Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2024 Edition)

Brave of you for having been out at all in the last few weeks, it has not been nice fairly consistently.

The forecast is for Ontario to fall into a real deep freeze next week, down into the -20 region overnights.
One of the worst aspects was when I flipped up my visor to clear the fogging and I could feel the road salt vapours in my throat--yuck! I almost puked when I felt it the first time.
It's no longer fun commuting to work now and the next two weeks forecast has a few double digit negative days.

I guess I'm done for the season. See y'all in March 🫡
I don’t know how you do it. The windchill alone at speed would be like a wall. You are tough stuff.
Today marks 8 weeks since I last rode. Life got in the way of the few weather opportunities that presented since then, but generally it’s been crap as we all know.

Longest I’ve not ridden in years.

PMS is setting in hard.
I think we are getting a real winter this year after the last 2 or 3 winter light versions.
It's definitely the depressing time of year, it's almost like how COIVD was all isolated at home, just waiting for things to turn around. At this point I've forgotten how to ride, or almost, that I own a motorcycle....except when I see it in the garage.

BTW as if we need any more validation for this blah weather it's Blue Monday next week. (y)
One of the worst aspects was when I flipped up my visor to clear the fogging and I could feel the road salt vapours in my throat--yuck! I almost puked when I felt it the first time.

Neck warmer from the bottom of your neck to up over your mouth for riding in this weather.

I think we are getting a real winter this year after the last 2 or 3 winter light versions.

Nah. Welcome to the new normal. This is a twenty year trend we're on.
Neck warmer from the bottom of your neck to up over your mouth for riding in this weather.

Nah. Welcome to the new normal. This is a twenty year trend we're on.
The trend being 2-3 easy ones and then a usual one or back to normal winters for 20 years?
I moved the tender wire from my wife's Spyder to my bike today.

Closest I've got to anything bike related in weeks. 🫤
I kept telling my kids that is seemed colder with more snow when I was their age. There were alway this 2 weeks in end of January beginning of February where the deep freeze never let up. I remember it used to create ice inside our bedroom window on those frigid nights. Year we still went out and played hockey in the outdoor rink near our school. Can’t feel your toes so what, we only went inside because it was supper time.
Remember going to Quebec City the first time for Carnival, holy smokes the height of the snow banks it was incredible. Wondering how the winter has changed there now.
I don't believe this winter is close to what we use to get when I was younger. I remember constantly having to shovel snow, and the snow sticking around. Last year was a bit of an exception, but this winter hasn't been bad at all. It's colder, an a bit more snow, but I've hardly shovelled anything, and I can still see my grass in some spots on a the front lawn. I use to put winter tires on my car between Nov 16 - Nov 20. Now it's almost never. Some time around late 90's is when I really noticed the shift in winter, there were always these weeks of on and off snow, cold weeks and warm weeks, until we've gotten to where we are now. Nothing scientific just my own observations of living in Toronto, and heading up North (Collingwood) to go skiing over the years. My interest in Skiing has died off because of lack of snow, and well Motorcycling ;)

From what I've seen typically there will be 2 more big snowfalls Mid Feb, and beginning of Mar, then winter will be winding down after that.
I don't believe this winter is close to what we use to get when I was younger. I remember constantly having to shovel snow, and the snow sticking around.

I dunno. I agree it's not a 1970's type winter, but it's certainly been more traditional. This is the longest I've remembered having snow on the ground in many, many years. The neighbours kids made snowmen out of the snow that fell just before Christmas and they are still there - over a month old now. It's been a long, long time since a snowman would have lasted a month. And it's not looking like that's going to change anytime soon based on the forecast - we're out of this deep freeze by the weekend, yeah, but still in below zero temps consistently.
I wonder if a snowmobile helmet would work better in the winter as this is a big problem.
I wear my bike helmet sledding. It came with an extra layer that fits into the visor and really help control the fogging. That said I pop the visor up any time we slow to run thru the bush and bang it down again when it's time to get on the pipe.
There's a guy in my 'hood who rides a red Harley decker with the bat wing fairing while wearing a shorty helmet. I've seen him out 3 or 4 times on the coldest days of January. Yesterday it was another guy on a flat black Honda 300 or 500 Rebel. Tough characters both.
So... I rode to work today and was caught behind an accident on the 401 and was sitting in the traffic for 30 minutes or so. Thankfully, there was no wind today and someone in a car handed me a warm coffee 😁
Ha! That'll then fog up my glasses. I tried everything.

Do you have an anti-fog coating on your glasses, and does your helmet support Pinlock insert? A friend of mine wore glasses with a coating and they stayed clear. This was 30 years ago, so presumably the technology has gotten better. We used to play paintball in the winter every weekend, and he never complained about his glasses. The goggles we used were dual-pane and never fogged either - Pinlock works on the same concept. Even better if your helmet is compatible with a heated or dial-pane visor, but those are usually reserved for off-road only/non-certified snowmobiling helmets.

I personally don't usually have a problem with my standard single-layer visor fogging. I keep the inside spotless by washing with dish soap and never touch it with my fingers. It will fog when not moving, so I open it all the way at stops. I find that once you let it fog the first time, it gets harder and harder for just the airflow to keep it clear.
Do you have an anti-fog coating on your glasses, and does your helmet support Pinlock insert? A friend of mine wore glasses with a coating and they stayed clear. This was 30 years ago, so presumably the technology has gotten better. We used to play paintball in the winter every weekend, and he never complained about his glasses. The goggles we used were dual-pane and never fogged either - Pinlock works on the same concept. Even better if your helmet is compatible with a heated or dial-pane visor, but those are usually reserved for off-road only/non-certified snowmobiling helmets.

I personally don't usually have a problem with my standard single-layer visor fogging. I keep the inside spotless by washing with dish soap and never touch it with my fingers. It will fog when not moving, so I open it all the way at stops. I find that once you let it fog the first time, it gets harder and harder for just the airflow to keep it clear.
Honestly, this isn't a big problem for me so I don't think about it that much. The only time it becomes a hazard is when I get caught in seriously heavy rain.

This time though there's an obscene salting happening in Mississauga. I can feel the salt in my mouth even when I'm just walking.

I keep the inside spotless by washing with dish soap and never touch it with my fingers.
I do this with my glasses when I remember it.

It will fog when not moving, so I open it all the way at stops.
That's what I do as well.
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