It all comes to battery life
...two retractable iPad workstations (equipped with full internet access)
lol this tomc guy has no clue what he is talking about.
each platform has its advantages
apple - looks nice, priced very high - appeals to people with more money than brains, or just very little of both
android - cutting edge, more powerful, less locked in - for those cutting edge early tech adopters android is where its at, do you want your phone to have the latest dual core? 3d screen? 15mp camera? and thats just the hardware, paired with the android operating system you have a fully customizable monster on your hands, and .... well ... you wont find any of this on an iphone. iphone components are most likely 2-3 years behind in the supply chain, and this is done intentionally to make sure "everything works without thinking about it"
windows - most likely used in the enterprise for its cheap cost, scalability and integration with office/outlook/other enterprise apps, if you need to deploy 5000 desktops you'd most likely use windows server with dumb-terminals, and even in smaller businesses windows is used because there simply isn't the budget to buy 20 or 30 macs when you can get twice that many low grade pcs for half the cost
LAMP stack - linux, apache, mysql, php - basically 90% of the worlds webservers run this or some lamp variant, XAMMP, WIMP (Windows, IIS, mysql, php), etc, you'd be a complete idiot to host anything on a mac or windows
and of course ubuntu, redhat, debian, freebsd and all those *nix variants, great if you want a free open source desktop that is capable to running home services suce as file sharing, firewall, multi nat router, mail server, and the list goes on
the point of this being, mac and ios is not the only platform out there and in the big scheme of things they really only cater to middle to high income earners with a desire to buy anything that looks nice, and that explains they stock price and market cap.
open your eyes sheeple and realize that your fart app is really nothing to be proud of and any developer worth his salt would know how to develop for every platform
lol this tomc guy has no clue what he is talking about.
each platform has its advantages
apple - looks nice, priced very high - appeals to people with more money than brains, or just very little of both
android - cutting edge, more powerful, less locked in - for those cutting edge early tech adopters android is where its at, do you want your phone to have the latest dual core? 3d screen? 15mp camera? and thats just the hardware, paired with the android operating system you have a fully customizable monster on your hands, and .... well ... you wont find any of this on an iphone. iphone components are most likely 2-3 years behind in the supply chain, and this is done intentionally to make sure "everything works without thinking about it"
windows - most likely used in the enterprise for its cheap cost, scalability and integration with office/outlook/other enterprise apps, if you need to deploy 5000 desktops you'd most likely use windows server with dumb-terminals, and even in smaller businesses windows is used because there simply isn't the budget to buy 20 or 30 macs when you can get twice that many low grade pcs for half the cost
LAMP stack - linux, apache, mysql, php - basically 90% of the worlds webservers run this or some lamp variant, XAMMP, WIMP (Windows, IIS, mysql, php), etc, you'd be a complete idiot to host anything on a mac or windows
and of course ubuntu, redhat, debian, freebsd and all those *nix variants, great if you want a free open source desktop that is capable to running home services suce as file sharing, firewall, multi nat router, mail server, and the list goes on
the point of this being, mac and ios is not the only platform out there and in the big scheme of things they really only cater to middle to high income earners with a desire to buy anything that looks nice, and that explains they stock price and market cap.
open your eyes sheeple and realize that your fart app is really nothing to be proud of and any developer worth his salt would know how to develop for every platform
The Apple iPhone Micro USB Adapter allows you to use third-party micro USB cables and chargers to sync or charge your iPhone.