Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2024 Edition)

Went to start the bike, fired up right away. I didn't bother with battery tender, or fuel stabilizer. Seems good to go if tomorrow is nice. Me not sure if I remember what I need to do to ride it....
It will take you longer to get your gear on. Two blocks and 2 shifts later it will all be back. Good luck.
Went to start the bike, fired up right away. I didn't bother with battery tender, or fuel stabilizer. Seems good to go if tomorrow is nice. Me not sure if I remember what I need to do to ride it....
It's a vstrom, just point, shoot and hold on!!!!!!! 😁
I have to test mine with the new clutch slave cylinder before I put the bodywork (Tupperware 😂😂) back on. Saw a big scooter on the 404 southbound at Major Mac going at least 110. Could see the lane to lane grin in my envious northbound cage.
I went out for a little ride today (only about 150km) Met up with @85K100 at Timmies in Sutton.

I took a photo from the Malone rd viewing point that we were talking about previously.

I did see someone riding in Port Perry and someone else riding closer to Sutton but don't recall where.

It's beginning to feel like riding season is almost here. :)

..TomJackson's point 2.jpg
Great to meet up with you today Tom. Time flies when you're having fun! We could spend a few more hours chatting I'm sure.
To answer a question you asked, from the position where you took that pic, if you rotate left close to 90 degrees, then you would be looking toward the historic Jackson's Point Marine Railway, on the outside of the break wall. Breakup is coming soon. When the ice goes out you'll see it.
Saw my first bike out in my neck of the woods today.. Ironically the guy was at a red light and then drove around a car stopped in front of him so that he could turn right without having to wait 15 more seconds for it to turn green. Cager was doing the "WTF" wave at him inside the car. Always great to start out the season by pissing off the cagers right out of the gate.
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I saw a bike on the 401 today as well.
I'm sure there will be plenty of bikes out this week.
Somebody was out riding a little Kawasaki at 3:00 this morning on Stouffville Rd., in a raging snow storm. After smacking it up he left it on the side of the road for the entire day. That's his mirror on the road behind it. My ride is in the background.

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That looks like the ninja I saw squidding along 7 earlier
I was out doing some suspension testing today, to so-so results.

Tried going a little hard on the Progressive Suspension rear shocks I put on my Sportster Iron 1200... Yes, they're one full step up from stock... but I guess I was hoping for a two step improvement...

Next, I tested out some base model Hagon shocks on a Triumph T120 and again, ok cool, we've made a step up, it was fine... but was it really great? *shrug*

At city speeds neither bike felt as good as my 13 year old entry level BMW.

Need the weather to warm up so I can make some adjustments, A-B test, try things out at different speeds. But my first and very early impressions are, maybe if doing a suspension upgrade, don't get the cheapest option from an aftermarket brand, go at least the second option up their tier list?
I rode to work today (downtown Toronto). Saw a sport bike heading north on DVP at around 9:15 am. (I was southbound) Don't know what brand of bike but I think it was red (I'm somewhat colour blind) so probably a Honda.

.. Tom
On my last two rides everything was white just like your picture. I find that a very weird juxtaposition.
I went out for a little ride today (only about 150km) Met up with @85K100 at Timmies in Sutton.

I took a photo from the Malone rd viewing point that we were talking about previously.

I did see someone riding in Port Perry and someone else riding closer to Sutton but don't recall where.

It's beginning to feel like riding season is almost here. :)

..TomView attachment 72806
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Next, I tested out some base model Hagon shocks on a Triumph T120
That reminds me that the set of Hagon shocks I got at Paris last summer are still sitting on the shelf awaiting install on the CB750F.
I was out doing some suspension testing today, to so-so results.

Tried going a little hard on the Progressive Suspension rear shocks I put on my Sportster Iron 1200... Yes, they're one full step up from stock... but I guess I was hoping for a two step improvement...

Next, I tested out some base model Hagon shocks on a Triumph T120 and again, ok cool, we've made a step up, it was fine... but was it really great? *shrug*

At city speeds neither bike felt as good as my 13 year old entry level BMW.

Need the weather to warm up so I can make some adjustments, A-B test, try things out at different speeds. But my first and very early impressions are, maybe if doing a suspension upgrade, don't get the cheapest option from an aftermarket brand, go at least the second option up their tier list?
I know where you're coming from, but unless you can get the better suspension for free, have a money tree or have decided that the HD is a forever bike don't bother.

I had a 1999 super glide, and I liked it for all the reasons you like your sportster. Metal, visceral, mechanical and fun in it's own way. I HATED the brakes, and the crappy suspension was beating the hell out of me and scaring the crap out of me sometimes when it would hit a cigarette butt mid corner. I looked at the Storz website, and an old Cycle World article about hopping up the FXR and I thought, "OK, this would be cool. Bigger disk, modern calipers and reservoirs, longer and upgraded shocks, and re-valved forks with new springs and I have....." Spent a crap-ton of money addressing issues of design and manufacture trying to make it better at what it was never intended to do; handle and act like a modern, purposeful motorcycle.

It would have been a better riding bike and it would have been a unique-ish HD, but when the time would inevitably come to sell it those upgrades would be worth nothing to most HD buyers.
Yep, setting money on fire to keep yourself warm for the moment it burns.
Well said and a fair point.

Having that FXR with modern brakes and decent suspension would have been cool, but I'd already decided that it wasn't really a rural road burner no matter what I did.
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