Woman freaks out in walk in demanding a white doctor

. B/c the process to get recognized here was too difficult. So getting a doc license is not that easy.


And for what it's worth I don't think it's a question of bad vs good doctors, but instead their attitudes towards patients. Cultural differences could easily explain that one away.
I didn't watch the video. But today the Star is saying she wanted a Dr that spoke English. Does that make a difference to anyone? I have a coworker that when she speaks I have no frickin clue wtf she is saying because her accent is so strong. We make it work, but this is in a warehouse. I would think that it would be a different case when it comes to my health. Mind you, this 1 person is literally the only person that I have ever encountered that I can't understand.

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So which ones were better than others? Don't worry it's not racist to discuss it.

If we compiled data from the md review websites and it showed that doctors of a certain ethnicity simply get better reviews, will that be racist?

Realistically, they were all competent. It's not like I needed some TV super doctor to find a mysterious illness. Just GPs stuff. Though, one that I would have liked to be a primary care was a younger female Chinese clinic doc. ...no, not cause of that...she was actually pleasant and seemed to be on the ball. Maybe cause she was still new...ish to the game? She could of also been raised here. Communication is an important thing.

As for the vid: She mentions English, but mostly asks for a white doctor. Doesn't have to be white to understand English.
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My kids doc is black. Dude is a miracle.

But don't get me started on the Jews.......... :-D
Do tranny men need gynos?

Questions for the 21st century.
Wait until the LGBT/Trans crowd starts demanding trans doctors and such.....
But that's o.k. Just not for you to do so.

Personally, I believe that I'd be uncomfortable with a flagrantly Gay male doctor, but I'd just move on, rather than make a fuss.

There's an unequal power relationship in any Doctor/Patient or even Nurse/Patient interaction, that needs to be addressed.
Do tranny men need gynos?

Questions for the 21st century.
Pre or post-op? We're just gonna get some gynurologists

Just like that body blitz spa issue eh!?
Color is not an issue. Clear communication is a requirement as well as doctor's approach to the patient.
That's not news, that's clickbait. She made a scene and disgraced herself, but I don't think that is anything new. Stuff like that can happen anywhere anytime.
According to one of the youtube comments that reveal her name (Nicole Molnar) her baby dady is brown. MAybe she just upset at darkies cause she got pumped and dumped.
Color is not an issue. Clear communication is a requirement as well as doctor's approach to the patient.
On the communication front, you spelled Colour wrong. No degree for you! :(
But that's o.k. Just not for you to do so.

Personally, I believe that I'd be uncomfortable with a flagrantly Gay male doctor, but I'd just move on, rather than make a fuss.

There's an unequal power relationship in any Doctor/Patient or even Nurse/Patient interaction, that needs to be addressed.

I agree. And I think that some people are uncomfortable with having a white black or brown Doctor female or male. Their reasonings, I don't care it doesn't affect me. See who your comfortable seeing, I think most people here agree with that
what about a transwoman getting a prostate exam:lmao:
That's her business. I need no part in it. If you do . . .
So which ones were better than others? Don't worry it's not racist to discuss it.

If we compiled data from the md review websites and it showed that doctors of a certain ethnicity simply get better reviews, will that be racist?

any independent thinking starts with bigot for crackers, saying crackers is fine cos only they can be racist even if non whites have no use for them
Personally, I believe that I'd be uncomfortable with a flagrantly Gay male doctor, but I'd just move on, rather than make a fuss.

Imagine a prostate exam, that would be the highlight of your day
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