Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

interesting stuff.

but what I'm curious about is the quality of fish oil. does matter? if the wish is wild or farmed?

what brands are most reliable?
As per the label recommendations. Nothing really more to say on that.

Just recently ordered from Canadian Protein which has a fatty acid supplement which is a mix of fish oil, flaxseed oil and other oils... going to start that some time next month when my current supply is done, as it appears that it can replace and augment that fatty acids I'm taking now. Frankly, this is one very inexpensive supplementation, one purchase of the two oils ran me maybe $50 and looks like it will end up lasting 4+ months. Bought the flaxseed oil at Sam's Club in the states IIRC but Costco has a similar product.


Haven't started on them yet. Wish this arm would sort itself out so I could start doing deadlifts again... hamstring curls are good but just not compound enough for overall results. *sigh*

Thanks for posting the link.
The flaxseed ones I'm taking right now are Kirkland from Costco (turns out the fish oil was from Sam's, had them reversed). Yesterday I was slightly weaker on my overhead shoulder press than last week but I still had soreness from last week, which is a bit crazy in itself... then I cranked out two more reps of my new max delt flys followed by +10lbs on pulldowns x 7... form was a little sloppy so I did a down-set just to really cap it off. Adding pulldowns to shoulders each week since I feel that my triceps were not getting enough stimulation.

In short, the gains are still coming quickly in week 10. So aggravating to have had a lack of progress for that long, followed by this. But you gotta think positive, amirite?

I don't think there's any reason not to expect fish oils alone to be sufficient, but since this is working so well for me, I'll stick with it at least until the easy gains stop coming. Don't mess with success, as they say.
interesting stuff.

but what I'm curious about is the quality of fish oil. does matter? if the wish is wild or farmed?

what brands are most reliable?

I just wait for a sale at Costco then buy a bunch of the 100% Wild Fish Oil caps. They are already fairly priced and on sale, they are pretty good value. They are a blend which typically includes anchovy, mackerel, sardines and Alaskan salmon. Costco also have caps with just Alaskan salmon oil but if Im not mistaken I think each cap had lower overall amounts of EPA/DHA. They also have some super concentrate caps which basically have more EPA/DHA per capsule but cost more. With these caps though they don't claim them to be 100% wild so I tend to just get the 100% wild. I usually hammer down about 10 capsules a day. Some days more, some days less, it depends what else Im eating. The new buzz these days is on Krill Oil which is very expensive but my folks have been taking it because of the astaxanthin in it and they seem to believe its benefiting them.
cool cool. I haven't used these and i feel i've recently hit a plateau. not the same energy or gains.

Thanks guys. i'm a costco member so ill definitely add it to the list for this week and try it out.

i just use recovery drink to reduce soreness, so i can keep it going the next day. but i mostly use it after cardio days.

and protein shake mixed with coconut water and creatine after resistance training.

curious to see how the fish oil will change things up. ill report as i start taking it. :thumbup:
cool cool. I haven't used these and i feel i've recently hit a plateau. not the same energy or gains.

Thanks guys. i'm a costco member so ill definitely add it to the list for this week and try it out.

i just use recovery drink to reduce soreness, so i can keep it going the next day. but i mostly use it after cardio days.

and protein shake mixed with coconut water and creatine after resistance training.

curious to see how the fish oil will change things up. ill report as i start taking it. :thumbup:

I think whether or not you experience any difference in feeling/gym performance, supplementing with Fish Oil is a good call for general health. I'd be surprised if you felt any different honestly in the gym but I imagine better nutrition overall really should impact how you feel.. I have heard some good things about taking beta alanine and citrulline malate so if you got a few bucks lying around, perhaps they'd be worth a try in helping you out in the gym. Happy training.
The new buzz these days is on Krill Oil which is very expensive but my folks have been taking it because of the astaxanthin in it and they seem to believe its benefiting them.
The Krill buzz is because it doesn't have the fishy taste/fish burp after ingesting it compared to the regular fish oil caps.
Adding pulldowns to shoulders each week since I feel that my triceps were not getting enough stimulation.

Not quite following you on this. Pulldowns (done correctly) involve the lats as a primary and the biceps as a secondary.
Not quite following you on this. Pulldowns (done correctly) involve the lats as a primary and the biceps as a secondary.

Adding *TRICEP* standing overhead pulldowns to my shoulder routine. The tris get a workout from shoulders, and I finish off the tris with some pulldowns. Some people call them push-downs. This gives me an extra tricep exercise per week.
The Krill buzz is because it doesn't have the fishy taste/fish burp after ingesting it compared to the regular fish oil caps.

No dude, that is not the case. Krill Oil contains EPA/DHA like plain old Fish Oil capsules but it also contains antioxidants (Astaxanthin) and phospholipids which plain old Fish oil caps do not. The buzz has absolutely nothing to do with fishy taste, rather it is about Astaxanthin. This is why the average price of Krill Oil per gram is around 30X more expensive than Fish Oil.
Good prices at and at your door on the 3rd or 4th day, including weekend days.
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Forgive me if this has been covered but can someone point me to a starter gym - exercise routine? Like a weekly plan of sorts and Preferably one with pics. I'm not familiar with the names of each excercise. I would be very grateful. I'm not looking to bodybuild, but put on some muscle and bulk in general.

I find myself doing "whatever" exercises at the gym with no set plan.
Forgive me if this has been covered but can someone point me to a starter gym - exercise routine? Like a weekly plan of sorts and Preferably one with pics. I'm not familiar with the names of each excercise. I would be very grateful. I'm not looking to bodybuild, but put on some muscle and bulk in general.

I find myself doing "whatever" exercises at the gym with no set plan.

try this

guaranteed, you will put on some muscle and get stronger.
lol'd so hard at the superman pushups.

Does anyone have any routines/regimens for bodyweight only exercises? I've read through the Convict conditioning one that was posted a while back. It's really good as it has levels of progression, but my problem with bodyweight exercises is that the legs are almost always underdeveloped. I'm at one-legged squats now and there's nowhere else to go after that. And you can only do so many calf raises before they end up being underdeveloped compared to the upper half of your body. Donkey raises are pretty great but can sometimes be pretty awkward to ask people to help you with.

I'm gonna be off the grid for the next couple of months, so I'm looking to keep fit/not go crazy - there's gotta be something well-balanced out there.

Everyone's seen this, but this is probably one of my favourite videos: [video=youtube;RFPsvF3UOdo][/video] ...but I highly doubt I could get a bar like that where I'll be.

Anyway, I hope you're all doing well!
Reviving an old thread. Looking for some direction:

In December, I weighed in at around 178. My workout regiment was a little flaky but on a good week it consisted of a combination of sports (vball, soccer, squash) and gym (lifting). My Achilles heal was my diet. It was garbage. I'm sure I was consuming 3000-4000 calories a day, and a chunk of that was food that was not good for you. I was also not happy with my body. I had a belly and did not like it. So I made the rash decision to overhaul my diet.

After some calculations online, I decided to eat no more than about 2000-2100 calories a day. I also got more diligent in my workouts. I generally play sports 3 times a week (between 2-4 hours at a time, depending on the sport), and do weights 3-4 times a week (usually 5 sets a workout).

Now I realize it's only 10 weeks, but my weight has gone down to 163, clothes are fitting looser for sure and people are taking notice to my weight change. Also my strength has not much changed (I am more or less lifting the same weight as I had before) despite my slimming down.

At this point, I'd like to build a little more muscle mass, and realize that I should start to increase my caloric intake, with the dominant source of that being protein based. I am look for advice on what I should do and/or good sources of information that could lead me to a more definitive plan.

I've also toyed with the idea of seeing a nutritionist and/or trainer.

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