Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

Nice warm evening again...shame for the rain or I'd be out right now.

I left work at 8pm at night. It was raining. Headed downtown to have dinner with my son. Rained all the way. Left downtown at 11 pm. It was raining. Rode home to Port Perry, got home shortly after midnight. Rain all the way.

Bike got a nice rinse off!

I spotted a lady rider on a supermoto/adv style bike on millwood and overlea blvd in East York today. She had two sidecases mounted. The bike appeared to be a pure workhorse vehicle, not a garage queen.
I find that rain does a good job of transferring all the dirt from the road to my scoot's undercarriage. When parked, it washes the junk from the trees onto the bodywork. Consequently, the thing is filthy at most times.

The ride in was fine. Let's keep going, December has just started!
Saw a guy on a red sportbike on the 401 this morning, all shiny new gear, riding in full tuck position...doing about 90 in the fast lane.
I saw a blue Yamaha R3 on highway 25 in Milton this afternoon.

I may do a short Decemberide on Saturday ... just because.
I may do a short Decemberide on Saturday ... just because.

I still have to get my wifes bike filled with no ethanol in preparation for the winter slumber, so I will will probably be out tomorrow as well to accomplish such.
It was tempting today and the bike was out as needed the garage but soooooo busy ....no time to breathe ...maybe tomorrow
Yeah just to say December ride tho 5 is right on the bubble
Heading out shortly to the forks, I'll probably need that hot coffee by the time I get there.
I took my wifes bike out to Bowmanville to fill it up with ethanol free, as I'd planned....after draining out all the (nearly full tank) old gas from her last fillup 2-3 weeks ago. Stabilizer added and blasted home. It actually wasn't half bad out for a short ride at least. Could probably dress warmer and go out for a few hours actually, but too much stuff to do today.
I was out tonight for an hour...save for salt being laid and having to avoid certain streets, it was great. Winter jacket fits snugly under the gear and does a great job keeping the heat in. I'll take this over a scorching hot day where I can't take enough off to stay comfortable
A short ride late this afternoon. Lots of layers, was never uncomfortable. Heated grips make an enormous difference. I rode into the big city, which I usually avoid, hoping to find an excuse to blast my new horn, but no idiots out today. I annoyed my wife and daughter at home, instead.

via Tapatalk
Out for an hour or so today, new bike and heated gear = riding on Dec 4th!
I rolled up the garage door and contemplated it today - I still need to go out and get a set of oil filters for both bikes to do an oil change before the big sleep, and I was looking for an excuse to ride somewhere.

Then I went outside and got a blast of cold air in the face and realized it was bloody cold.

So I closed the garage door and went back inside where it was cozy and warm instead. Yes, I wussed out.
Then I went outside and got a blast of cold air in the face and realized it was bloody cold.
inside where it was cozy and warm instead. Yes, I wussed out.

Next time try closing your faceshield. :)

Ok then, I finally washed it, waxed it and did all the things needed for winterizing it. Battery is at home and on charge!!
Optimus rests in peace until March.... Amen!!

For all you guys still riding - ride safe!!

God speed!!!
March is a bit optimistic for this winter no? I hear its gonna be brutal
Next time try closing your faceshield. :)

I didn't even gear up. It was a complete and total wuss out. Not proud. ;)

March is a bit optimistic for this winter no? I hear its gonna be brutal

I'm still aiming to maintain my riding streak - I've rode every single month since August 2015, and although last winter was a breeze, I'm going to try to get out at least once every month this winter as well. So long as the roads are clear/safe and it's above -10 or so I'm gonna log at least 5-10K just to say I did.
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