Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Speaking of injuries, I don't think I've posted in here in a while.

So back in November I think, I had a big step back in my lower back recovery. I bent down to grab something, felt a pop and just excruciating pain. Had to lay there on the ground until my GF could come pick me up. Went to the ER the next morning (I went night of but it was jam packed so decided to just come back), got xrays to confirm nothing structurally damaged.

Started physio, started to see good recovery and then somehow developed a pinched nerve in my lower back causing pain down my left leg in certain positions. I think this happened in December at some point, and still hasn't gone away. The actual lower back pain is pretty much gone now which is great, but this pinched nerve/pain in my leg leg just won't go away. Can't even tell if it's getting any better or worse.

I coach hockey, last week everything wasn't feeling bad so decided to put on skates and get the ice for the first time since November. Just a few minutes of skating and shooting pucks around aggravated the lower back pain and made the leg pain worse.

My wish for 2017 is to get over this back issue and start lifting again.

Edit: On top of that, just a couple of weeks ago I think I developed some kind of tendon/ligament strain in my left bicep. Not sure what happened there, but now I can't even do my basic upper body workout I've been doing since hurting my back. Frustrating as hell.
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Before my catastrophic string of injuries I was on the Texas Method for a while. I think personally the biggest benefit I gained from the program was simply having a set routine I didn't have to think about and it made me carry a notepad around so I kept much better track of weights/progress.

Were the catastrophic injuries due to the workout? Or something else? If the workout then maybe I should look for something else!

Personally I've tracked my progress since Day 1 of starting, with a few setbacks here and there, but overall been good at that.

Just from my research seems like this program may be a good break from the regular routine (3 days splits) and then get back to it in a while.
Were the catastrophic injuries due to the workout? Or something else? If the workout then maybe I should look for something else!

Personally I've tracked my progress since Day 1 of starting, with a few setbacks here and there, but overall been good at that.

Just from my research seems like this program may be a good break from the regular routine (3 days splits) and then get back to it in a while.

The start of the injuries was technically a SI joint sprain suffered from squats, but I think the underlying issue was I wasn't eating/sleeping enough to keep up with the program.

I have to dig out my old notebook to see exactly but I think I started the TM roughly with 225 lbs on volume day squats (5x5) and the very last day I did the program which was the day I hurt myself, I did 5x5 @ 325 or 335. Either way so I was making good progress but I don't think my appetite increased sufficiently to keep up with the weight (I did put on 10-15 lbs over this period up to ~175 lbs, I'm 5'8 ). In retrospect perhaps I could've used a deload week since I did the program for more than a couple of months straight.

So that was the start, and then a few months down the road as my back was starting to feel better, I suffered a labral tear in my hip (confirmed with a MRI a couple of months ago) catching the bar at the bottom of a clean. Then the latest development of back issues started.
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The right side of my hip is ******. Every time I squat it hurts more and more and it's the reason my squats are plateauing.

I think it's from soccer.

Sent from my raven
The right side of my hip is ******. Every time I squat it hurts more and more and it's the reason my squats are plateauing.

I think it's from soccer.

Sent from my raven
Or basketball at work?
A couple more injuries and you will catch up with me!

Sent from the Purple Zone

Sent from the Purple Zone
Anybody try out Planet Fitness? My Fit4Less membership expires in 2 weeks and there's a PF about 5min from my house (instead of 15 to F4L). Don't need anything special and I'm sure it gets busy, but I'm typically at the gym around 6am or earlier so typically not much waiting for equipment.
Just got the green light from my physio this morning to start working out again (including squats, just no deadlifts yet) as long as I take it easy on the weights. Still have the pinched nerve hurting my leg, but that's not really getting any better or worse, probably just gonna need time to heal.

I think I'll try to get back into the swing of things just doing some basic stuff for a couple of weeks and see how my body responds (pull ups, DB presses, goblet squats)

Exciting times. Or I might find my back hurts and be disappointed. I'll find out soon enough.
@sevet - make sure you take it easy. After a LONG break from the gym I started up and immediately got injured....took about 2 more months before I could start up again. Once I went slowly and very carefully I began doing harder and more complex routines. Now back to the simple SS plan I mentioned and I'm happy with the progress (after only 2 weeks).
@mimico_polak all I've heard is that they are basically the same as f4l.
For $10/ month, what have you got to lose?

Sent from the Purple Zone
Hit the four plate deadlift (405 lbs) today for one but I felt like I had another one in me.

Only been training for a year and 4 months so it's a big accomplishment for me.

Sent from my raven
Hit the four plate deadlift (405 lbs) today for one but I felt like I had another one in me.

Only been training for a year and 4 months so it's a big accomplishment for me.

Sent from my raven
Fwiw even in the time you've been at work all the girls have noticed the progression in your physique. ?
And they keep mentioning how impressed they are with your glutes. ?

Sent from the Purple Zone
Fwiw even in the time you've been at work all the girls have noticed the progression in your physique. ?
And they keep mentioning how impressed they are with your glutes. ?

Sent from the Purple Zone
Oh yeah I catch wind about it.

Sent from my raven
So since my BIL went to see some nutritionalist or something, he has changed his diet and lost weight. So my wife and I implemented some of the changes.
Eat out/ take out MAX once a week.
Cut down simple carbs (most white food)
Salad EVERY NIGHT (I still eat pasta, start with salad. Plate of pasta, more salad and I'm usually done)
Replaced crappy snacks with low sugar yogurt/ nuts/ cheese strings.
Cut back drastically on my diet soda
Green tea in the afternoon
LOTS of water.

Thanks to the above, plus some no bs motivation and advice from @-D- (super appreciated ☺) & coworkers (including @boots) staying on top of me and making sure that when my willpower fades they help out, I'm happy to say that since ~Jan 14/17 I have gone from ~117 kg to 110 kg.
I have a lot more to go. Will be trying to get back on the treadmill and still clean up the eating, but I am going in the right direction.
I thank everyone that posts in this thread as well, as it is inspiring.
I also wanted to post this info for others that may be on the fence for needing to lose weight, and also for me to have some accountability.
My next weight in/ inches lost / energy gained has to be better ☺.

Sent from the Purple Zone
That's awesome Joe congrats! Keep it up, and if you can throw some light walking into it and you'll see the pounds just fall off. My dad started walking for a half hour or so at work every day and just shed pounds like a champ (with some adjustments to diet). I've gone up on the scale as I went from a very active job, to a very sedentary job :(
Eat out/ take out MAX once a week.
Cut down simple carbs (most white food)
Salad EVERY NIGHT (I still eat pasta, start with salad. Plate of pasta, more salad and I'm usually done)
Replaced crappy snacks with low sugar yogurt/ nuts/ cheese strings.
Cut back drastically on my diet soda
Green tea in the afternoon
LOTS of water.

I'm happy to say that since ~Jan 14/17 I have gone from ~117 kg to 110 kg.

Sent from the Purple Zone

Hey Joe
That's impressive congrats
And thanks for sharing... I too need to change my diet

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Intense workout today. Fasted cardio, 15 mins of rowing at around 2:15 for every 500 meters. After that, 15 minutes of running at 7 mph. And then after that 15 minutes of stair master.

Was hoping to get in the sauna after but that was under maintenance

Sent from my raven
The old
Making some decent back gains recently. Still a long way to go on those lats though despite the fact that my pullup and Lat pull down game is going strong

Sent from my raven
And the new. Obviously different lightings as well.

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