Windows 10

Anyone here with a windows 10 network just have it completely fail?

I just had my network fail after an update... I now have an irrecoverable error stating "Windows Sockets registry entries required for network connectivity are missing."

I've tried all the solutions google offered up, still no luck... cannot access any files over the home network.

Any ideas? Any alternative network management solution? Go back to Windows 7?
Hmm maybe I'll keep ignoring those win10 upgrade pop-up and stick with win7.
Anyone here with a windows 10 network just have it completely fail?

I just had my network fail after an update... I now have an irrecoverable error stating "Windows Sockets registry entries required for network connectivity are missing."

I've tried all the solutions google offered up, still no luck... cannot access any files over the home network.

Any ideas? Any alternative network management solution? Go back to Windows 7?

It would be interesting to study your computer, that's a new one to me.
I even tried to restore the last save point... no dice... home network still could not connect.

I am now on a Dell Precision M4600 i7 -- which is very fast with the EVO 850 flash drive I have it in... now if just the damn home network would work!
Who is Terry [FONT=source_sans_proregular]Myerson, and why do I need to read her blog?[/FONT]
Who is Terry [FONT=source_sans_proregular]Myerson, and why do I need to read her blog?[/FONT]

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
I have the same issue. Windows 10 did an update after that computer slowed down considerably and network settings disappear. WiFi disconnects after 15 min and have to restart computer to reconnect. you want it or not, it's being downloaded onto your computer. Hope that doesn't make us go over our bandwidth this month.

Who is Terry [FONT=source_sans_proregular]Myerson, and why do I need to read her blog?[/FONT]


Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk

From @CruisnGrrl's link, there's someone named Terry Myerson who supposedly gives all the answers to Windows 10 in her blog.
From @CruisnGrrl's link, there's someone named Terry Myerson who supposedly gives all the answers to Windows 10 in her blog.
Ah. I didn't see the aforementioned post. My bad.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
I managed to fix my problem... only by restoring to a backup point prior to the last update. Now everything works as before but I have to figure out how to prevent Windows 10 from updating and screwing everything up again.
Anyone here with a windows 10 network just have it completely fail?

I just had my network fail after an update... I now have an irrecoverable error stating "Windows Sockets registry entries required for network connectivity are missing."

I've tried all the solutions google offered up, still no luck... cannot access any files over the home network.

Any ideas? Any alternative network management solution? Go back to Windows 7?

Netsh winsock reset - then reboot

If that doesn't work manually edit the registry. I can post the info when I get into work in the morning

Or just buy a MAC. Problem solved permanently.
Hmm maybe I'll keep ignoring those win10 upgrade pop-up and stick with win7.
My cousin is also having an issue with Win 10. When he plays games or has a lot of tabs open it locks up. Claims it never happened on Win 7.
I even tried to restore the last save point... no dice... home network still could not connect.

I am now on a Dell Precision M4600 i7 -- which is very fast with the EVO 850 flash drive I have it in... now if just the damn home network would work!
Does your M4600 do the same random shut down mine does? I'm still on Win 7. It's getting annoying. As if the power were just suddenly cut but it's plugged in fine and the battery is full.
Netsh winsock reset - then reboot

If that doesn't work manually edit the registry. I can post the info when I get into work in the morning

Or just buy a MAC. Problem solved permanently.
Until it doesn't and it's next to impossible to fix anything. Although Windows has gone in that direction, as well.
Netsh winsock reset - then reboot

If that doesn't work manually edit the registry. I can post the info when I get into work in the morning

Or just buy a MAC. Problem solved permanently.

First one didn't work.

Followed the instructions found online to edit the registry, and then my wifi was dead and had to go back to a restore point to get it back.

Will never buy an Apple product. If this screws up again I will either go back to 7 which did most of what I wanted, or back to linux -- however I can't run everything I want to on linux.
Will never buy a apple product because you think its t's crap or you becaue you have a hate on for them?

I felt like that while I as running XP . When windows 7 came out bought a mac and never looked back
Will never buy a apple product because you think its t's crap or you becaue you have a hate on for them?

I felt like that while I as running XP . When windows 7 came out bought a mac and never looked back

sudo rm -rf /

If you don't know know what the above is without Googling it, you're safer with Windows. Most Mac users have no clue what that is.
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油井緋色;2370614 said:
sudo rm -rf /

If you don't know know what the above is without Goggling it, you're safer with Windows. Most Mac users have no clue what that is.

I don't see the relevance of your statement.
油井緋色;2370614 said:
sudo rm -rf /

If you don't know know what the above is without Googling it, you're safer with Windows. Most Mac users have no clue what that is.

This is a weird point to be making. Most Mac users will also immediately close a terminal window if they somehow accidentally manage to open it. Most Windows users don't know what a UAC prompt is and will happily click past one to let a program install a useless toolbar along with their new ransomware
Will never buy a apple product because you think its t's crap or you becaue you have a hate on for them?

I felt like that while I as running XP . When windows 7 came out bought a mac and never looked back
There are a few reasons I won't buy apple.

One is I feel they're over priced.

Two is Some of the software and games I want to run is windows only... There might be apple equivalents, but I already have the windows version.

And three is I'll never support apple due to Apple censorship. Just google that phrase and see how much comes up. I'm not going to buy any device that censors what I can use without rooting.

I'd happily stick with Linux if the programs and games I use worked there, but they don't. And wine has never worked well for me.

Sent from my LG-H812 using Tapatalk
This is a weird point to be making. Most Mac users will also immediately close a terminal window if they somehow accidentally manage to open it. Most Windows users don't know what a UAC prompt is and will happily click past one to let a program install a useless toolbar along with their new ransomware

I've found Mac users more technically inept tbh. Most users I know use really dumb passwords that can be easily found through dictionary attacks (I've found more than a few BestBuy Macs with password for su). You can do much more devastating things with Terminal than you can with PowerShell (or maybe you can't, I don't actually know PowerShell that well...who the hell does lol).

There's also the common misconception that Macs are "safer" because ppl can't write viruses for them. They're safer because Windows still has a much larger sharehold around the globe so it makes sense for malware to be written for it. From a penetration test standpoint, Windows has had to go through much more **** to be as secure as it is today; think back to buffer/stack overflow and Active-X attacks.

Don't get me wrong; I use a Mac for work and a Wintendo for gaming but the whole "which product is better" argument is stupid so I'll shoot down points from either side.

EDIT: Unless it's gaming related because if you're gaming on a Mac, you're doing it wrong.
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油井緋色;2370653 said:
I've found Mac users more technically inept tbh. Most users I know use really dumb passwords that can be easily found through dictionary attacks (I've found more than a few BestBuy Macs with password for su). You can do much more devastating things with Terminal than you can with PowerShell (or maybe you can't, I don't actually know PowerShell that well...who the hell does lol).

There's also the common misconception that Macs are "safer" because ppl can't write viruses for them. They're safer because Windows still has a much larger sharehold around the globe so it makes sense for malware to be written for it. From a penetration test standpoint, Windows has had to go through much more **** to be as secure as it is today; think back to buffer/stack overflow and Active-X attacks.

Don't get me wrong; I use a Mac for work and a Wintendo for gaming but the whole "which product is better" argument is stupid so I'll shoot down points from either side.

EDIT: Unless it's gaming related because if you're gaming on a Mac, you're doing it wrong.

I still have to disagree with you. You seem to say that people who don't understand stuff should use Windows, but then say that Mac users are inept?!?

I've found that Mac users tend to spread to the extremes and the PC users are more in the mediocre middle. I grew up with 6502, 6510, 8080 and 8088 processors, magnetic core memories, and punched cards though.
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