my old age.
And from a story standpoint, Avatar brought nothing new to the table. It was a cookie cutter "soldier falls in love with local girl, then turns on his buddies to save her people" story. There are hundreds of them.

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