Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2019 Edition)

The nice thing with a trials bike is you really don't need a lot of space and they are very light to handle. We had years of fun on our machines and some even with a little course behind the barn. Of course they are way better now and off road bicycle is huge. Some eBikes getting into the act.
The new eBike rules might open up more.....we'll see what land use restrictions put a damper on them.

One thing Ford has done I approve, plus including motorcycles in the HOV lanes :D
North GTA. Well I could just buy 10 acres and park a trailer on it..... (y)

Good trials property would be crap land no one wants to build on.....
Good trials area around here is 400+ acres of canadian shield with forests, swamps, rivers, rock outcrops and a lake that nobody else can access.
Snow looks ridable here today, after breakfast need to lay down some fresh tracks into the new year :D
.... outdoor art ;) guess what it is
Crispy - your bike won't melt ....it ain't your dads rustbucket. You are often doing more damage trying to clean it.
as long as no pressure that won't hurt tho any detergent might take off some chain lube.
Tomorrow looking okay
I went out for a short little ride today to welcome 2020.

Here is my summary for riding my 2015 V-Strom DL1000 in 2019:

52,318 km / 32,598 miles. 16 States, 6 provinces. (Counting other years and Stroms I have ridden all the lower 48 except Florida and Louisiana and all 10 provinces.) Most distance on one day: almost 1,600 km / 1,000 miles. Hottest ride in 2019: 38°c. Coldest in 2019: 0°c. Bought bike end of July ***2015***. Total mileage end of 2019: 210,892 km / 131,042 miles

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Get an early start on 2020 tomorrow ...looks okay 4 and sunny in the afternoon. Friday okay too....then winter again. :eek:
Thinking the same thing (y) is too nice out, go ride something
Just got back in from my first ride of 2020. Just puttering around town. Felt good, sun poked out now and again...
How many more days until Spring!
Was very challenging today, whatever you do stay away from under the cedar trees!
OMG sheet metal screws are fun you guys gotta try that (y)


:alien: is very weird, you have to keep reminding yourself to aim for the ice patches and avoid bare rock!

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