Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Rode last night to work and today. Brisk and cool but good road conditions. No complaints!
I got in my shakedown / piston ring break-in ride. And I saw Wingboy's new toy.

If the owner was using a degreaser to clean the engine it will accelerate the damage 1000%. Do not use strong cleaners like CLR, Simple Green, or anything citrus, muriatic acid, based or even some oil based degreasers. It damages almost every component it touches and leads to hyper-corrosion. Aluminum is particularly vulnerable. Just use a mild household cleaner like Fantastik rinse with a mild car soap rinse thoroughly and wax.
Then why did it only damage the coatings where the spray from the front wheel happens?
This warm weather is kicking the crap out of the lake ice, we need a few days of - double digits.

:| what's to break in? Ducati has a coated aluminum barrel and not a cast iron sleeve doesn't it?
+ nice Honda 125 there, that's the one to have imho.
:| what's to break in? Ducati has a coated aluminum barrel and not a cast iron sleeve doesn't it?
+ nice Honda 125 there, that's the one to have imho.

Brian just rebuilt the 125.Why the question about the Duc?
Brian just rebuilt the 125.Why the question about the Duc?

I got in my shakedown / piston ring break-in ride. And I saw Wingboy's new toy.

Time was you had to bed the rings (very very hard material) into a honed steel cylinder bore,
:/ there is no hone on a spray coated cylinder (very very hard coating applied to a precision cylinder bore) to my knowledge.

:D lake ice is improving, won't be long now.
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methinks you mixed up who's who. I put new piston rings in the 125 because after 53,000 km (approximately 52,000 km of which were at wide open throttle), it was due. That engine has a conventional cast-iron liner and conventional piston rings. Yesterday was the break-in test ride for that bike. (It ran fine.)

Wingboy just picked up that Ducati a few weeks ago.
Just got back in from a quick run. Was nice just to be out, great feeling starting the bike up and riding.

Puttered around the hood, got waved to by a bunch of little kids who also wished me a Merry Christmas, which I returned in kind of course! Saw a deer crossing the road. Me thinks it was a pretty good run for end of season and Dec!
:thumbup: gotcha

the 125 must be a hoot to ride in the city.
Rode down Avenue Rd to downtown and passed some guy on a bike with a leather jacket and sidecar. Waved at him and he completely ignored me. What a jerk :o
Maybe it handled so bad he was afraid to let go of the bars.
Just got back in from a quick run. Was nice just to be out, great feeling starting the bike up and riding.

Puttered around the hood, got waved to by a bunch of little kids who also wished me a Merry Christmas, which I returned in kind of course! Saw a deer crossing the road. Me thinks it was a pretty good run for end of season and Dec!
Out for a quick run -- beauty day, dry roads, a bit of sunshine -- seemed a lot warmer than the thermometer reported.

If it's this nice on the 24th, I'll ride into work in my Santa suit.
Just got back in from a quick run. Was nice just to be out, great feeling starting the bike up and riding.

Puttered around the hood, got waved to by a bunch of little kids who also wished me a Merry Christmas, which I returned in kind of course! Saw a deer crossing the road. Me thinks it was a pretty good run for end of season and Dec!

Where's the photo tag?

I was out Saturday and Sunday, good conditions, not uncomfortable.
Instead of getting the motorcycle out, I threw my back out instead.

So, sadly, I did not ride today.
Where's the photo tag?

I was out Saturday and Sunday, good conditions, not uncomfortable.

haha I see we are thinking the same thing. The last one was out in the west end... no worky.
But I did want to take a picture anyway, didn't get to it. Was just enjoying the ride. :cool:
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