Wild Wing Wednesday in G-Town, interested?

The meet is on for this week. Oct 24 at 7:30pm at wild wings.
Hey all just bringing some life to this old thread. Meets are happening again this year. If interested in coming out to one or some, please let me know and I'll start to post details again.

Many Thanks and hope to see a few new faces this year.
Thinking about starting these up on Wednesday May 1st, 2013.

Anyone interested in coming out ?
Special rates for riders?

Sorry don't own the place, they just have a big parking lot. If it got consistant turn out I would ask for sure.
Hey all, going to have to push it back to the 8th of May as something has come up on the 1st...but on the bright side the weather will only be better !!
I am a scatter brain my attendance may be questionable on may 8 as I go for surgery on the 6th... Duh
I ask that all those planning on attending please do so
So do you guys eat first then go for a ride, or is it more of just a hang out meet up?

it can go either way, most times we do eat and get to know each other then the entire group or people within plan a evening ride.
Thought I may have seen some bodies last night. Simone & I popped round for some wings and hockey. Just read the previous posts and see that most were working. See you next week?
Could be?

I was out last night so could not attend, as for the 8th many people have confirmed, I sadly will not be there having surgery the day before and will not be able to ride for a few days afterwards...
I'll be out sometime this year possibly.
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