That's something I'd definitely want to try out!

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That's something I'd definitely want to try out!
I second that.... went on Friday to go somewhere in 3pm pre-rush-hour traffic... car suddenly stopped to make a left while I was looking to change lanes.... luckily I was on my way turning into the right lane.. i was inches before rear-ending the car in front.Nope, I still refuse to ride on weekends with crazy drivers. I’ll go Monday instead. Might only be 13c but no traffic.
I never understood the point of this thread.
Fantastic!no pictures of the bike since it was just parked in a lot. but did a short trip out to the crawford lake conservation area yesterday. saw some reconstructed longhouses from the huron-wendat era and walked the trails along crawford lake.
2 QuestionsWhat a wonderful day for riding it was, yesterday. Dare I say, one of the best days in the year. Temperatures, even at 5am hovered between 16-18C.
No heated gear required.
Here's the spin that I went on. Main aim for the ride was to explore the Nipissing road between Seguin Falls and Magnetawan.
View attachment 58287
Pretty early on
Etwell Road
This is where I realized that my number plate was barely hanging on. One bolt had fallen off, and the other would have had I not stopped for a pic. I tightened the bolt at one end and tied the other with zip ties.
A bridge on the Nipissing Road East
I rode south from Seguin falls until the road turned into a trail, and the trail then bifurcated into many smaller trails, some muddy. I turned back towards the 518 and took the Nipissing road West towards Magnetawan.
The road is packed gravel which turns into tar as I reach Magnetawan.
Magnetawan Dam
I then took the Bunny trail down to the 124 and then the combination of hurdville road and swords to get back to Rosseau. Fueled up at the Shell in Port Carling and headed home via Hockley. Lot's of bikers in the Hockley/Tera Cotta area yesterday
The Adventist Church on Hockley Rd
Was home by late afternoon. And that's a wrap..
@iblastoff they have an amazing educational program for kids (or they did pre-Covid) so if you have kids, you should take them...
2 Questions
1.What kind of hand guards muffs are you using on the VStrom?
That looks like a good route.
2.Any chance you have a gpx file for it?
F... I saw that earlier and this week I planned to put the nose to the grindstone....but but...
Thank you.1. These ones - Multi Fit - Barkbusters Moto
2. I don't have a gpx file. I use Gmaps for routes. Here's the link - Walmart Supercentre to Walmart Supercentre
Thank you.
Do you keep those muffs on all year round or do you put them on for the colder months only?