Will the real Pierre Poilievre please stand up?

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Just for the record, my opinion is that what happened at that NDP convention is (A) disgusting and (B) their problem and (C) not my concern at the moment.
I would wholeheartedly agree. As I mentioned before, an NDP convention is not my circus.

But I'm not indifferent to this behavior when the NDP is in a position to control the leadership of Canada's gov't. That is my circus.
Ffs. I guess we can ignore viaducts and concrete from the Middle East too. Selective history is a bit of an issue currently when you ignore the origins of some of the things we take for granted these days. Using that type of selective reasoning we can ignore everything the Romans actually did (which in many cases were improvements of previous inventions) as our roads and sanitation look completely different nowadays to what they used, ie improvements of an improvement.
They came for my neighbour, but I'm not <---x----->, I'm pro labour and vote NDP, so I'm laughing and didn't speak up.

Then they came for <-----y----->, I'm <----y----->, and there was nobody left to speak up for me.
Ffs. I guess we can ignore viaducts and concrete from the Middle East too. Selective history is a bit of an issue currently when you ignore the origins of some of the things we take for granted these days. Using that type of selective reasoning we can ignore everything the Romans actually did (which in many cases were improvements of previous inventions) as our roads and sanitation look completely different nowadays to what they used, ie improvements of an improvement.
The Mayans had aquaducts and nobody even today can figure out how Roman concrete is so good. But like the Middle East, what they did not have was a global empire that changed the entire world. Global Empire. Global. That's why those two empires over 2500 years not only had their own innovations but took the ones that worked from other countries and built a GLOBAL EMPIRE. That's why everything we have in the modern world has a direct relation to the Roman and British empires. They had Global Empires and they built their standards and conveniences wherever they went for themselves and usually for their Vassal States.

Global. You understand the word Global? Or is it the word Modern that is the sticking point?

Edit: and before you go talking about the Romans not being in North America, there's plenty of evidence that they knew about it but by that time were in the throws of their corruption and greed, spread too far and with too few loyal vassal states to support an invasion at a time when their borders were porous and fraying. So at that time in the world, the whole world that we have history for was primarily Roman, with few but highly notable exceptions. We're not here for history lessons, though. We're here to establish that all the butthurt in the world won't change the facts.
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Come on man! She DOES NOT direct white men to the back of the line. White, black, white, black is parity. The video does not show that didn't happen. You're entitled to hear what you want to hear just as I am to call out lies when I see them.
It's torturous to see you tie yourself in knots to lie to yourself about this, much less us. Let's just dissect what the first person said:

You could get a yellow card if you do not identify as a man, if you're a person of color, or a if you're a member of the LGBTQ2S+ community.

So, if you identify as a white, straight man, you did not get a card. Everyone else did. Yellow cards have speaking priority and in other videos etc. they go so far as to say that you can interrupt a person without a card.

Now, you can keep torturing yourself to say that white (straight) men weren't told they would only get a voice at that conference if the others were so kind as to allow them to speak if you want, but that doesn't change the fact that it's exactly what happened, and by design. You can further say that it wasn't sexist or racist, but functionally that's exactly what it was, and by design.
I would wholeheartedly agree. As I mentioned before, an NDP convention is not my circus.

But I'm not indifferent to this behavior when the NDP is in a position to control the leadership of Canada's gov't. That is my circus.

Same opinion here but let's just be clear that the type of blatant white-supremacy talk currently happening south of the border in certain clearly right-wing-extremist circles, is absolutely not tolerable.

On the subject of dynasties from thousands of years ago, let us bear in mind that there were Chinese dynasties that pre-dated the Roman empire by millennia, the Chinese succession of dynasties carried on long after the Roman empire collapsed, the Han dynasty roughly coincided in time with the Roman empire, and there was trade between them. Sino-Roman relations - Wikipedia

And everyone whose more recent ancestors are from anywhere outside Africa, descends from a small group of people who left Africa 80,000 years ago. Everyone has African ancestors if you go far enough back.

You could get a yellow card if you do not identify as a man, if you're a person of color, or a if you're a member of the LGBTQ2S+ community.

So, if you identify as a white, straight man, you did not get a card. Everyone else did. Yellow cards have speaking priority and in other videos etc. they go so far as to say that you can interrupt a person without a card.

Now, you can keep torturing yourself to say that white (straight) men weren't told they would only get a voice at that conference if the others were so kind as to allow them to speak if you want, but that doesn't change the fact that it's exactly what happened, and by design. You can further say that it wasn't sexist or racist, but functionally that's exactly what it was, and by design.

And, to be crystal clear, the situation described is disgusting.
What is really got me upset is much more local to me. The Toronto school board forced my kids learn Arabic Numerals and that is what they make them use now in the new math curriculum!

Can you believe that woke sh.... /s

What is next, base ten math?

Things must be moving fast, not to long ago there were concerns that teachers understood that stuff!
If you say X happened show me that. If Y and Z happened and you think it equals X than say that.
The Mayans had aquaducts and nobody even today can figure out how Roman concrete is so good. But like the Middle East, what they did not have was a global empire that changed the entire world. Global Empire. Global. That's why those two empires over 2500 years not only had their own innovations but took the ones that worked from other countries and built a GLOBAL EMPIRE. That's why everything we have in the modern world has a direct relation to the Roman and British empires. They had Global Empires and they built their standards and conveniences wherever they went for themselves and usually for their Vassal States.

Global. You understand the word Global? Or is it the word Modern that is the sticking point?

Edit: and before you go talking about the Romans not being in North America, there's plenty of evidence that they knew about it but by that time were in the throws of their corruption and greed, spread too far and with too few loyal vassal states to support an invasion at a time when their borders were porous and fraying. So at that time in the world, the whole world that we have history for was primarily Roman, with few but highly notable exceptions. We're not here for history lessons, though. We're here to establish that all the butthurt in the world won't change the facts.

Yes they can, the Romans used volcanic materials rather than that available to the originators in the Middle East.

A global empire modifying previous cultures inventions at times.

I feel like I’m having a hard job bringing your attention to absolutely fundamental history facts. This could be due to a poor school system or perhaps something else.
In this video? No. At the conference? Yes.

NDP policy convention in Hamilton devolves into SJW gong show Take a look at 5:30 when a male member tries to use the yellow card - listen to what she says. Just for added fun, note that she then says that a male that is not presenting as a man wants to use the yellow card, that person will be given priority over male-presenting people. So all any male really had to do is say they present as female and boom, in like a tick. Good fun.

There's plenty more video available on Rumble. I don't think you'll like some of the video headlines or titles so I'll leave it there. What I said in post 416 was accurate.
Sorry but rebel news isn't credible because ezra levant. Next?
For a time i put all political threads in tt. With Rebel News rearing it's ugly head in this one, maybe it's time. But i don't like censoring, and because Shaman isn't a site supporter,i would rather not move it.
If any party is discriminating against men, it's not a big issue yet.
Edit: Although, I don't like the fact that they're trying to OUT everyone, that's phobic.
For a time i put all political threads in tt. With Rebel News rearing it's ugly head in this one, maybe it's time. But i don't like censoring, and because Shaman isn't a site supporter,i would rather not move it.
I applaud your decision. While I’m not a fan, I see @Shaman's posts as a point of view that occasionally makes me thinks deeper, see things through someone else’s eyes.

I don’t often agree with her point of view, but I do respect tat others see the world thru a different lense.

Thanks for letting this thread live this long. Perhaps it’s dead now, I’d support closing it, but not burying it.
Ffs. I guess we can ignore viaducts and concrete from the Middle East too. Selective history is a bit of an issue currently when you ignore the origins of some of the things we take for granted these days. Using that type of selective reasoning we can ignore everything the Romans actually did (which in many cases were improvements of previous inventions) as our roads and sanitation look completely different nowadays to what they used, ie improvements of an improvement.

When I was in high school I took a world religions class and an Ojibway woman came in to tell us about their beliefs. Among other things that she said were symbolized by the 4 colours of the medicine wheel she mentioned that the colours can also symbolize 4 races and that:

-red people were put here as environmental stewards
-black people were put here for arts and music
-yellow people were put here for science and math
-white people were put here for innovation/improvement

Mods can feel free to delete this post as I found it pretty racist back then even with my Madoc education. Though it does align with jc100 point.
Interesting Ojibway wheel , they had not seen or experienced one of those colors until 150 yrs ago and another until maybe 200-250. Just how “ancient “ were that gals medicine wheel beliefs ??
Whipping that out today would get all your statues put into a warehouse…..

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Interesting Ojibway wheel , they had not seen or experienced one of those colors until 150 yrs ago and another until maybe 200-250. Just how “ancient “ were that gals medicine wheel beliefs ??
Whipping that out today would get all your statues put into a warehouse…..

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com
She also had a pack of Players and spoke about her support of her her teenage son's smoking habit so I think that the beliefs evolved with time just like other religions. Just did a quick google and it looks like her teachings were legit to the beliefs.

"The medicine wheel reminds us that everything comes in fours – the four seasons, the four stages of life, the four races of humanity, four cardinal directions, etc."
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