given up on the whole jealousy/envy palaver and now trying to work the anger angle? yeah, i'd be angry if my phone had a tiny screen that was hard to text on and view my video in hd. i'd be angry too if i couldn't get the lte speeds that my network has had since last year. oh wait, i'm not angry, because i don't have an i-toy, i have a real phone.
lol, gold jerry, gold!
4.5"-ish i think is the magic size. it allows you to do everything, and do it well.
side by side with my phone, my wife's iphone 4 looks like a toy and like lephillou says, it is annoying to use as a text keyboard. you need really small fingers to easily use the iphone keyboard, imho. cr-apple addicts tell me that you 'just get used to the keyboard'. . .well damnit, no. i paid a lot of money for this thing, and i don't want to have to 'get used to' it. . .it should fit me right out of the box.
my phone not only has a better interface, it has swype, which is FANTASTIC, imho. the functionality on my phone is phenomenal, and not once have i ever thought, "gee, wish i had an iphone". meanwhile, in the five or so times i've had to use my wife's phone, i have always come away thankful that that it was hers and not mine. is the iphone decent? yep. is it the best? lmao, no. i think it's an ideal phone for tech-phobic women with small hands and no patience for an os (android) that has almost limitless personalisation and freedom.