There is still some room on the sides of most of the 400-series highways for widening. The land was purchased with this in mind, originally. If you claim we're out of 2-dimensional surface space (I agree, 2-dimensional surface space is limited), expand to three dimensions. Highways *are* mass transit. If you want trains, bury them and call them subways.
That Allen road needs to be connected underground to the QEW as originally planned, too. Or better yet, connect it to where the 427 meets the QEW, and connect another line underground from the downtown core area to where the 401 meets the 427 -- drawing an X across Toronto. Any other solution is going to simply be a giant waste of time, and ineffective.
If all of this sounds "too expensive", then perhaps you shouldn't be paying people $30/hour+ to dig a hole with shovels. There are tons of people who would be happy to work for much less than this. There are far more people than there are jobs, on this planet, and labor can be imported as it once was, for infrastructural projects such as building transnational railroads. China would have it done overnight with human power, but Ontarians MUST bow to their unions for extortion payments, and nothing ends up being done, or is vastly overpriced when it is done.
People don't actually want solutions, they only want to complain about their situations. This is evidenced by how little is ever accomplished, when viable solutions like mine are available to them. I've suggested this numerous times on other threads, of course to ears that are either deaf, or arms that are incapable of implementation.
I'm out for now.