Woman freaks out in walk in demanding a white doctor

She is a messed up freak... She is probably a bigger issue for her child than seeing a white doctor.

Heck, my mixed-race neighbors (father black/mother white) keep accusing me of racism because I(brown) don't let them destroy my lawn or use my lawn as an ashtray... Can already see the impact of such behavior on their children.

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Imagine a prostate exam, that would be the highlight of your day

he's make sure you'd come back to him for your next checkup :D

ON ANOTHER NOTE... i think that this is the kinda thing we go through in office where she went in person (scheduled a meeting) when it could've been an email (a phone call)

It's a lot less embarassing. You lose a lot less time. And we wouldnt be wasting key strokes talking about this right here right now.
Personally, I believe that I'd be uncomfortable with a flagrantly Gay male doctor

I'd put that in the same category as how women are probably uncomfortable with male gynecologists, but in the end, they're a professional doing their job, and their sex (or sexual orientation) shouldn't come into play.

I know in the patients head it might for THEM, but again, the doctor is the professional here.

But I do respect your statement that you'd just move on without kicking up a fuss. That's the way to do it. Personally, I wouldn't care much so long as the line of professionalism stays uncrossed.
I'd put that in the same category as how women are probably uncomfortable with male gynecologists, but in the end, they're a professional doing their job, and their sex (or sexual orientation) shouldn't come into play.

I know in the patients head it might for THEM, but again, the doctor is the professional here.

But I do respect your statement that you'd just move on without kicking up a fuss. That's the way to do it. Personally, I wouldn't care much so long as the line of professionalism stays uncrossed.

They might be a professional, doesn't mean they can't be pervs. Bunch of doctors and dentist in the last few years were charged for crap like that.
I'd put that in the same category as how women are probably uncomfortable with male gynecologists, but in the end, they're a professional doing their job, and their sex (or sexual orientation) shouldn't come into play.

I know in the patients head it might for THEM, but again, the doctor is the professional here.

But I do respect your statement that you'd just move on without kicking up a fuss. That's the way to do it. Personally, I wouldn't care much so long as the line of professionalism stays uncrossed.

can't wait for you to have a "female" trans doctor touching you all over :lmao:
These days I'm happy if I can just fine a good doctor. It seems to me color or race doesn't have much bearing on how dedicated they are to their profession.
What about the country where the population is not white? Is the whole country suffering from lack of proper medical services?

I work in mfg'ing. We have immigrants who were practicing medicine back home, but now they are putting in widgets on the assembly line. B/c the process to get recognized here was too difficult. So getting a doc license is not that easy.

The standard in North America is higher to become a doctor.

I live in a mostly Indian community, have for about 12 years,I like it, btw I am white and Canadian born and get along well with most of my neighbours...

I got a new neighbour a couple years ago who was apparently a civil engineer ( in his home country)and all he did for months was whine about how he couldn't get a job in his field.He doesn't speak English well, has little understanding of the
culture here and I'll bet my last dollar he comes from a country where just as doctors, the standard is lower.His wife likes to complain about how our government lied to them and told them their were plenty of jobs here so they moved here.

Sure their are jobs here if you are competent and hard working enough to do said job,probably not though if your a lazzzy whining biiitch
The woman yelling I want a white doctor, its not stress or emotion. That's who she is, a bit racist red necked cracker. We have lots of them here, most keep a lid on it until they are out with thier red necked cracker friends.

And workers that drive cabs because they were surgeons in the home country and cant get recognized here? You can apply to The College of Physicians and find out what upgrading you may require and write the board exams if you qualify. Its really expensive.
And yes Canadian doctors ARE better, its why we fly people here from third world counties for surgeries and have doctors go to Africa for cleft pallet repairs.
can't wait for you to have a "female" trans doctor touching you all over :lmao:

Meh, whatever. As long as they maintain that line of professionalism.
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