Where is Doug Ford?

One thing I'd like to know is if any legislation was put through during the Emergencies Act period.
It would be able to slide through without due process, and scrutiny.
This is the important questions…

Hey everyone look over here…while we stick it up your bum from this side.

And you’ll like it because we say so.
The guy was asked why he is not testifying....his response: I wasn't asked = a lie. Now they are saying they did ask him and they are asking him to testify. And his response is "I'll see you in court". The guy is the Premier of the Province. Ottawa is part of Ontario. He hid during the occupation so he didn't have to say **** against his nutty supporters 4 months before the election. The next time the Feds pass anything he doesn't like he can shut the **** up because it is a federal matter.
The guy was asked why he is not testifying....his response: I wasn't asked = a lie. Now they are saying they did ask him and they are asking him to testify. And his response is "I'll see you in court". The guy is the Premier of the Province. Ottawa is part of Ontario. He hid during the occupation so he didn't have to say **** against his nutty supporters 4 months before the election.
Maybe he was never personally asked. Could have been stopped before it made it to him. Calling people liars when we know very little about what happened isnt right.
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The guy was asked why he is not testifying....his response: I wasn't asked = a lie. Now they are saying they did ask him and they are asking him to testify. And his response is "I'll see you in court". The guy is the Premier of the Province. Ottawa is part of Ontario. He hid during the occupation so he didn't have to say **** against his nutty supporters 4 months before the election. The next time the Feds pass anything he doesn't like he can shut the **** up because it is a federal matter.
The problem with that logic is that Ontario is part of Canada. The truth of the matter is that it was a local Ottawa policing issue, just like the attempted protest in Toronto was a local Toronto policing issue.

I'd like to know why the CCF and others want him there. What will he add to the commission?
I'd like to know why the CCF and others want him there. What will he add to the commission?
Ottawa f*cked up, the province f*cked up, the feds f*cked up. The whole question of jurisdiction got lost.
The inquiry is supposed to find out who was responsible AND why JT felt he had to invoke the Act.
Dougie could clarify about what he did (or did not) do, but his lack of transparency makes the whole show look even worse.
This is the important questions…

Hey everyone look over here…while we stick it up your bum from this side.

And you’ll like it because we say so.
The government would never try and slip draconian measures through on an innocuous sounding bill..... oh wait.

An Act respecting places, persons and events of national historic significance or national interest, archaeological resources and cultural and natural heritage

Sounds fine, right?

Right of passage​

41 In the discharge of their duties, a park warden, an enforcement officer and any person accompanying either of them may enter on and pass through or over private property without being liable for doing so and withoutany person having the right to object to that use of the property.


42 A park warden or enforcement officer is not personally liable for any thing done or omitted to be done in good faith in the exercise or performance of their powers, or the performance of their duties or functions under this Act.

Search and seizure​

43 (1) A park warden or enforcement officer may

  • (a) enter and search any place and open and examine any package or receptacle in accordance with a warrant issued under subsection (2) at any time during the day or, if so specified in the warrant, during the night; and
  • (b) seize any thing that the warden or officer believes on reasonable grounds is a thing described in subsection (2).

Authority to issue warrant​

(2) A justice of the peace may, on ex parte application, issue a warrant authorizing a park warden or enforcement officer named in the warrant to, subject to any conditions specified in it, enter and search any place, including any building or any vehicle, vessel or other conveyance, or open and examine any package or receptacle, if the justice of the peace is satisfied by information on oath that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is in the place, package or receptacle

  • (a) any thing in relation to which there are reasonable grounds to believe an offence under this Act has been committed; or
  • (b) any thing that there are reasonable grounds to believe will afford evidence with respect to the commission of such an offence.

Warrant not necessary​

(3) A park warden or enforcement officer may exercise any powers under subsection (1) without a warrant if the conditions for obtaining a warrant exist, but by reason of exigent circumstances it would not be practical to obtain one.

Anyone think any of that needs to be in there?
The government would never try and slip draconian measures through on an innocuous sounding bill..... oh wait.

Sounds fine, right?

Anyone think any of that needs to be in there?

I don't think any of that is a big concern. The park warden's scope of duties would be narrow... It doesn't give them a free pass to do whatever they please and trample people's rights.
There has literally been emails uncovered in the enquiry where Justin was e-mailing Jim Watson to make plans to team up and make Doug Ford the target. The protest was there for Trudeau and it was Ottawa who polices the area. The thing was a ****-show. Why would Doug Ford want to get more involved then necessary. Sloly asked for 150 OPP and was denied. Where was he expecting this army to come from with a days notice. The Ottawa police could have stopped the trucks from entering the city in the first place like Toronto did. Trudeau could have tried to defuse the situation and spoke to the protestors respectfully the way that Doug did with the ambassador bridge.

Could Doug have done more? yes. but why insert himself into drama needlessly.

It's wild that the Toronto Star is running multiple articles daily about Doug Ford not testifying and even the Globe and CBC are barely even bothering with it.
Well either way it goes to show you our Gov still doesn't know what it's doing. You'd think our capital would be better protected and prepared for incidents like this but nope. Remember that wacko who walked up to capital hill and either shot or stabbed somebody. You'd think a light would have turned on and they would have implemented better security. Nope again and the truckers didn't keep it a secret.

Anyhow just venting it's just more dumb and dumber from our so called leaders. I'm sure this inquiry will lag on for awhile and everyone will forget about it and no real consequences will result from it, as usual.
I was watching the inquiry on the ArriveCan app development last night. A small recruiting firm, GCStrategies -- 2 guys working from home -- pocketed $2.7M in fees over 24 months for services related to staffing techs to build ArriveCan, and another $10M in fees under fed gov't sole source contracts that were never sent for bids.

Your Gov't at work.
The government would never try and slip draconian measures through on an innocuous sounding bill..... oh wait.

Sounds fine, right?

Anyone think any of that needs to be in there?
What classifies an enforcement officer? Does that include police officers?
Ottawa f*cked up, the province f*cked up, the feds f*cked up. The whole question of jurisdiction got lost.
The inquiry is supposed to find out who was responsible AND why JT felt he had to invoke the Act.
Dougie could clarify about what he did (or did not) do, but his lack of transparency makes the whole show look even worse.
How did the Province f*ck up? I'm trying to understand your point.
Read through the article several times and tried to find the answer, but I am at a loss. Can you point it out?

Instead of giving the reason(s) that Ford should go, the author provides his own biases in making up reasons for Ford not going.
"No questions please, I’m the premier. No questions at a public inquiry into the federal emergency? Not in my jurisdiction. No followup questions during the provincial legislature’s daily Question Period? Not in my job description." - note these are the author's words and not the Premier's.

After assigning thoughts to the Premier, the author then goes on to explain why these are bad thoughts, and how it is "doublespeak". (unintended irony?)

17 paragraphs in the author finally gets to what the Premier actually said. Then the author implies that the Premier is simply parroting what his office told him to say.

We then get into the part about police standing in and taking the blame for politicians. Which might apply to politicians who were involved in the decision making process. Was Ford involved in that process? We jump to a claim that Ford was involved in an appointment, which was probed and Ford was found innocent.

Next is a claim that Ontario's position at the Emergencies Act Inquiry has fallen apart. "The OPP testified at a parliamentary committee earlier this year that emergency powers dissolved the deadlock and roadblocks at the Ottawa occupation; more recently, an OPP lawyer opined without persuasive evidence that those powers weren’t ever necessary."
Provincial emergency powers? Federal? Both? This line is confusing and contradictory. How did Ontario's position fall apart?

Next comes an assertion that Trudeau, who hasn't testified yet, said that Ford was ducking out so that the Feds would take the lead.

Next is a vague bureaucrat line that may be the writer's entire argument in a nutshell: "Inquiry lawyers also want to ask Ford why he reportedly dismissed crisis meetings among officials as a waste of time; if he believed bureaucrats couldn’t get the job done then, why then is he insisting they are best placed to speak for him now?"

What does that even mean? Who said it? What is the context? What was the value of crisis meetings among officials? How would Ford fix things by being there? If he wasn't involved during the situation, why does he need to take accountability for the results, unless his not being there caused the situation, which nothing in the testimony so far corroborates.

Now we're onto Ford breezing to a massive election victory by losing the public's trust, and how he's losing it again. (?!?)

Finally, an unsupported claim that democratic accountability is lost and Ford loses the war if he doesn't testify.

Can you answer the question? This article doesn't as far as I can tell. Why is he needed?

Edit: They should call Tory and the TPS. How did they resolve the Toronto protest so quickly and easily?
Edit: They should call Tory and the TPS. How did they resolve the Toronto protest so quickly and easily?
That one is easy. Just like Ottawa, they had a really good idea ahead of time who was showing up and where they planned to cause chaos and they prevented them from getting there. Ottawa police knew everything in advance and let it happen with no resistance. Who thinks digging out an entrenched enemy is easier than stopping their advance? Everything about Ottawa's (OPS, feds, capital police) response was inept and embarrassing. Toronto was proactive and easily dealt with the situation.
"Can you answer the question? This article doesn't as far as I can tell. Why is he needed?"
To answer all the questions you just asked ?
Ottawa f*cked up, the province f*cked up, the feds f*cked up. The whole question of jurisdiction got lost.
The inquiry is supposed to find out who was responsible AND why JT felt he had to invoke the Act.
Dougie could clarify about what he did (or did not) do, but his lack of transparency makes the whole show look even worse.
The mandate is to examine why the government used the act, not responsibility.

You could argue that examining who did what/or didn't and when could align with the question of 'why'. However, Doug's clear stance is that the situation in Ottawa was not a Political one, it was a Policing one. As the province does not dictate to the OPP about how to do their job, when the city asked for help the province directed them to contact OPP to tap into their additional resources.

He's providing cabinet documents and at least 2 deputy ministers to testify if needed. I don't see what him speaking is going to shine a light on, he's already stated publicly what the province did. The documents and any correspondence are public records, shouldn't be difficult to verify.
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