Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Why do you use windfinder over other weather apps?

Detail wind speeds and direction- barometric pressure so I can see trends and it gives 3 hour segments, - I balance wind against temperature. If it's really windy and marginal temps I might pass but a quiet day and marginal temps might ride.

The precip detail is decent too.

Pretty gusty on Sunday but love the temp.


compared to this ( I wish )

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Hovering around the freezing mark today. So tempting, but I don't want to get caught in freezing rain

Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk
Maybe. I do have an engine with a new set of piston rings to break in. I am also wrapped up in bandages from gall bladder surgery. We'll see.

Best wishes on a speedy recovery.
Sunday looks pretty darn nice in Burly. Rain is supposed to stop at 8am, and with the little gusts of wind with warmer weather, the roads should be salt free and dry by 11am-noon (lots of rain over nights).
I like accuweather. They seem pretty accurate and show a ton of information.
Yes it WAS a dreary November

"Toronto sets new record for lack of sunlight in November
Toronto has been atypically dark and dreary over the past 30 days, setting what the Weather Network calls a "startling record for a sun-starved November" with an average cloud cover of 88 per cent during daylight hours.

In fact, there's been just one single day since the end of October in which cloud cover fell below 50 per cent in Toronto. That day was Thursday, November 22, and it was freezing outside with a recorded high of -5 C and a low of - 12 C."
one of the worst falls I remember for riding
Hope no one is out there ...freezing rain warning


I see where the warm air is coming from but a few hours of sun is going to be iffy.


there's the window


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A few riders out along with lovely sunshine. :D.. Foggy on the way up but nice ride - not windy.

Very nice on the way home....slight fog in the sun. Quite a few riders eventually rode by ....chatted with one from the GTA.....he said he left Toronto in full sunlight.

Sun came out around 3 ....nice ride home tho feet a bit chilly - batteries on the heated inner soles ran out.
Next time I won't put them on on the way up. Hands warm with the heated liners. Satisfying Dec ride. Last of the double digits for a while.
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