The number of views on his videos are surprising, and the number of people gushing with "WOW YOU'RE A GOD" type comments on his YouTube videos (did any of you read them?) would make some think this guy is some sort of pro, and I'm sure his head is quite inflated because of it.
Worse yet is that there's probably a lot of kids out there thinking that this guy IS a good rider and are going to go try the same sorts of antics on the roads...because when you see something you think is "cool", kids would never try to emulate it..right?
One thing is for sure, in all seriousness, with the number of views on his videos, he's raking in some cash. My most viewed (monetized) video has about 65,000 views now and I've got a few decent cheques out of it. He has multiple videos with hundreds of thousands of views.
Maybe I'll make some new fancy name for myself, stick a GoPro on my bike and film some mostly unimpressive videos of me riding (won't be hard), add slow-motion bonus footage of me "intentionally" (*cough cough*) knocking parts off my bike and pass it off as demonstration of my "elite skillz", splash some glitzy production on the footage, post it on YouTube, and wait for the money to start flowing in. I'll clean my locker out at work tomorrow, time to retire!