Who's still riding? (Fall 2017 / Winter 2018 edition)

Aren't trials bikes the very definition of motorcycles stripped of the superfluous for (very specific) competition? Or do they come with extra stuff for...the street? I don't think I've ever seen one in person.

Montesa 4RT comes complete with everything that you need to make it road legal in civilized countries (Canada is not one of those) it comes with 2 exhaust systems, one for competition and one with a cat converter, 2 rear sprockets, 2 headlights (one small one larger complete with instruments) signals, horn, steering lock key, the works, plus a full service manual (in spanish) and instructions to prepare it for competition.... and no pre-delivery setup is required short of putting the handlebars on, so if a dealer shorts you all of those goodies and charges you for pre-deliver they are just ripping you off.

They are however extremely addictive and tend to render all other motor vehicles boring, so ride at your own risk.
The early Honda's and Yamaha's were street legal ...likely

Looks like this elderly Sherpa was as well



Tho no more than a trip to the store.

This guy has modded an older bike



It's all going electric

You can have a lot of fun in a very small space.


Aren't trials bikes the very definition of motorcycles stripped of the superfluous for (very specific) competition? Or do they come with extra stuff for...the street? I don't think I've ever seen one in person.

Stop by the SOVT booth at the Jan show.We will have bikes from the 50's 60's 70's 80's and modern.My daughter and I will be there all day sunday.
at Trials: Anything that looks like it was invented by 60's Spider-Man as a way to kill time between super villain fights deserves high praise. Coolness points +1 million. Regrettably, my inner Scotsman scoffs at the lack of seat and tartan paint schemes. Are they mostly 2-strokes?

at Wingboy: I may stop by your Soviet booth in January, if I can overcome my self-diagnosed enochlophobia. Look for the man in the ushanka, if it's cold enough. That selection of vintagery sounds exciting. No demonstrations?

at V-Tom: Sorry, didn't mean to threadjack your lubricious chains. Does the manufacturer ever ask for high kilometer chains to examine wear that occurs "in the wild"?
Hats off to anybody riding nowadays...you are hardcore!
It must be freezing balls...
be careful out there

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com
at Trials: Anything that looks like it was invented by 60's Spider-Man as a way to kill time between super villain fights deserves high praise. Coolness points +1 million. Regrettably, my inner Scotsman scoffs at the lack of seat and tartan paint schemes. Are they mostly 2-strokes?

My last 3 Montesa rides are all 4-stroke, Montesa of Spain is owned by Honda and HRC designed and have been producing the motors for almost 2 decades now. Beta has an excellent 4-stroke offering except fitted with a carburetor instead of PGM-Fi and Sherco has a 4 stroke offering, also fitted with a carburetor. :D I still cut a fine form in my one piece spandex, for a couple of grand you could probably have one made in tartan. Seats are highly over rated, you should be riding not sitting down.

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Thank you about my bike being disgusting! My bike is made for riding not for just sitting there looking at it. I ride it and don't waste much time cleaning it.

Glad someone else gets it and doesn't belong to the "your bike will decompose into a pile of rust in a month because of the salt, or you'll instantly crash as soon as you touch salt" club.

Hell, my bike still has (gasp!) bug splatter on it. And you know what? In the spring, it'll wash off, and the bike will be absolutely no worse for it. And I didn't bother to put anything over my wife's bike to keep the dust off it, either! Heresy, I know.

I enjoy riding WAY more than cleaning, and neither of our bikes are garage queens, nor show bikes - they are busy bikes. Yeah, I wash and polish a little every now and then in the summer, especially after riding in the rain, but I don't obsess or worry about a little dirt and grime. At all.

Anyhow, back on topic....

I'm looking forward to my arm getting strong enough that I can get out the first warm snap we (hopefully) get in January/February. I sat on my wifes Vstar today (way lighter vs my couch) and actually got my post-op arm up onto the handlebars. For a brief few moments....I thought about it, but ugh...the arm/shoulder is still so weak that it would have been a very poor decision.
Quote Originally Posted by V-Tom View Post
Thank you about my bike being disgusting! My bike is made for riding not for just sitting there looking at it. I ride it and don't waste much time cleaning it.


Winscreen and mirrors - that's about it ...maybe the headlight if the bugs get too thick.
Sarcasm for the V-Tom or approval? I never understood why that clip was chosen for a GIF. Orson Wells was a very ambiguous clapper. Might let the scooty-doot take a leak on the weekend before I put it to sleep. December is getting dark and dreary. Plus, I've been on a music listening spree lately and the car is a better solution than another layer of gadgets on the space suit.
I'm sure the manufacturer has no idea about my chain life.

Do you lower your tire pressure during the winter to increase traction? A lower pressure tire would have a bigger contact patch and generate a little more heat? Probably insignificant, but I have been thinking about this recently.

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Do you lower your tire pressure during the winter to increase traction? A lower pressure tire would have a bigger contact patch and generate a little more heat? Probably insignificant, but I have been thinking about this recently.

Might want to open that question by saying what you ride and exactly what tires you are riding on.

I can confidently advise that at -22C very soft compound tires will literally shatter and fly to pieces.

... the sidewalls are all cracked too. Tire was 1 season old.
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Do you lower your tire pressure during the winter to increase traction? A lower pressure tire would have a bigger contact patch and generate a little more heat? Probably insignificant, but I have been thinking about this recently.

I hadn't lowered it in the past anything significantly using the Tourance tires but on these Enlas winter tires I run them a bit lower as they run hotter and the pressure goes up quicker.

Fwiw I don't intentionally ride in snow but run them in case I get caught.

If memory serves me; silica is the material added to winter tires to make the rubber withstand extreme cold temps.
Had this happen to me with a set of tires on my track ducati.Too long in -20 weather to and from the Supershow.
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