Wrecked hard on Tuesday | Page 4 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Wrecked hard on Tuesday

Oh, I hear ya 100%!!

I'll have to remember to not assume someone will stop at a red light or a stop sign unless I can make eye contact or I know I can get through the intersection before he gets there anyways.

Same with making a right turn onto a road where someone has their signal on to turn right onto the road I'm coming from ... almost got taken out once or twice there where they kept going straight instead. :mad:

We all learn from our experiences and, thanks to forums like this, from others as well.
Moderation isn't in the mindset of an aggressive driver.

If you've got a red light or stop sign ahead take your foot/hand of the throttle and slow down. It saves brake wear and makes your intentions more obvious.

Instead, aggressive drivers blast right to the stop sign or parking lot exit making the road users guess whether they're going to stop or not and where. Stop six feet out into the roadway?

Of course if the person riding with the legal right of way slows to mitigate risks he/she risks getting rear ended.

Welcome to reality.
There’s a good old saying ‘the cemetery is full of those that had the right of way’.

When I ride in stupidly vigilant, to a fault I guess, where I’m hyper aware of the cars at intersections / stop signs / roundabouts and just assume they’re going to pull out in front of me…and am happy when they don’t.
I too have been in your position....Life changing injuries.
7 years until settlement....no court
Get a good lawyer....They end up taking 30% at least...no matter what they say
they do indeed. Lawyer I've chosen, informed me that in Ontario, loser pays(sorta) legal. So they'd have to cover disbursements plus add 15% of the total.

Just had the first surgery to repair my shoulder, today. Due my physically demanding career, if I cant do my job like I used to, we will also be seeking college money.
they do indeed. Lawyer I've chosen, informed me that in Ontario, loser pays(sorta) legal. So they'd have to cover disbursements plus add 15% of the total.

Just had the first surgery to repair my shoulder, today. Due my physically demanding career, if I cant do my job like I used to, we will also be seeking college money.
You will need to include all future life changes and direction.

My surgeon predicted I would have to retire from the workforce 10 years early...and that was exactly what happened.
So keep in mind if you will need that settlement to help you through retirement.
Good luck...take the drugs...Get well...One day at a time....Physical shape and strength is so important .....so keep up your physio.
You will need to include all future life changes and direction.

My surgeon predicted I would have to retire from the workforce 10 years early...and that was exactly what happened.
So keep in mind if you will need that settlement to help you through retirement.
Good luck...take the drugs...Get well...One day at a time....Physical shape and strength is so important .....so keep up your physio.
I often wonder about the compound effect of injuries. An injured leg makes walking painful so the person walks less. That leads to weight gain, restricting other activities resulting in more weight gain and a spiral into severe obesity.
I often wonder about the compound effect of injuries. An injured leg makes walking painful so the person walks less. That leads to weight gain, restricting other activities resulting in more weight gain and a spiral into severe obesity.
That's me now -- knee injury in Dec is still nagging, but no longer in my way. Now I have to deal with losing the 20lbs I accumulated while resting on the couch.
I often wonder about the compound effect of injuries. An injured leg makes walking painful so the person walks less. That leads to weight gain, restricting other activities resulting in more weight gain and a spiral into severe obesity.
It all adds up. In my accident I tore my labrum in my leg, which ended up slightly affecting the way I walked as my body compensated to help take some weight off. Fast forward a few years and it completely affected my walking / running gait. Now I run almost side to side / bow legged instead of straight powerful strides. This puts more weight on my other knee as its taking more of force on every step. Been doing exercises to fix it, but it takes forever.
I often wonder about the compound effect of injuries. An injured leg makes walking painful so the person walks less. That leads to weight gain, restricting other activities resulting in more weight gain and a spiral into severe obesity.
Wow...Very inciteful ....and accurate :D :devilish:
It's a cure as much as insulin is.
It's also profitable for the manufacturer....just like food is, like glasses are etc
they do indeed. Lawyer I've chosen, informed me that in Ontario, loser pays(sorta) legal. So they'd have to cover disbursements plus add 15% of the total.

Just had the first surgery to repair my shoulder, today. Due my physically demanding career, if I cant do my job like I used to, we will also be seeking college money.
"Due my physically demanding career, if I cant do my job like I used to,"

Not sure if I read this on GTAM but the comment stuck with me.
People suffering from physical injury most likely will not be able to work longer in the future either. Forced early retirement or a career change.
There is also the mental shock and pain that comes with a traumatic physical injury to deal with also.
There is also the mental shock and pain that comes with a traumatic physical injury to deal with also.
Fortunately in my case I have no memory of the accident tho I do have not so fond memories of 90 days in the recovery centre ( free for all accident victims in Ontario ) tho it was nice financially to have all my food, lodging and drugs paid for. ( I was in Ontario for my sons illness and eventual death and was still a resident at the time ).
Now about the food.......some trauma there ...the spaghetti bolognese was good tho.

I'd have to say on a whole my treatment by the insurance company Aviva( on going ) was excellent.
My treatment in hospital a bit dodgy.
My treatment in the Recovery Center somewhat annoying....I'm not much on authority.:rolleyes:

Still my out of pocket costs were zero. √
I'd hate to think of that cost in the US.
Open the thread and when I read OP was starting his trip from Hamilton, I assumed he crashed because he hit a pothole...

This story just goes to prove that old biker saying about riding as if everyone is out to kill you.
Good luck OP, 'hope you get back to normal quickly.

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