Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)


Ironus Butticus
Staff member
Site Supporter
Well, it's that time of year again. The temps have dropped, prime riding season seems to be slipping into the rear view mirrors, it's officially Fall, and a lot of the less than hard core crowd are contemplating calling it, or already have.

Myself, in the last 2 weeks I've logged about 1400KM - 700KM of it in unexpectedly warm and glorious weather one day, and the other 700 across the freakin frigid weekend just passed. Had plans to go through Algonquin park, unfortunately didn't happen because of a motorcycle wreck that closed the highway. Ended up staying in a "Vintage" (putting it tactfully) motel in Carnavon vs the cabin we'd reserved in Madawaska.

Had really been aiming for 20,000KM this season, looks like I'm going to end up around 18,000 instead.

So, who's still riding?
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

I am. And plan on riding till November as long as no snow in sight. If TWN is to be believed, we're in for a mild fall this year.

7k km since May. Mostly commuting to and from work, pretty much everyday. I think it's already the most I've put on in one season. Still nowhere close to your goal, but good enough for me.
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Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

I put the bike away October 31st every year...
'Been riding/commuting on the bike daily the last few weeks...
Still have an overnight trip planned for early October.
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Waiting for broken toe to set properly then I’ll be out again. Usually ride until the first snow but we will see. The leaves haven’t started turning near me so there’s still time for some nice rides.
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

hoping to be back in ON for early Oct
ride back the southern route to the Okanagan
looking forward to a longer season in the southern interior
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Riding until salt hits the road. Hopfully December. I mean I have to, I have an adventure bike to get to work and back lol
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Just starting Oct 5th on my new CB500x ...hope to get a couple longer rides south and then daily for a while as it appears a warm fall thanks to El Nino ...tho unfortunately likely a wet one.
Way too early for this thread.
Way too early for this thread.

Perhaps, but it’s coming.

Like I said, I know more than a few have already called it. As soon as the daily highs fall below the 20’s many pack it in.
Everybody! It's not even October yet :confused4: there's like 2 more months to go before it's even a challenge.
Too cold for track but luckily I have a dual sport this year. So I'm going until Nov 30

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Way too early for this thread.

Dude, Halloween is basically over, now that cosplaying is a year-round thing. We'll be seeing Christmas decorations at the mall shortly. I think the real question is: Do you use your consumer product more frequently than others on the forum, thus proving yourself a better individual? As a Canadian, can you survive the winter, with nothing but hundreds of years of science, technology and infrastructure to protect you? Yeah, it's getting a bit silly.

Lots of riding left for the year! I'm a bit over 42,000 km this year.. should be able to get to 50,000 km.

We have trials competitions up till Nov 25th.And then winter practice till spring.:D
I rode in every month a few times last "season". Will have to see what this one brings, it's supposed to be brutal...
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