Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

There's an argument to be made that eating cholesterol doesn't actually raise your cholesterol. But who knows.
Be careful when buying tuna. Many companies have switched to cheaper not as healthy skipjack. Look for Albacore packed in water.

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I eat at least 10 eggs every day and my cholesterol level is always perfect. The rest of my diet is solid and I workout regularly though.
On the topic of fitness sport chek has a bunch of stuff on sale right now. Tennis rackets, bikes, even some sport headphones that would be great for the gym.

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Anyone using a fitness tracker that is not an app? I found the app (SHealth) just drains my battery. I'm really not on the "one device for everything" band wagon. However, I would like one that does the fitness tracking and alerts me of texts and calls.

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Anyone using a fitness tracker that is not an app? I found the app (SHealth) just drains my battery. I'm really not on the "one device for everything" band wagon. However, I would like one that does the fitness tracking and alerts me of texts and calls. Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
Are you talking about something like a fitbit?
Are you talking about something like a fitbit?
I've noticed that there are many more brands on the market now. Wondering if anyone has any experience with any. My cuz has the iirc FitBit Charge. She's pretty happy with it so far.

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Yes. I've noticed that there are many more brands on the market now. Wondering if anyone has any experience with any. My cuz has the iirc FitBit Charge. She's pretty happy with it so far. Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
The original charge's strap was a mess. Kept falling off. Eventually the sides peeled off of the thing, and I can't find it now. Could be from the lousy strap, that just had two pins, that stuck through holes. Hopefully they improved the strap and made it sweat resistant.
Thanks @baggsy. That's the type of feedback I am looking for. These things are not cheap, and I am not one that parts with my money easily. (Ice cream obviously is the exception ?)

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Been going to the gym now 5 days a week for the last 11 months.

But I'm also taking that bit (it's really not much but it's enough for me to notice) of fat off the stomach. I'm on the right track with cutting down on nutella and peanut butter. Worst part is I used to do 1 teaspoon of nutella on one piece of bread and 1 teaspoon of peanut butter on the other piece. So 2 sandwhiches (4 pieces of wonderbread), 2 teaspoons of nutella and 2 teaspoons of peanut butter. Loads of sugar that I just don't need.

I only had one sandwhich this morning and used one teaspoon of that reese's peanut butter chocolate spread which is essentially what I was eating with nutella and peanut butter except cut into half because I'm not getting double the sugar since I use one teaspoon.

Edit: also Yeah I upped the weight significantly but managed to push out 12 reps. Next week I'm upping the weight even more so I am only physically capable of doing 8 reps.

Sorry for the late reply! Was out all weekend.

What is your diet like? Are you 100% committed to your diet, workouts, lifestyle? Getting down to being ripped isn't as easy as going to the gym. Your diet is the most important piece. This needs to be something you follow every day and don't tapper off at all. Do that for about 60 days and keep at it with the gym. You'll see the results you want. Make sure to up your weight as well, every week. Once you get to being ripped then you can maintain and not have to increase your weights as much.

Do you have a gym buddy to go with? The nice thing about that is you can both push each other to reach your goals. If not, do you know someone at work, friends, etc. who you can be competitive with? This helped me years ago when I wanted to get into better health. Once that started it become a competition between the two of us as to who could lift heavier, cut the excess pounds, etc. Also, made the gym a little more fun than just show up at 4am and then smash out the reps for Jesus.

Have you spoken to a trainer? Maybe your next step is to get some extra help from someone who can push you to the next level and get your the ripped body you want.
Making some decent back gains recently. Still a long way to go on those lats though despite the fact that my pullup and Lat pull down game is going strong

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Today officially marks a year since I started going to the gym. 5 days a week, every week. Passed by extremely quickly and it's only up from here working on previous mistakes.

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Keep up the good work @boots!

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Lats starting to show a little better after switching around back day a little bit.

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My lats from last year


My breakthrough? Full-reach body weight chins and body+weight pulldowns.

Four increasing rows first to 20lbs over bodyweight, three sets of pulldowns upping to about bodyweight -30lbs, two sets of full-reach chins to however much I could do (around 14 reps for my first set, usually about 10 reps the second set) and then one set of pulldowns of body weight +20lbs. I am just getting back into heavy lifts again and am already +10lbs over bodyweight for pulldowns but can't manage more than 6 chins, so just as an indication something must activate in the body when you do the actual chin-up movement that rapidly builds strength. Pulldowns alone are not building the kind of results for me that chin-ups do.

I let my condition lapse a bit last year... it's go-time again and I can already see that two of the most gruelling exercises were really pushing my progress forward and I need to re-commit to them: deadlifts and chin-ups. Will try to remember and report later if I get similar results to what I had last heavy round (almost two years ago now).
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Tore a tendon in my shoulder at work and stopped exercising for about 4 months. Even running was hurting it. So with physio and rest, the tendon is slowly getting better and I've been back doing hot yoga every day for the last few weeks and will be starting running again next week and light weights at home. Hope to run a 1/2 marathon in early March and then Around the Bay 30k.

My bicycle has been collecting dust for the past year, so this winter I want to spend more time spinning my legs - with an indoor trainer and Netflix, I'm have no excuse!

Any goals for the new year?
Anyone do the StrongLifts (SL) or Starting Strength (SS) programs? Thoughts on them? I'm seeing a stall in my progress recently and been reading a bit and these have both come up. Far as I understand it SL is just a copy of the original SS program but not 100% sure. Any thoughts? Ideas? I've been doing splits 3x / week with 2 body parts with a rest in each day. Now doing some cardio on rest days and have gotten my diet dialed in a bit which is helping out as well.
Anyone do the StrongLifts (SL) or Starting Strength (SS) programs? Thoughts on them? I'm seeing a stall in my progress recently and been reading a bit and these have both come up. Far as I understand it SL is just a copy of the original SS program but not 100% sure. Any thoughts? Ideas? I've been doing splits 3x / week with 2 body parts with a rest in each day. Now doing some cardio on rest days and have gotten my diet dialed in a bit which is helping out as well.

Before my catastrophic string of injuries I was on the Texas Method for a while. I think personally the biggest benefit I gained from the program was simply having a set routine I didn't have to think about and it made me carry a notepad around so I kept much better track of weights/progress.
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