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Yeeeeeeeaaaah... ain't got one of those.

Then why aren't u leg humping??
Your mommy aint gonna be proud

but....but..... who makes your sandwiches???

An ex told me he was broke so he made me my gift. It was sugar crystals layered in a jar like the multi-coloured sand photos.

And for the record he was short, fat, bald, had no car, no job and lived with his dad. Now you know why I developed a list of expectations.
Am I the only person on this forum who doesn't have low standards??? :shock:
A pregnancy test with a positive sign
That'd be one ROUGH lookin 7 year if he was able to buy smokes.

Didn't start myself until I was 8, but no you didn't need a note back then, smoking was still cool, although girls smoking in the street had a reputation, and mom's would send their kindergarteners down to the store to buy smokes.
An ex told me he was broke so he made me my gift. It was sugar crystals layered in a jar like the multi-coloured sand photos.

And for the record he was short, fat, bald, had no car, no job and lived with his dad. Now you know why I developed a list of expectations.

I can only assume you dated him for his giant man hammer? Otherwise why would you date George Costanza? I used to think you were cool!
A Zippo from the S.O. when I was trying to quit smoking.

And you could buy smokes when I was 7 simply by saying "they're for my Mom".
The worst Christmas gift is tied for me.

1) As a child watching my father get drunk of Christmas Day and beat up my brother (tossing him across the room and almost smashing the tree).

2) As an adult the many years of getting absolutely nothing. My parents were ones to play favourites, my brother and his kids would get $2K spent on them, my sister, her kids would get $100 and me nothing. I have had more Christmas mornings with nothing to open than I have had to open things. My partner of 5 years doesn't like the concept of giving gifts to adults, so the tradition continues.

And people wonder why I f**king hate the season.
I like to thank everybody that posted openly about their worst Christmas gifts. There was rampant alcohol abuse in my extended family but I was isolated from the ill effects, my Christmas memmories are mostly good.

For this I am truly thankful , grateful and blessed. I'd like to extend my best wishes for everybody going forward to have a safe sane holiday and learn from the things that have made us the people we are. We are the better people, not having to have miserable people in our lives may be the best gift going.
The worst Christmas gift is tied for me.

1) As a child watching my father get drunk of Christmas Day and beat up my brother (tossing him across the room and almost smashing the tree).

2) As an adult the many years of getting absolutely nothing. My parents were ones to play favourites, my brother and his kids would get $2K spent on them, my sister, her kids would get $100 and me nothing. I have had more Christmas mornings with nothing to open than I have had to open things. My partner of 5 years doesn't like the concept of giving gifts to adults, so the tradition continues.

And people wonder why I f**king hate the season.

how was your dad beating up your brother a christmas gift ?

and on the flipside of that, maybe he gives him 2K worth of presents because of that

i find it odd, that you being a Rev. would hate the season ( and the celebration ) that celebrates the birth of your King.

You of all people should realize that its not about getting gifts. Its about giving.
i find it odd, that you being a Rev. would hate the season ( and the celebration ) that celebrates the birth of your King.

You of all people should realize that its not about getting gifts. Its about giving.

The church aspect I enjoy, the outside church stuff I don't quite care for; the focus in society today is on buying stuff for each other, it is not on the story of Christ's birth.

Forgive me if I am human like everyone else and at times would appreciate receiving a gift. FYI I do buy every year for others, but hey wouldn't it be nice to get something back at times? Selfish - perhaps... but when you grew up being the only one to not receive, I think I am entitled to be periodically.

Oh yeah, I don't call Jesus my King; Jesus is Christ - to me a difference.
The church aspect I enjoy, the outside church stuff I don't quite care for; the focus in society today is on buying stuff for each other, it is not on the story of Christ's birth.

Forgive me if I am human like everyone else and at times would appreciate receiving a gift. FYI I do buy every year for others, but hey wouldn't it be nice to get something back at times? Selfish - perhaps... but when you grew up being the only one to not receive, I think I am entitled to be periodically.

Oh yeah, I don't call Jesus my King; Jesus is Christ - to me a difference.

Christ's birth wasn't at this time of year anyways, So don't beat your self up about people not focusing on the story of Christ's birth. The Christian church used it to convert roman pagans that celebrated Saturnalia (a festival of debauchery) to Christianity by allowing them to continue to have their festival as christ's birth.
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Christ's birth wasn't at this time of year anyways, So don't beat your self up about people not focusing on the story of Christ's birth. The Christian church used it to convert roman pagans that celebrated Saturnalia (a festival of debauchery) to Christianity by allowing them to continue to have their festival as christ's birth.

I get Rev's position, and counterpointing with its not even the right day for the mythical birth of the Magical Jew is weak. Loads of pagans celebrated the winter solstace and the Christians are famous for contrived holidays. Even the word holiday was condensed from the "holy days". The season is to put emphasis on doing the right things, going that extra distance and supporting charity, holding a door open for somebody, it really is that simple.
I get Rev's position, and counterpointing with its not even the right day for the mythical birth of the Magical Jew is weak. Loads of pagans celebrated the winter solstace and the Christians are famous for contrived holidays. Even the word holiday was condensed from the "holy days". The season is to put emphasis on doing the right things, going that extra distance and supporting charity, holding a door open for somebody, it really is that simple.

many of the solstice festivities had nothing to do with "doing the right thing". some included human sacrifice and rape.
That's the part of the story you don't think is real? lolz
I dated a girl once that I knew she was a bit religious, one day a group of her friends were talking and someone mentioned how Eve came out of one of Adam’s ribs and I started laughing...to realize i was the only one laughing since everyone in the group actually believed that happened.

She was hot so whatever, now i believe it too :)
many of the solstice festivities had nothing to do with "doing the right thing". some included human sacrifice and rape.

Well.., at the time they thought they were doing the right thing. We don't practice cannibalism here in Canada much anymore either, times change.
We don't practice cannibalism here in Canada much anymore either, times change.

We don't??
Judging by some of the responses here on GTAM, I swear they want to eat me :shock:
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