Will the real Pierre Poilievre please stand up?

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You're bang on here. We've officially reached the point, as we did in Ontario, where voters are so ready for change that the Conservatives could put forward a cardboard box as leader and they'd still win huge in the election. They will win the next one in a total landslide, guaranteed. I can see a similar rout to the Kim Campbell and Ignatieff losses. This one may be even bigger for the Conservatives because I think the NDP has given the optics of becoming the left wing of the Liberal party, and may get punished almost as much.

With inflation and interest rates combining to really put the squeeze on people's finances, it is inevitable that people will want change, and Poilievre will be the prime beneficiary. The sad part is people will draw all the wrong lessons from the massive victory, and it'll encourage more of the dumbed down populism flowing out of Alberta, and is yet another nail in the coffin for intellectual conservatism. Poilievre will get lots of credit for simply being in the right place at the right time, similar to Dougie.

What we need right now is smart and hard pragmatic leadership, willing to be honest about the things we can no longer afford and the hard decisions that will be required to get through this tough patch with minimal damage. What we'll get (based on past performance) is a lot of scapegoating, finger pointing, and simplistic thinking. Maybe Poilievre will be like Meloni in Italy, and surprise everyone with clear-eyed leadership that's less tied to right/left dogma and more focused on practical solutions. But I have my doubts, as I think ol' Pierre is about half as smart as she is, and the Alberta wing of the party will want their pound of flesh.

(If only the Canadian Future party didn't have such an insanely terrible name. I like their goals, but choosing that name really calls into question their judgement...)
I think we should give pierre his due, hes been harping on about the finances and economics for the last 5+ years, he looks like a prophet in this economy.

Im not much in favor of maligning people for their views(albertans or anyone else), but they were right about many things (government overreach, draconian policies, censorship etc)
Also target immigrants based on skills needed in canada not based solely on finances or sad pictures from their home country. Habitat for humanity scaled up? Bring in trades to build dwellings for five years as part of the agreement? After the five years is up, they are free to change careers if they want but they will be qualified and have work experience if they want to stay in their trade.
Another thing would be to do like Ford does with education grants - make the first 5 years of a PR conditional on working in a defined area.
I think we should give pierre his due, hes been harping on about the finances and economics for the last 5+ years, he looks like a prophet in this economy.

Im not much in favor of maligning people for their views(albertans or anyone else), but they were right about many things (government overreach, draconian policies, censorship etc)
Yea his Bitcoin based plan was genius

Sent from the future
He's 'promised' to cut red tape and tie municipal funding to housing targets. Don't hit 15% housing growth every year? Then you don't get federal money.
That sounds like he doesn't really have a plan and is just going to download the problem onto already cash strapped municipalities.
It’s easy to be critical of the current government.
So far that's really all I've heard him do. Remember the "what about them apples" viral video? It was a legit question and he just beat up on the person asking it. Trumpish style??
So far that's really all I've heard him do. Remember the "what about them apples" viral video? It was a legit question and he just beat up on the person asking it. Trumpish style??

He doesn't have to be the best person for the job. He just has to be better alternative to Trudeau. And that isn't a big ask.
Yea his Bitcoin based plan was genius

Sent from the future
Ya. Bitcoin $49k when he made his famous comment March ‘22.

$58 k today.

How did JT do with the CAD in that window?
That sounds like he doesn't really have a plan and is just going to download the problem onto already cash strapped municipalities.
what part of the plan is not a plan?
He doesn't have to be the best person for the job. He just has to be better alternative to Trudeau. And that isn't a big ask.
and yet, we cycled through how many Con leaders?
That sounds like he doesn't really have a plan and is just going to download the problem onto already cash strapped municipalities.

lays it all out for you.

lays it all out for you.
Seems like he has a plan, or ideas, not some whimsical nonsense.
Unlike JT who keeps giving out money away to foreign countries when we have real problems here not being addressed.

A friend of mine posted a photo of some bananas she bough in the UK for cheap and claimed how food pricing isn't crazy over there.
My cousin has also mentioned this while visiting Europe.
Yet again we are getting F'd over here.
I’m in Florida right now and I’m surprised at how high the price of food has gone up

It’s seems the same price if not more than we have
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