Wrecked hard on Tuesday


Well-known member
I haven’t been on the forum for a while, life gets in the way, you know how it is. Anyway, I’ve been planning a very large road trip for my summer vacation. Was supposed to start in Hamilton, head to Milwaukee for the HD Homecoming festival which is on my birthday weekend. Then to SD to see Rushmore and Sturgis for the rally the following week. Then through Montana, up to Calgary and take the TVH back to Ontario. Something like 4300 miles. Well, Tuesday morning when I left for work, all those hopes and dreams were dashed, and I almost missed my next birthday. In the end I got off lucky compared to a lot of guys, but here’s my story none the less.

Tuesday morning, like any other morning, I had dutifully left home just after 5am, to go to work. I brought a soft towel to wipe the morning dew off the Harley, and shine it up a bit. Started the bike, connected Bluetooth, put on IronMaiden, it was almost 5:30. Pulled out of my spot and headed north down my street. Hanging a second at the first stop sign, I headed east from there. Travelling for that first block, I upshift once, knowing I will stop after only two blocks, to turn again. Only I don’t make it there.

After travelling less than 1 block, I notice at the intersection, a car going southbound. It’s ok, I think. He has a stop sign, I don’t, proceed as normal.

Wait, no. WHAT THE **** ARE YOU…. AHHHGH

I’m now on the asphalt. I’m Im writhing in pain, yelling loudly, face down. I don’t know anything between impact and asphalt, not how I hit the car, where I am in the intersection etc. Neighbours exit their homes to investigate the commotion. My iPhone has triggered a collision detection alarm, it’s dialing 911 automatically and sending my location to my brother. Despite pleas from samaritans, I roll to my back. Pull my phone from my pocket and begin talking to the 911 operator whose voice has been coming from my phone for a minute now, pleading to hear an answer from a survivor. “Motorcycle accident” I say.

I relay what very little detail I have, somebody tells me the intersection. I look over and see a dodge charger with flashing lights approaching. I tell 911 police are here, it goes black from here. Next thing I know I’m on a stretcher in an ambulance. The clock above the ambulance door says 05:44. An EMT is trying to keep me lucid and gain information, I’m answering questions. In an effort to keep me calm, he says my bike looks ok, “it’s just cosmetic”. He lied. He patches a gash on my leg and fashions a sling on my arm.
The clock says 05:47 now, we’re arriving at the hospital. So begins a very long day of X-rays, CT scans and other tests. Police visited me in the hospital, gave me the other drivers information, he’s 100% at fault, absolutely no argument. I’m not sure what charges he may have received.

Today I’m in a lot of pain and learning to do menial tasks all over again with one arm(I still have the other one lol, just can’t use it much right now).

I’m so thankful to be here today, to relay this story. The tow truck driver who saw the aftermath was amazed when I called him the next morning. I went and collected my things that were still with the bike, took some pictures and said goodbye. She was beautiful, and it’s hard to tell from the pictures, but she’s bent, and there’s damage all over. She’ll be written off almost for sure. As for me, right shoulder completely separated, 3 fractured ribs, fractured clavical. Hospital never noticed the leg gash that EMS bandaged, so I guess I’ll have a bitchin scar. Tiniest bit of road rash or something on my back at the top of the shoulder. That’s it other than the full body soreness that comes from getting your world rocked. Physical recovery aside, I think now I’m most worried about psychological recovery. Getting back on the horse, as they say. I hope this isn’t the end of my 2 wheel life.

I’ve got the ball rolling on all the medical stuff, and insurance stuff. Now I’m just lawyer shopping. If anybody has info for good attorneys, please pass it on. Not interested in the low yield, high volume types.

Pics later when I figure out a host or decide to resize for forum limits.
Sorry to hear. Similar thing happened to me, broken clavicle, broke both wrists and cracked my forearm. That really freaked me out because I realized I can do everything by the book, ride smart, be aware, follow the rules and STILL get hit by some random person. If you or I were in a vehicle it probably never would of happened, or if it did you wouldn't of been injured.

Hope you heal up quick! Do the physio and try not to be a couch potato! Soon as I would walk and lift comfortably I was in the gym making a quick recovery.
Sorry to hear. Similar thing happened to me, broken clavicle, broke both wrists and cracked my forearm. That really freaked me out because I realized I can do everything by the book, ride smart, be aware, follow the rules and STILL get hit by some random person. If you or I were in a vehicle it probably never would of happened, or if it did you wouldn't of been injured.

Hope you heal up quick! Do the physio and try not to be a couch potato! Soon as I would walk and lift comfortably I was in the gym making a quick recovery.
I’m definitely going to try and do whatever exercise I can while off work.

Fully agree on the first part too, with all we do, we can’t control others. I had the pipes, I had bright LED headlights. He still somehow had no idea I was there.
I’m definitely going to try and do whatever exercise I can while off work.

Fully agree on the first part too, with all we do, we can’t control others. I had the pipes, I had bright LED headlights. He still somehow had no idea I was there.
If they're going to ignore a stop sign there isn't much you can do to get their attention.

I need to head down to the hammer for work at some point in the next few weeks, let me know if I should drop off some spaghetti sauce for easy meals.
Before pictures

If they're going to ignore a stop sign there isn't much you can do to get their attention.

I need to head down to the hammer for work at some point in the next few weeks, let me know if I should drop off some spaghetti sauce for easy meals.
Hehe no thanks ghost, but I appreciate the offer. If I can get insurance on the ball with wage replacement, I’m going to go destress at my trailer on the grand river. I’m carnivore, so meals are pretty easy as is. Definitely much appreciated though brother.
Sorry to hear but glad you are here to tell and type the story.
Wishing a speedy recovery in health and back in 2 wheels.
Let us know if you need any help with anything.
I'm in Halton region.
Whoa, that's quite the situation. GWS, glad you are doing ok and thanks for sharing.

Yeah that's quite the colour for a HD, haven't seen any like that!
Whoa, that's quite the situation. GWS, glad you are doing ok and thanks for sharing.

Yeah that's quite the colour for a HD, haven't seen any like that!
She was definitely unique. Originally delivered in Texas as a brown Ultra Classic. Buyer had an SRT8 challenger, and decided to match the color and do a bunch of other custom stuff.
My wife went through something similar last year. Guy turned left in front of her at an intersection, 100% his fault.

It's free to call and get a consult, but prepare to be disappointed in your personal injury legal quest. Ontario's system actively discourages it. My wife called a half dozen law firms and learned:
  • You must be able to prove that you have been permanently impaired or disabled as the result of the injury. Temporary injury, pain, suffering, etc, are not enough to bring a personal injury suit against the other party. Loss of wages gets handled through your various insurance policies if you have appropriate coverage.
  • In order to deter personal injury lawsuits, there is a $44,000 deductible for any payout under $147k. So even if you win, the first $44k does not end up in your pocket.

There's conversation on the topic in this thread.
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