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For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.
I think a reverend should (even if human) portrait an image of respect an example and not do a couple of things

a) swear
b) talk bad about a Christian Holliday aka Christmas

but that's just me.

I think a lot of reverends are ******** anyways (not talking about this one)
Jesus you people are a buzzkill on a potentially funny thread...
Christ's birth wasn't at this time of year anyways, So don't beat your self up about people not focusing on the story of Christ's birth. The Christian church used it to convert roman pagans that celebrated Saturnalia (a festival of debauchery) to Christianity by allowing them to continue to have their festival as christ's birth.

I need to do more pagan holiday research but there is another one that happens around this time of year its the birth of the oak or holly king (cant remember which) and he brings forth the cold weather that nature needs to hibernate so she can grow and spring forth life when the weather warms.

many of the solstice festivities had nothing to do with "doing the right thing". some included human sacrifice and rape.

Every religion has something to be ashamed of. Noone is perfect and I think that while at times it sucks its also the way its supposed to be.

Does it make you guys feel better belittling a reverend and putting down people that believe in God?

Hes human like us all. I am not a fan of the holiday season also (result of people trying to shove christianity down my throat when I was younger). I believe we all have the right to believe what ever we wish but the line gets drawn when it involves harming anyone and anything.

Rev I am sorry to hear your family was that way and I hope one day you can truely enjoy the holidays.

On a note of the worst christmas gift I'd have to say clothing but then I find myself thankful that people thought of me to buy me a gift and I am thankful for the people being in my life. So even the crappiest gift has something to appreciate about it.
I think I am really getting old when I no longer consider clothing a crappy gift...

The worst Christmas gift is tied for me.

1) As a child watching my father get drunk of Christmas Day and beat up my brother (tossing him across the room and almost smashing the tree).

2) As an adult the many years of getting absolutely nothing. My parents were ones to play favourites, my brother and his kids would get $2K spent on them, my sister, her kids would get $100 and me nothing. I have had more Christmas mornings with nothing to open than I have had to open things. My partner of 5 years doesn't like the concept of giving gifts to adults, so the tradition continues.

And people wonder why I f**king hate the season.

Good lord, dood. Give me your address and I'll send you an awesome christmas card! :D
So in this thread we can all laugh at sisters, parents, cousins, grandparents, preferrential treatment between siblings, few other issues and poor people in bad situations BUT DON"T YOU DARE DIS GAWD????

jesus christ
On the religion note.......It's refreshing to see a REV be human!!!!! to ride a bike, swear, let you into his past, how he/she grew up. Man that is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for most people who are searching for religion or have troubles believing is that there is this "expectation" of perfection.

I'm by far means not religious but I'm not a complete atheist either!

Society has lost a lot of respect for each other and our differences, wether it be religion, background, income level, physical appearance, social skill level, etc.....

It's kind of pathetic really!!!! Most of us on this forum are Canadian which we pride ourselves in living in a multicultural country together!, yet we tare one another apart at the first opportunity we get!!!

This forum is for bringing people together to appreciate a common hobby and highlight the fact we can all socialize together despite age, race, style of bike, etc....

Yet a thread like this proves all the wrong things.

I'm honestly ashamed of those cutting up any religion or person representing one or any holiday in any religion or non- religious holiday (there are those too believe it or not)

So REVRandy. Sorry for all the criticism, you dont deserve it. They dont represent the rest of us on here as well. (can only speak for myself)

Happy Holidays to you all, wether you enjoy it or not!
religion is the root of all wars, and is mental brain washing, lets get back to crappy gifts.
religion is the root of all wars, and is mental brain washing, lets get back to crappy gifts.

Great suggestion:

Crappy gift: I appreciate it don't get me wrong but for as long as I remember my grandma (Oma in German) always gets me these German chocolate brandy candies. I don't even like them usually give them to my father. But on a side note maybe she is the smartest Oma ever giving a kid chocolate alcohol to make it through the family get together? Maybe I should eat them this year!
Great suggestion:

Crappy gift: I appreciate it don't get me wrong but for as long as I remember my grandma (Oma in German) always gets me these German chocolate brandy candies. I don't even like them usually give them to my father. But on a side note maybe she is the smartest Oma ever giving a kid chocolate alcohol to make it through the family get together? Maybe I should eat them this year!

I've heard Kitchener's previous name was "Little germany??"
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