Who's still riding? (Fall 2017 / Winter 2018 edition)

Had my bike at the shop (Blackstock, formerly Asselstines)for the last week and a bit. I had them leave it out for me so I could get it today.

Their parking lot and the side road I had to exit on was all snow covered. It was -15 and a nice easy ride home (only about 20 minutes) although my street was a bit icy and nmy driveway still had somehow and ice (from firday's snow streamer.). The Anlas Winter tires actuality seemed to work well on the snow and ice. I was very cautious while on it but had much more traction than I thought I would. Even though my traction control was on the most sensitive mode it and my abs never kicked in.

No bugs!


How are the new owners at Blackstock? Any staff carry-over?

And to stay on topic, I took advantage of a slightly warm garage last night and did the winter storage for my street ride. Ice tires are mounted on my WR and hope to be out on the lake over the Christmas break.
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How are the new owners at Blackstock? Any staff carry-over?

And to stay on topic, I took advantage of a slightly warm garage last night and did the winter storage for my street ride. Ice tires are mounted on my WR and hope to be out on the lake over the Christmas break.

I think pretty much all the staff stayed on. IIRC one staff member left when it was for sale before the new buyers were found but those that stayed seem happy with the new owners.

I think pretty much all the staff stayed on. IIRC one staff member left when it was for sale before the new buyers were found but those that stayed seem happy with the new owners.


Good to hear. Will be my local shop soon.
Well...December 24.

Hard to believe 2 years ago we were riding still - anyone remember how warm it was Christmas day?

Last year wasn't a whole lot different...looking at my photos I was out for a ride on the 28'th.

Not so much this year. :/
Well...December 24.

Hard to believe 2 years ago we were riding still - anyone remember how warm it was Christmas day?

Last year wasn't a whole lot different...looking at my photos I was out for a ride on the 28'th.

Not so much this year. :/
2 years ago it was 15 deg C. I remember it very well because it was my first year riding offroad, and the only bike I had was my CB500X.

Indeed...and it was 10 degrees on Christmas day. I remember one of our neighbours was out washing his cars in his driveway on Christmas eve 2015.
On my way to work last week saw a bike pass me on Rutherford at 27 at 5:55 am. Pretty freaking awesome!

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cant wait till March/April
Glad I'm not missing a whole lot this winter, still not being able to ride.
Heating bills are going to be a little steep come February methinks.

And I wonder what February is going to bring...if this is what we’re getting in December.
Heating bills are going to be a little steep come February methinks.

And I wonder what February is going to bring...if this is what we’re getting in December.

February brings the GP de Snow!
We are in one of those careful what you wish for scenes......tis a bit too white

For those dreaming of a white Christmas, you will get your wish. The low responsible for the snow is over Eastern Lake Erie and heading into Western New York overnight. Snow has resumed across the area and will fall fairly heavy at times until it tapers off in the overnight hours. Visibility will be limited, making travel hazardous.
Snowfall totals of 15 to 20 centimetres are expected by the time it tapers off overnight. Cold brisk winds on Monday will likely create some local blowing snow as well. Travelers are encouraged to adjust their plans if possible.

15 to 20 on top of the existing 15-20 ....


there is a shovelled walk under there somewhere...

lots on the way


my dinner invite also at risk ... :( ....noooooo
Feb you ask??? More of the same

La Niña is anticipated to affect temperature and precipitation across the United States during the upcoming months (the 3-month seasonal temperature and precipitation outlooks will be updated on Thursday December 21st). The outlooks generally favor above-average temperatures and below-median precipitation across the southern tier of the United States, and below-average temperatures and above-median precipitation across the northern tier of the United States.

Brushed a good 4" of snow off the car before leaving a get-together tonight. I guess winter has arrived, except for V-Tom. Could almost run sleds on the main strip. Merry Xmas to all!
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