Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

How so? We have just become use to warmer winters.

I use to have winter tires on around the 16 or 20th of Nov, now I wait and see in early Jan.

Sent from the moon!
That's true, we have gotten used to milder winters. But still, maybe my memory is failing me, but I don't recall multiple snowfalls in November. I recall a one off snow fall, then a few in December, and if we're lucky, a white Christmas. Then brunt of snow in Jan.

I still hope this is one off and it's milder going forward.
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

That's true, we have gotten used to milder winters. But still, maybe my memory is failing me, but I don't recall multiple snowfalls in November. I recall a one off snow fall, then a few in December, and if we're lucky, a white Christmas. Then brunt of snow in Jan.

I still hope this is one off and it's milder going forward.

Hey as a new rider I am not complaining about the mild winters.
But the skier in me is slowly dying...
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Those fancy lightweight batteries are lithium, they're maintenance free and you can leave them in the bike over the winter. It will start up come spring with no issues.

Not if you have enough parasitic draw that it kills it, it won't.

Yes, lithium batteries have a dramatically lower self discharge rate, and tolerate dropping to low SOC's much better than traditional SLA or even AGM batteries, but a battery is still a battery - if it's dead for one reason or the other, it ain't gonna start your bike.

Random question....but does anyone here pump the front forks on their bike every 2 weeks or so and move the bike a couple inches (if its no on stands) during winter storage? I have read that if you let the bike sit for too long in a cold garage the seals can go (or forks get seized), and if not on stands, the rubber can develop flat spots from sitting on cold pavement.

Every winter these stories come up of people going to all sorts of weird lengths when it comes to storage. I've read of people jacking their bikes up in the air to get the wheels off the ground and the pressure off the forks completely, etc etc. In all the bikes I've ever owned I've done exactly nothing of the sort. My bike sits exactly where it stopped when I last rode it, and it will sit there until I ride it again...even if that's not until the spring. I've done the same every single winter. No fork seal issues, no flat spot issues, nada. It's all junk made up by people who have believed crap they've read online and decided it's true.

Don't overthink storage. Fill your tank, add stabilizer, ride the bike to bring everything up to temp and distribute the stabilized gas. Park bike, plug in tender. The end.

Ya not looking good. I was hopping Friday might be ok but doesn't look like it now. I have not been out on the bike for a week now

5-10cm snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Crazy for November.

Who feels this thread was still too early this year? LOL.

Yeah, I was hoping to get out for a bit Saturday as well (I still need to stabilize the fuel in my wifes bike) but it sounds like we are getting our first real taste of winter starting tomorrow afternoon and into Friday morning. I'm guessing we will be into full on salt then. :/
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

It's all junk made up by people who have believed crap they've read online and decided it's true.

Don't overthink storage. Fill your tank, add stabilizer, ride the bike to bring everything up to temp and distribute the stabilized gas. Park bike, plug in tender. The end.

I agree with everything you say and just add that I don't think that Stabilizer is needed if you use good quality gas, in particular Top-Tier gas.

My old 2006 DL650 V-Strom had 202,000+ km when I parked it after bringing home my 2012 DL650 in Mar of 2012. the 2006 sat in my garage for over a year with just a battery tender hooked up to it. Never touched it in over 14 months. Then I was moving and realized I had to take it to my hanger. I went over to it, turned on the ignition and let the fuel pump pressurize and touched the start button. It was running before I could get my finger off the starter. I don;t' store my bike anymore and have it always ready to ride buut in the past nothing more than good gas and the tender was needed with perhaps a cover and some mothballs to keep away rodents.

Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

It took me way to long to fix my charging problem. Took a few weeks to get the stator. Then I had to diagnose a blinker issue.
Finally got it all done and went for a spin Monday night.
Man it was so nice out.
Front wheel got lofted may times.
Was surprised at the amount of traction I was getting.

what bike u got?

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com mobile app
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

well thats it for me. rode home in the snow and it was terrible. back to the TTC until further notice :(
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

well thats it for me. rode home in the snow and it was terrible. back to the TTC until further notice :(

You, uh...knew that was coming, right?
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

+5 next friday !
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Hypothetically speaking, if it warms up and ice is melted, can you still ride during a 2c-5c warmspell?
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

People all over the world have been riding in temperatures like that for decades and will continue to do so long after we are gone.
It's up to you to decide if you want to.
I'm going riding today.
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Hypothetically speaking, if it warms up and ice is melted, can you still ride during a 2c-5c warmspell?

Yes tho above 5 is preferred for me ...but I have a new bike so......

Next weekend looks okay for the time of year.

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Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Hypothetically speaking, if it warms up and ice is melted, can you still ride during a 2c-5c warmspell?

It completely depends on the gear you wear, your bike and the actual road conditions. The coldest I have ridden this calendar year is -18°c. It was pushing it for my gear but I have done lots of (comfortable) riding in the -10 range.

I ride an adventure bike and have found the tires work well even in very cold. I think if you have sport tires your tires might not like the cold weather so you would need to be more careful than usual.

Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

It completely depends on the gear you wear, your bike and the actual road conditions. The coldest I have ridden this calendar year is -18°c. It was pushing it for my gear but I have done lots of (comfortable) riding in the -10 range.

I ride an adventure bike and have found the tires work well even in very cold. I think if you have sport tires your tires might not like the cold weather so you would need to be more careful than usual.

I ride a DL650 too, the cold doesn't bother me, it's just the road conditions that can be interesting.

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Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

There are some cold overnights coming up. Car has to go in the garage because I don't like freezing, so the bikes have to go into the shop. That's done. It might be tolerable next weekend ... but originally it was supposed to be +5 today.

I've had a ride at least once a month for the last two years. I already did this month. December? Who knows.
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Bit tempting this morning - no wind but still chilly at 2 C max.
Still riding. Went to Church's Chicken, (At St. Clair & Dufferin St.) around 6PM last Thursday nite. Heavy snow! Washed out and did a 'lowsider', ( going south on Dufferin St.) Bike appears to be undamaged- the barkbusters saved the clutchlever. Was able to re-mount & ride home...First time I have dumped in winter, since '89.
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